So the bank is the real problem. But not for control freaks because open borders means their flock goes smock. Better real in the cattle partner. How else is the economy going to get better if the slaves don't pay their masters for escaping. Grap the immigrants kidnap them and extort them for what they have. call them illegal so the faithful won't question it.
So you never read the post otherwise you would not have written this comment. This is not about illegal immigrants and you are a complete moron. Take some advice and read things properly or not comment at all.
I read it alright. I don't agree with all of it.
You only read it after I called you out and for someone who is anti the down vote you should be doing far better and read things properly before jumping in. This is about racism and not migration.
Racism is not the problem to the dying economy they are facing.
You don't get it and understand this subject with the consequences it has created leaving people unemployed and in this case millions unemployed so I guess lets leave this now.
They caused the unemployment. The banks and the government. And the people fell for it hook line and sinker. The people also don't have to work with or do business with racist companies and institutions either.
New ones will take their place. Things will change for the better for a while once they do. And things will be ok for a while. Untill the masses figure out that their economic slaves, expect more of the same rinse wash and repeat.
You may think you are so smart, but you keep missing the point and are so far off it is scary. The companies are not racist, but due to racist policies have had to close down. I am done with this good night and please do not comment on my posts unless you understand the subject matter.