Eagles blew it against the Commanders. Dolphins are hanging by a string. Cardinals, 49ers and Cowboys officially eliminated. Vikings as Seahawks is a helluva game. Giants and Jets lost again 🤪 @jongolson
O São Paulo calcula um ganho imediato de R$ 31,7 milhões com três negociações nesta janela de transferências: a venda de Wellington Rato ao Vitória, em negociação já concluída, e a ida de Rodrigo Nestor e Michel Araújo ao Bahia, em transferência muito próxima de ser sacramentada.
Por Rato, o São Paulo receberá R$ 5 milhões por sua fatia de 80% dos direitos econômicos. O restante do percentual é do Atlético-GO e, pelo menos ao que se sabe, será mantido pelos goianos.
Para ter Michel Araújo em definitivo, o Bahia pagará 2,5 milhões de euros e arcará com uma dívida do clube com ele no valor de 250 mil euros. O negócio sairá por um pouco mais de R$ 17,3 milhões. Há ainda um bônus de mais 250 mil euros (mais R$ 1,5 milhão) caso o Bahia se classifique para a Libertadores de 2026.
No caso de Nestor, o São Paulo emprestará por um ano com um valor de 1,5 milhão de euros para receber de imediato (R$ 9,4 milhões). O contrato prevê a compra obrigatória caso uma meta considerada pequena seja batida. Neste caso, o Bahia paga mais R$ 30 milhões (4,7 milhões de euros).
O cálculo do São Paulo, portanto, é que entrarão nos cofres do clube neste momento um valor de R$ 31,7 milhões. A venda de Nestor no fim de 2025 praticamente dobra esse valor caso seja confirmada.
As três negociações tiveram mão ativa dos técnicos de suas equipes. No Vitória, Rato voltará a trabalhar com Thiago Carpini, com quem jogou na Caldense e que foi seu técnico no São Paulo. No caso de Nestor e Michel, ambos foram pedidos por Rogério Ceni, técnico do Tricolor até 2023.
Luís Castro não será o técnico do Atlético-MG para 2025. As partes, que estavam próximas de um acordo, encerraram a negociação. Segundo o Galo, o treinador não conseguiu se liberar da cláusula contratual com seu antigo clube — o que impediu o acerto.
Sem Luís Castro, o Atlético vai procurar outro nome no mercado. A busca passa por um processo feito pelo CIGA - Centro de Informação do Galo - que apresenta ao Comitê do Futebol - responsável pela escolha do novo treinador.
O técnico português era o plano A da SAF atleticana. Nas últimas semanas, as conversas foram intensificadas após o clube se reunir com Castro. O treinador fez ponderações e sinalizou positivamente para o acerto.
Contudo, segundo alega o Galo, ele não conseguiu se livrar de cláusulas que ainda tem com o Al-Nassr - seu antigo clube. Conforme informações, ele ainda tem um valor a receber até o meio da próxima temporada.
A informação, que as conversas foram encerradas, foi divulgada pela rádio Itatiaia e confirmada pelo ge. A reportagem procurou o staff do treinador. Desde o início, pessoas ligadas a ele, sempre disseram que esse valor não causaria nenhum impedimento para uma decisão de Castro. E seguem com essa versão.
Há um ano a denúncia da Procuradoria da Justiça Desportiva Antidopagem contra Gabigol por tentativa de fraude no exame antidoping se tornou pública. Em março, o atacante do Flamengo, que deve ser anunciado pelo Cruzeiro em 2025, pegou dois anos de suspensão (até 8 abril de 2025), mas atua sob efeito suspensivo desde 30 de abril. Ele ainda aguarda o julgamento do mérito na Corte Arbitral do Esporte (CAS). Mas como está o processo?
Inicialmente, o julgamento foi marcado para o dia 6 de junho, mas foi adiado pelo CAS para atender um pedido da União, que alegou não ter sido notificada para a escolha do painel de árbitros que julgaram o efeito suspensivo a Gabigol. Na ocasião, o jogador foi até Suíça acompanhado de seu advogado, Bichara Abidão Neto, para participar do julgamento.
Em julho, o CAS decidiu impugnar o painel que deu o efeito suspensivo ao jogador, mas manteve em vigor a decisão que libera o atleta do Flamengo para atuar enquanto aguarda o julgamento. Desta forma, houve uma anulação parcial do processo, mantendo o efeito suspensivo do atleta, mas alterando o painel de árbitros.
