I think we need a thread, post, or dashboard that show how much Leo has beee purchased with premium fees and leodex earning. #feedback
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I think we need a thread, post, or dashboard that show how much Leo has beee purchased with premium fees and leodex earning. #feedback
Would others like to see this.
You could actually check the history transactions of @leopool if I remember correctly. But actual "human readable" update post will be cool!
yeah I am not going to go back through that. Im way too lazy for that.
i can make an overview for it…
Last 12 months? All time?
Will make some time this week
last 12 months would be awesome. Cool stuff.
159 active premium members - from which 110 paid monthly | 49 paid for a full year.

This would be super useful.
Yeah we should make a dashboard for it. In the meantime, it's all transparently onchain
Pretty curious about that too