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RE: Silver's best day, week, and month IN YEARS

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Yup, you're a bit late, but you managed to avoid the big move up (and the coming physical shortage). I still think it's cheap under 50, and undervalued below 100.

The liberty leaf rounds (Silver Sativa, Silver Indica, and Silver Ruderalis) were available from a private producer down in the US for several years. They're out of mint now. My website (now gone) was the international distributor, and I did a LOT of YouTube videos featuring them over the years. Really great rounds. Very few other cannabis silver rounds come close to these designs. I really like the

Here is my video showing all 3 of the rounds, together "at last". :)

Welcome to the world of real money and sound, private savings. #keepstacking


I luckily ordered a lot in my first buy, but it still didn't arrive. I will head to the shop today to buy some Schilling so I can finally feel like I am a part of the Silver Stacking community :D. They sell Schillings (800 Silver) for a Silver price of 0,64€/g with spot being 0,62€/g!

The only none Junk Silver i got are 100 Maples btw :)

Nice, but you may have to wait a little while for delivery, depending where you bought it. When prices jump like this, orders tend to take a very long time to be shipped. Hopefully yours comes quick!