Punido no Brasil em março pelo Tribunal de Justiça Desportiva Antidopagem (TJD-AD), Gabigol decidiu recorrer ao CAS. Na corte suíça, o painel julgador é composto por três árbitros: um indicado pela defesa do atleta, um pelo CAS e teoricamente um pela União.
ed rogers should sell the team that he has ruined. 2 to 3 years ago Ed rogers should have been more concerned about getting Bo and vlad and teoscar and guriel jr signed long term rather than renovating the rogers center.Now he has gone totally cheap with the players because of the high renovation costs for the rogers center. Ignore the Ohtani Juan Soto B.S they had 0 chance of getting both players but they are cheap when it comes to players especially the loyal players on their team for years like vlad and bo.
If you want adoption to increase.
We need to lead not follow.
STOP doing what "others" are doing. It is obviously not working.
On that note, I am always looking for people to join my team, but fair warning I turn down a lot of people.
They are not overlords. They are community-voted witnesses. Anyone can displace them as long as they can garner enough stake-based votes. If you can buy enough Hive today, you can vote in your your preferred witnesses.
You can't rule out such a thing. When you reach a certain level of wealth even in real life, you make friends and alliances with your status in mind. The only way to break the cabal is to match them in terms of stake. I think it's just a human thing. Not that I'm trying to cover for them or condone what they are doing.
I don’t think they are overlords, just a bit cranky and stubborn at times. Out of the top 20 witnesses, at least half of them seem alright, and definitely add a lot to the chain. The other half I don’t know. We should get INLEO in there eventually though.
The big problem is that the top 20 is comprised of inward looking people. I think at least a third should be outward looking
@khaleelkazi is it possible to generate a overview of all people that delegate over $3334,- worth of hive to @leo.voter but don’t have leo premium? The 3% extra apy from premium, would mean they make money just by upgrading.
I would say some of them are not premium because they just dont use Hive anymore, either they already made enough money so they are "retired" accounts (not that user is rich) so they dont write content but do generate interest from Hive, other might be secondary accounts, but there are quite a good amount that are premium, not everyone has time or wants to create content so premium makes no sense for them
ARGH! I can see it's going to be one of those days lol! I accidentally hit an upvote on my own dang post! I can't seem to make it go away! I await the wisdom of a more knowledgeable Lion to help me fix this horrible slight! (I thought I was on another thread and was upvoting that person, this is what I get when I bake and thread at the same time!)
Teaching people how about Blockchain platforms and crypto is still a hard nut to crack. A lot of people are still enslaved to centralized social media platforms. It sucks!
I've given up on telling people about blockchain until they explicitly ask. People generally don't want to see alternatives, they just want to follow the status quo.
To see how much money was spent purchasing LEO from Premium fees, check the history transactions of @leopool! I may be wrong, but that's the only account they use for these transactions.
It’s simple! Get stuck in! Gain as much free exposure as possible. I have been discussing DePIN rather extensively over the past months. This sector is a prime example of amazing opportunities within the WEB3 space. Utilize WEB3 appropriately and you could end up using Bitcoin to preserve your WEB3 harvest. As mentioned, this period will be seen in hindsight as one of the most lucrative opportunities in Crypto. #cent #sapphirecrypto
We are not evolving in the right direction. Maybe we can go back to our roots and become expressions of our descendants and their courage. We need more strong figures for current and new generations.
Only hard times will force today's and future generations of men to be more manly, and that will be due to necessity: there won't be time to indulge in nonsense when survival becomes more important than some score in some game.
But do you think that's the main reason Hive is failing? I agree that the Reddit user pointed out a major problem but that should can't be the reason for downward price actions?
It is also that is just now with what Inleo is doing that we are actually connecting with the outside, and creating things that can actually capture the interest of the people on crypto and normies as well.
And VSC is also just now creating something similar to the EVM...
But even when Inleo and VSC are creating the tech and social space for that, some people that doesn't like to see Hive expand beyond its own walls take on their hands to punish people for not following some "unwritten" rules... silly, but that does drive social users away.
It's not a blockchain thing, because Hive is free and censorship resistant on a technical level.
It's projects and individuals that take on their hands the role to patrol what other users do.
Some of those rules are not posting more than once or twice on 24 hours, only doing original personal content because academic content can be considered by some plagiarism, or just not deserving of votes, even with the sources. And stuff like that that make no sense and not everyone endorse, but those individuals annoy and drive away the users
Now, I see. This is the advantage of diversity. What some people find worthy of support, others may find worthless. Diversity should be a strength rather than a weakness. Unfortunately, some people can't just keep their hands to themselves when they disagree with you. When such people have a high stake in a POS platform like Hive, they bully by downvoting.
If they are selling to develop, it would be understandable. I know a couple of witnesses whose contributions are important for the stability of the chain. The silent mover, hardly post about it. Also, I know some may be just getting funded for nothing.
Well I am not sure there is exactly a we per se. I will give an example though.
There are many who complain about some of the old school witnesses who support Hivewatchers and downvoting spam and deciding what should be rewarded.
Those people will need to find others who agree with them, collect lots and lots of HP (if they did not collectively have enough to propel one or many of their own to top 20 witness) and collect enough power to change witness rankings/DHF proposals, etc.
I am free to gripe about any number of things on Hive, but the only real way to effect change is with HP and/or persuasion.
I myself just build HP and use it how I see fit. People are going to do what they do.
HW issue is something witnesses differ about. Also, witnesses do much more than downvoting, many of them work hard for the functionality of the chain. I want to see a robust discussion and solution-seeking arguments. We can find faults with the current top 20 but do we have their replacements ready? Replacements with the necessary skills and technicalities to keep the chain functioning.
Ah wise saying. I'm here for two things on this platform. The freedom I get from government and banks and also the beauty of just sharing something I love and getting value from just that
In technical use, ambient describes things—such as air quality or light in a room—that exist or are present on all sides. Ambient is also used to describe electronic music that is quiet and relaxing, with melodies that repeat many times.
//The chemicals must be kept at an ambient temperature of 70°F.
About to fire up a #threadcast for the Bills / Patriots game....And the late slate of #nfl matches
Come hang out and watch me rage!
The legend of Darnold continues. Vikings are 13-2.
love it for Jets fans lol
Must be soul crushing for sure
couldnt happen to a more deserving fan base lol
Game starts in 10 minutes....Just enough time for me to get a cold beverage!
What a comeback by Washington
Buffalo wins the toss, defer.
Here comes the flags!
Welp....Bills defence looks pathetic again. NE scores.
Honest opinion....Drake Maye is pretty good.
Bills offense looks weak already....Geeez
My goodness, the Bills defence is just pathetic right now. Like another level of bad
7-0 NE at the end of the 1st. They are 1st and goal to start the 2nd....Yeah. This sucks.
WHat a BS call
Unreal....Weak flags and then we cant tackle.
Patriots have figured out how to beat the Bills....Keep Josh Allen on the bech.
Bench even
That's better...And quick!
TD Bills
Wow, 3 and out for the Buffalo D......
arm punt if the Patsy came out of the end zone...but weak through from josh
Josh meant to do that!!!! I promise!!!
We need Micah Hyde
We need to have a serious conversation about the Bills D....this is 3 weeks in a row, they cant stop a thing
OMG we got a stop
welp....maybe not
Double dip time!!!
Shakir with the Stefon Diggs drop
time of possession is the game....20 minutes for NE, 9 for Bills
Big drive.....17 to 4 for 6
lol i just realized, i have no idea what's going on with the other games this afternoon....any updates @jimmy.adames ?
Eagles blew it against the Commanders. Dolphins are hanging by a string. Cardinals, 49ers and Cowboys officially eliminated. Vikings as Seahawks is a helluva game. Giants and Jets lost again 🤪 @jongolson
Good ol New Jersey!!!
i like the replay assistant!!!!!
going into the 4th and some how, the Bills are leading. Need a score this drive
The flags miraculously disappear
Bills D actually turned it around in the 2nd half. Pretty cool to see!
5 minutes to go. Hope the Bills D can get a turnover and score a TD....Bills can be the first team ever to score 30 points in 9 consecutive games...
Fire these refs into orbit...my goodness
the way the flags have been going, you know this will count.
i hate the #nfl lol
Bills win. All is right in the world.
hey Crypto Bros.... Go pound sand!
you make it hard for bridging the gap with other indsturies.
Aprovecha #hivep2p #thread @hivecuba.p2p para cambiar tus $HBD
Miren el resultado final #hivep2p #spendhbd @hivecuba.p2p @hivecuba
Nadie como nosotros para probar lo que hemos creado
Hey Devs of the world.
Learn to keep your documentation up to date or you will struggle in the marketplace.
That's good advice
That's an important message to take home, not only for Devs, but for anyone.
Stack that $DASH this holiday season!
I would like that very much, there is a way to win through inleo.
Good idea! Then you can put them in Crowdnode to participate in a Masternode and get rewarded!
#dash #crypto $DASH @dashpay
A quién le gustaría un calendario filosófico para este 2025? #humanitas #spanish
Who am I
My name is uchezuba chukwudalu Moses, but you can call me Moses, my username is@Moses22
Nigeria is a nation of great potentials with it's people possessing rare talents
I hope to learn more from you guys
Welcome to InLeo!! Enjoy your journey!
You are most welcome, Moses. Lemme know if you need any help.
Sin filtros 😅😅😅 aquí en Venezuela estamos súper pendientes de estas fechas, y en 2 semanas todo vuelve a la normalidad 😅
Can't read your name. What's there?
Merry Christmas!
Thanks, Merry Christmas
GM frens
Nice one, true
That's so e good advice
Seneca is one of the greats. His short treatment on anger (De Ira), is certainly worth a read.
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #164
December 22
Fury vs. Usyk 2 was fun!
Think both men should retire healthy now.
Looking forward to Bivol vs Beterbiev 2 . Hope Bivol gets his deserved revanche.
São Paulo calcula ganho imediato de R$ 31,7 milhões com saídas de Rato, Nestor e Michel Araújo
O São Paulo calcula um ganho imediato de R$ 31,7 milhões com três negociações nesta janela de transferências: a venda de Wellington Rato ao Vitória, em negociação já concluída, e a ida de Rodrigo Nestor e Michel Araújo ao Bahia, em transferência muito próxima de ser sacramentada.
#SPORTS #saopaulo
Por Rato, o São Paulo receberá R$ 5 milhões por sua fatia de 80% dos direitos econômicos. O restante do percentual é do Atlético-GO e, pelo menos ao que se sabe, será mantido pelos goianos.
Para ter Michel Araújo em definitivo, o Bahia pagará 2,5 milhões de euros e arcará com uma dívida do clube com ele no valor de 250 mil euros. O negócio sairá por um pouco mais de R$ 17,3 milhões. Há ainda um bônus de mais 250 mil euros (mais R$ 1,5 milhão) caso o Bahia se classifique para a Libertadores de 2026.
O São Paulo, que adquiriu Michel neste ano, ainda tem uma parcela a pagar com o Fluminense, que não será envolvida nesta negociação.
No caso de Nestor, o São Paulo emprestará por um ano com um valor de 1,5 milhão de euros para receber de imediato (R$ 9,4 milhões). O contrato prevê a compra obrigatória caso uma meta considerada pequena seja batida. Neste caso, o Bahia paga mais R$ 30 milhões (4,7 milhões de euros).
O cálculo do São Paulo, portanto, é que entrarão nos cofres do clube neste momento um valor de R$ 31,7 milhões. A venda de Nestor no fim de 2025 praticamente dobra esse valor caso seja confirmada.
As três negociações tiveram mão ativa dos técnicos de suas equipes. No Vitória, Rato voltará a trabalhar com Thiago Carpini, com quem jogou na Caldense e que foi seu técnico no São Paulo. No caso de Nestor e Michel, ambos foram pedidos por Rogério Ceni, técnico do Tricolor até 2023.
Atlético-MG e Luís Castro encerram negociação
Luís Castro não será o técnico do Atlético-MG para 2025. As partes, que estavam próximas de um acordo, encerraram a negociação. Segundo o Galo, o treinador não conseguiu se liberar da cláusula contratual com seu antigo clube — o que impediu o acerto.
#sports #atleticomg
Sem Luís Castro, o Atlético vai procurar outro nome no mercado. A busca passa por um processo feito pelo CIGA - Centro de Informação do Galo - que apresenta ao Comitê do Futebol - responsável pela escolha do novo treinador.
O técnico português era o plano A da SAF atleticana. Nas últimas semanas, as conversas foram intensificadas após o clube se reunir com Castro. O treinador fez ponderações e sinalizou positivamente para o acerto.
Contudo, segundo alega o Galo, ele não conseguiu se livrar de cláusulas que ainda tem com o Al-Nassr - seu antigo clube. Conforme informações, ele ainda tem um valor a receber até o meio da próxima temporada.
A informação, que as conversas foram encerradas, foi divulgada pela rádio Itatiaia e confirmada pelo ge. A reportagem procurou o staff do treinador. Desde o início, pessoas ligadas a ele, sempre disseram que esse valor não causaria nenhum impedimento para uma decisão de Castro. E seguem com essa versão.
Caso de antidoping de Gabigol no Flamengo completa um ano; veja como está o processo
Há um ano a denúncia da Procuradoria da Justiça Desportiva Antidopagem contra Gabigol por tentativa de fraude no exame antidoping se tornou pública. Em março, o atacante do Flamengo, que deve ser anunciado pelo Cruzeiro em 2025, pegou dois anos de suspensão (até 8 abril de 2025), mas atua sob efeito suspensivo desde 30 de abril. Ele ainda aguarda o julgamento do mérito na Corte Arbitral do Esporte (CAS). Mas como está o processo?
Inicialmente, o julgamento foi marcado para o dia 6 de junho, mas foi adiado pelo CAS para atender um pedido da União, que alegou não ter sido notificada para a escolha do painel de árbitros que julgaram o efeito suspensivo a Gabigol. Na ocasião, o jogador foi até Suíça acompanhado de seu advogado, Bichara Abidão Neto, para participar do julgamento.
Em julho, o CAS decidiu impugnar o painel que deu o efeito suspensivo ao jogador, mas manteve em vigor a decisão que libera o atleta do Flamengo para atuar enquanto aguarda o julgamento. Desta forma, houve uma anulação parcial do processo, mantendo o efeito suspensivo do atleta, mas alterando o painel de árbitros.
Punido no Brasil em março pelo Tribunal de Justiça Desportiva Antidopagem (TJD-AD), Gabigol decidiu recorrer ao CAS. Na corte suíça, o painel julgador é composto por três árbitros: um indicado pela defesa do atleta, um pelo CAS e teoricamente um pela União.
!summarize #nba #ratings
!summarize #mlb #phoenix #suns #minnesota #twins
!summarize #minnesota #twins #mlb #ishbia
!summarize #markdavis #nfl #tombrady #lasvegas
!summarize #phillies #philadelphia #mlb
!summarize #nyknicks #karlanthonytowns #nba #minnesota #timberwolves
!summarize #jimthome #cleveland #indians #mlb
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!summarize #baltimore #orioles #mlb
!summarize #college #football #playoffs
!summarize #rokisasaki #sanfrancisco #giants #busterposey #mlb
!summarize #nolanarenado #stlouis #cardinals #mlb #nyyankees
!summarize #charlesbarkley #sanantonio #spurs #wemby #nba
!summarize #sports #limit
!summarize #detroit #lions #chicago #bears #nfl
!summarize #nyjets #losangeles #rams #nfl
!summarize #joshnaylor #cleveland #miami #marlins #philadelphia #arizona
!summarize #detroit #Lions #nfl
!summarize #nyjets #losangeles #rams #nfl
!summarize #rays #omaha #nebraska #mlb
!summarize #nyjets #jeffulbrich #nfl
!summarize #christianwalker #astros #mlb #houston
!summarize #oakland #as #moneyball #movie
!summarize #johnmara #nygiants #nfl
!summarize #stephenasmith #espn #media
!summarize #greed #nfl #redzone
!summarize #nygiants #Nyjets #Nfl
!summarize #juansoto #mlb #trade #washingtonnationals
!summarize #nhl #petterson
ed rogers should sell the team that he has ruined. 2 to 3 years ago Ed rogers should have been more concerned about getting Bo and vlad and teoscar and guriel jr signed long term rather than renovating the rogers center.Now he has gone totally cheap with the players because of the high renovation costs for the rogers center. Ignore the Ohtani Juan Soto B.S they had 0 chance of getting both players but they are cheap when it comes to players especially the loyal players on their team for years like vlad and bo.
!summarize #nyknicks #landryshamet #nba
!summarize #lalakers #sacramento #kings #nba
!summarize #karlanthonytowns #nyknicks #nba
!summarize #rickeyhenderson #mlb #death #halloffame
!summarize #nygiants #nfl
!summarize #petealonso #mlb
Hi, @coyotelation,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
How about that!? #meme #memes #leomemes #notmymeme
A new achievement.

#hive #achievement #hivebuzz
Well done buddy! 🤩
Thank you! 🙏
Thank you!
Thanks 🙏
@caspermoeller89 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/20)@chaosmagic23! to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89.
(html comment removed:
I love Thai food in Japan 😭
I’m sure I’d love Thai food in Thailand
If you want adoption to increase.
We need to lead not follow.
STOP doing what "others" are doing. It is obviously not working.
On that note, I am always looking for people to join my team, but fair warning I turn down a lot of people.
Amateurs need not apply.
Do you have specific job listings?
Hi, @simplegame,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Devs, marketing, artist, designers, etc..
we are growing.
Portal Brawlers is looking good. Congrats!
thanks man.
will have a new full game loop demo up in the 48 hours for everyone to enjoy.
post it here so we can see it too
Hi, @simplegame,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
I know I asked you before, but where do I find your games again?
Ahh just when I'm leaving for a few days. Oh well, I'll have something to look forward to when I get back then
I used to be a promoter and community manager for a Blockchain project 3 years ago. Do I have a chance in your team?
I already have a lot in my hands but let me know what you are looking for, i know good people.
Devs, marketing, project managers...?
I can help you if you need stickers in Europe. Doing small batches too and accepting $HBD
What is your team up to? Perhaps there's a position where I can function.
I wanna learn how to make video games 😅
“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” Jim Rohn
wait what? Did posting a thread just take less than a quarter of a second!?!
Happens to me a lot lately...
In my short time here, Thunk has learned "the Hive" has overlords.
We need to build our power to over throw them.
This is Quest I will partake in.
They are not overlords. They are community-voted witnesses. Anyone can displace them as long as they can garner enough stake-based votes. If you can buy enough Hive today, you can vote in your your preferred witnesses.
Not true.
Look at the votes. It is a Cabal
You can't rule out such a thing. When you reach a certain level of wealth even in real life, you make friends and alliances with your status in mind. The only way to break the cabal is to match them in terms of stake. I think it's just a human thing. Not that I'm trying to cover for them or condone what they are doing.
A lot of money will be needed indeed!
or we out build them and ignore Hive & the Hive token.
Just stop talking about it or interacting with them.
Gotta have lots of HP for that. 😀
I don’t think they are overlords, just a bit cranky and stubborn at times. Out of the top 20 witnesses, at least half of them seem alright, and definitely add a lot to the chain. The other half I don’t know. We should get INLEO in there eventually though.
The big problem is that the top 20 is comprised of inward looking people. I think at least a third should be outward looking
Anyway to automate this?#feedback when I go to "latest" on Safari / MacBook I have to refresh the page manually.
This happens if I goto another app or tab and work for a bit.
Do you see the blue icon toward the top that shows new threads? If you click it, it will load the newer threads
hhmmmm....I don't see it.
I just purchased 900 LEO. I am still a fan of what Khal and team are building.
Awesome man, many of us are.
Way to go!! Keep pushing!
nowhere close to you but I will keep pushing. I want this place to grow. Need it to.
Want and need it to grow also. I am heavily invested for sure. 😀
I have blown my wad for a while, so you could definitely do some catching up. 🤣
This is pretty cool 👏👏👏, I love what you are doing too..
Hi, @dkid14,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
@khaleelkazi is it possible to generate a overview of all people that delegate over $3334,- worth of hive to @leo.voter but don’t have leo premium? The 3% extra apy from premium, would mean they make money just by upgrading.
would be interesting 3334 x 3% already pays for the annual fee. So top 50 might be interesting to reach out to
This is a really good idea to reach out to them
This could be seen by looking through the @leo.bounties daily payout and reversing out the calcs
Not sure if anyone on the team is running these numbers
I'll ping a few of them
cool! I can try;
I would say some of them are not premium because they just dont use Hive anymore, either they already made enough money so they are "retired" accounts (not that user is rich) so they dont write content but do generate interest from Hive, other might be secondary accounts, but there are quite a good amount that are premium, not everyone has time or wants to create content so premium makes no sense for them
interesting take. If we knew this it would probably be pretty easy to make them go premium :)
Can you explain this more? You mean you get 3% more APY from your delegation if you sub to premium? Can I get a resource to read all these?
There's only one person ik who do these stats and numbers thing
You might find in this profile so:
Wait . how does this math work?
100/0,03 =$ 3.333,333 worth HP delegated.
Above that, premium gets you more profit - even without posting
Morning Lions! Who likes cookies? 😁
The Christmas bake fest continues, two more days to go of crafting comestibles and parties galore!!
These cookies look very tasty. These are times of true gastronomic delicacies. Greetings, @generikat.
Thanks Jose 😊! And you are so right, it’s a glorious gastronomic time!
@generikat likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(5/20)@josemalavem! to your account on behalf of @generikat.
(html comment removed:
ARGH! I can see it's going to be one of those days lol! I accidentally hit an upvote on my own dang post! I can't seem to make it go away! I await the wisdom of a more knowledgeable Lion to help me fix this horrible slight! (I thought I was on another thread and was upvoting that person, this is what I get when I bake and thread at the same time!)
And in another first for the day, I just downvoted myself to rectify the mistake, YAY!
stories will soon be told . Hive is wonderful, I don't know why the world doesn't know about her.

#worldmapping #inleo #dash #travel #cent
I have 7.1 HBD almost able to buy Premium.
We wait for the cash out to open to enable us spend on premium.
Teaching people how about Blockchain platforms and crypto is still a hard nut to crack. A lot of people are still enslaved to centralized social media platforms. It sucks!
They are living in the Matrix and can't get out.
@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/50)@thelastdash! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.
(html comment removed:
I've given up on telling people about blockchain until they explicitly ask. People generally don't want to see alternatives, they just want to follow the status quo.
I agree with you. This why adoption remains quite low.
It's Monday, 23rd December 2024
Today's #lbi asset backed value per token is:
1 LBI = $0.209 USD = 0.573 HIVE = 2.545 LEO
The weekly update post is out now, check out the link in the comment below.
Have a great day,
Thanks for the update, do have a great week! ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️..
Here is the link for the weekly report for #lbi :
Just got back from a trip in a mountain resort where we visited the "Keys of Devil's Mill". Pretty impressing crossing in the mountains.
#travel #mountain #nature #photo
That's my kind of hiking tour. Looks awesome! Where is it located?
This is in Romania, Carpathians.
oh nice... I hope I can get there one day.
that looks like a cool adventure!
Truly was, small waterfalls, ice, snow and you over all of that on a wooden path... quite great.
looks scary and slippery with snow in the walkway.
@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/50)@behiver! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.
(html comment removed:
so cool. I would love this.
Wow i will like to explore this site some day.
Good afternoon Lions! How's the weather?
Charity On HIVE
Donate $HIVE or HBD!
With HBD, you can win something back!
2 winners got 5.6 & 2.4 $HBD this week!
#cent #bbh
Details about the project and the latest draw with the winner's name are in the link:
Yay, looks like I can post again! It had been a while.
Welcome back 😅
@bitcoinflood Hive Goals The Rebuild + What's New At Hive #hive #ocd #pob #bbh #pimp #cent #gosh
Stake Based Curation
Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.
For more info check below ⬇️
---> Creating Character Skins
Stake based curation parameters
Busy day today, managed to find some time for myself. Short run in the rain. Loved it.
To see how much money was spent purchasing LEO from Premium fees, check the history transactions of @leopool! I may be wrong, but that's the only account they use for these transactions.
But an actual "human readable" update post every week/month will be cool! #inleo #leodex #feedback
if someone pulls that data let me know and I will upvote it. LOL im way too lazy to pull it.
Haha I can relate to this 😅
It also will move funds to Maya Protocol and buy on LeoDex as well
I think we need a thread, post, or dashboard that show how much Leo has beee purchased with premium fees and leodex earning. #feedback
Would others like to see this.
You could actually check the history transactions of @leopool if I remember correctly. But actual "human readable" update post will be cool!
yeah I am not going to go back through that. Im way too lazy for that.
i can make an overview for it…
Last 12 months? All time?
Will make some time this week
last 12 months would be awesome. Cool stuff.
159 active premium members - from which 110 paid monthly | 49 paid for a full year.

This would be super useful.
Yeah we should make a dashboard for it. In the meantime, it's all transparently onchain
Pretty curious about that too
Happy Sunday guys
It’s simple! Get stuck in! Gain as much free exposure as possible. I have been discussing DePIN rather extensively over the past months. This sector is a prime example of amazing opportunities within the WEB3 space. Utilize WEB3 appropriately and you could end up using Bitcoin to preserve your WEB3 harvest. As mentioned, this period will be seen in hindsight as one of the most lucrative opportunities in Crypto. #cent #sapphirecrypto
"Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse" (Thomas Fuller)
We are not evolving in the right direction. Maybe we can go back to our roots and become expressions of our descendants and their courage. We need more strong figures for current and new generations.
Only hard times will force today's and future generations of men to be more manly, and that will be due to necessity: there won't be time to indulge in nonsense when survival becomes more important than some score in some game.
This so true!
🏷️Dec 22 Diary
🩺Full duty (9 hours) & 19 patients consultation
🩺30-minute walk & 13k plus steps
🩺No morning sleep & no afternoon nap
I just renewed for month 3. Lets go!
Hi, @simplegame,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Scenes from a visit to Medieval Times in Kissimmee, Florida in 2008.

#MedievalTimes #dinnershow #bbh #cent
Medieval times is always good fun lol
$BBH Drip came in today and surprise! Along with all the other goodies, we got DUO! Thanks @bradleyarrow #BBH #DRIP
Owster Rotwell gabs heute zum Schnäppchenpreis! #hivegaming #splinterlands
You must be kidding me
As seen on Hive's Reddit. Do you agree with this user?
We are our own worst enemy.
But do you think that's the main reason Hive is failing? I agree that the Reddit user pointed out a major problem but that should can't be the reason for downward price actions?
It is also that is just now with what Inleo is doing that we are actually connecting with the outside, and creating things that can actually capture the interest of the people on crypto and normies as well.
And VSC is also just now creating something similar to the EVM...
But even when Inleo and VSC are creating the tech and social space for that, some people that doesn't like to see Hive expand beyond its own walls take on their hands to punish people for not following some "unwritten" rules... silly, but that does drive social users away.
Now, I'm getting lost. What are the unwritten rules? I guess that's a kind of blockchain politics.
It's not a blockchain thing, because Hive is free and censorship resistant on a technical level.
It's projects and individuals that take on their hands the role to patrol what other users do.
Some of those rules are not posting more than once or twice on 24 hours, only doing original personal content because academic content can be considered by some plagiarism, or just not deserving of votes, even with the sources. And stuff like that that make no sense and not everyone endorse, but those individuals annoy and drive away the users
Now, I see. This is the advantage of diversity. What some people find worthy of support, others may find worthless. Diversity should be a strength rather than a weakness. Unfortunately, some people can't just keep their hands to themselves when they disagree with you. When such people have a high stake in a POS platform like Hive, they bully by downvoting.
Constant selling also, but why are they selling?
Mostly top 20 witnesses, DHF proposals and bitter old school users like myself lol
If they are selling to develop, it would be understandable. I know a couple of witnesses whose contributions are important for the stability of the chain. The silent mover, hardly post about it. Also, I know some may be just getting funded for nothing.
I agree with the Reddit user 100%.
Can't even imagine how many users Hive has lost because of that Hive Gestapo.
I agree that the user pointed out a major problem, but that can't be the only reason for the downward price actions.
We live on Hive. If we don't like it we have to change it!
How do we change it?
Get enough hive power to effect the votes or convince enough others with enough hive power to effect the votes.
Who are those we are proffering as alternatives and what have they or can they do differently?
Well I am not sure there is exactly a we per se. I will give an example though.
There are many who complain about some of the old school witnesses who support Hivewatchers and downvoting spam and deciding what should be rewarded.
Those people will need to find others who agree with them, collect lots and lots of HP (if they did not collectively have enough to propel one or many of their own to top 20 witness) and collect enough power to change witness rankings/DHF proposals, etc.
I am free to gripe about any number of things on Hive, but the only real way to effect change is with HP and/or persuasion.
I myself just build HP and use it how I see fit. People are going to do what they do.
HW issue is something witnesses differ about. Also, witnesses do much more than downvoting, many of them work hard for the functionality of the chain. I want to see a robust discussion and solution-seeking arguments. We can find faults with the current top 20 but do we have their replacements ready? Replacements with the necessary skills and technicalities to keep the chain functioning.
It's OK to speculate and make some gains. Make sure you do it with money you can afford to lose. The real win is claiming your freedom.
Aquire and use your #freedomtools and stay free.
Good advice!
Its always okay to take profits!
December is almost over if we don't book profits it would take many months to come out of dip.
That's what my focus is on, the freedom because in crypto we win and lose but we never lose with having our freedom. Need those freedom tools
learned that through experience putting in an investment I knew could blow up or screw me for a whole month. I never use what I can't afford to lose
Ah wise saying. I'm here for two things on this platform. The freedom I get from government and banks and also the beauty of just sharing something I love and getting value from just that
Word of the Day on Leo - ambient
What It Means
In technical use, ambient describes things—such as air quality or light in a room—that exist or are present on all sides. Ambient is also used to describe electronic music that is quiet and relaxing, with melodies that repeat many times.
//The chemicals must be kept at an ambient temperature of 70°F.
🔗 Source in comments
🔗 Source:
Underwhelming set of NFL
matchups but some close games to keep it interesting 🏈
Hi everyone.
Hi and welcome to Inleo! Hope to see you in the latest feed onward!
An important weekly close is happening in $HIVE price.
Next target is $0.50 🔥
#Dash community brought good luck to our ecosystem ✌️
It is a price that was expected, now we have to wait how it will move this week
👀 And now it's time to $DASH #dash @dashpay 🚀