Silver's best day, week, and month IN YEARS

in LeoFinance5 years ago

10 years later, and we're finally back in action!

I sounded the alarm one week ago...

We've been burned by false hope in the silver and gold market for many years now. It's hard to be positive. Not many people are talking about precious metals, but the chart is creeping upward and looks bullish on multiple time frames. Trillions are being printed from thin air, with no end in sight, and fear about the economy is huge. All the conditions are right - there could be a precious metals breakout coming, and these prices might become a distant memory once that happens. It feels a LOT like 2009, and as somebody who was paying attention back then, I feel I have to speak up.

What looked inevitable to me has indeed played out, and precious metals are back in the headlines today.


Gold has done well lately, but today was silver's moment to shine, one that has been coming for years. Gold hit bottom back at Christmas 2015 and has been climbing since then. But silver just hit bottom ($12) a few months ago - at the height of the virus scare and economic collapse!

Gold is $1844 today, and nearing its all time 2011 high. When the headlines become "gold at all time high", there may be yet another round of buying and interest. The charts are looking less phony in the past few months, more organic, and easier to predict.

Manipulation on pause?

I haven't seen the PM charts act this way (respond to classic technical analysis) in a very long time, and what that means to me is the manipulators have decided to allow things to run a while.

It won't be straight up, and there will be a correction of some kind soon, but the new silver bull market is now confirmed. Unless the price drops back down quickly, the market will get hot very soon, and physical shortages will be widespread. The Gold:Silver ratio is still a relatively-high 82:1 - the bull market has a long way to run.

I'm pleased now that I recently chose not to convert my 10oz bar into fiat cash.

Memories (and Lessons)

Here I am exactly 10 years ago, as silver broke above $20 USD in the summer of 2010.

The real reason silver (and gold) are going up is the economic situation in the world right now, and with trillions being created from thin air, people want something sound, something with an unbroken track record going back thousands of years, they want savings, they want privacy, and they want to be able to hold and control their money themselves.

Ultimately, $22 USD will be looked back upon as almost nothing. A minuscule price to pay for a troy ounce of precious metal. Cryptos have value in part because they are limited. Guess what else is limited, at least under current technology? Gold and silver.

NOTE: I have no "credentials", but I've been watching this closely (from a non-mainstream perspective) for 15 years, and I've become able to sift through the nonsense to make some pretty fantastic predictions. Not just about prices, I'm talking trends, and basic fundamentals, and the fact that a financial collapse was coming. None of the "professionals" saw this year's events in advance, but I did, over a decade ago, and have been helping others see it and take action. Your wins and losses are your own, but I'd be happy to have you following along. The next few years are going to be fireworks.


Posted Using LeoFinance


It seems to be consolidating today. Gold is up a bit more, but silver is choppy and unsure. I wonder what next week will bring though??

Mwahhahah. Glad I got into the market at a good entry starting 2 years ago. Happened to snag a couple factional sets today before they got hit with the increase. Will have to start makjng some more posts soon I think too. Happy Stacking Bro!

The stack is so happy these days, people ask me if I have seen the price move. Duh, I've been yelling at them for years to save in metals!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Will those people now say "you were right"?
If they're anything like the people in MY life, they won't. And they might even say "I knew it".

You were right, DRutter! (Even if you have to be the only one to say it.)

Was hoping to buy some silver at the dealer's today and they have nothing available. Can order and only in large amounts and likely to take 6+ week's for it to come in.

The next few years are going to be fireworks.

And yet, so few will listen. Until it’s too late.

Which is why it's going to be so fireworks!

I just started with silver 1 week ago, good timing I guess :D.

That "liberty leaf" looks sweet where did you get those?

Yup, you're a bit late, but you managed to avoid the big move up (and the coming physical shortage). I still think it's cheap under 50, and undervalued below 100.

The liberty leaf rounds (Silver Sativa, Silver Indica, and Silver Ruderalis) were available from a private producer down in the US for several years. They're out of mint now. My website (now gone) was the international distributor, and I did a LOT of YouTube videos featuring them over the years. Really great rounds. Very few other cannabis silver rounds come close to these designs. I really like the

Here is my video showing all 3 of the rounds, together "at last". :)

Welcome to the world of real money and sound, private savings. #keepstacking

I luckily ordered a lot in my first buy, but it still didn't arrive. I will head to the shop today to buy some Schilling so I can finally feel like I am a part of the Silver Stacking community :D. They sell Schillings (800 Silver) for a Silver price of 0,64€/g with spot being 0,62€/g!

The only none Junk Silver i got are 100 Maples btw :)

Nice, but you may have to wait a little while for delivery, depending where you bought it. When prices jump like this, orders tend to take a very long time to be shipped. Hopefully yours comes quick!

Do you have a recommend source for silver coins? High shipping and spot always get me when I want to reup.

I used to sell PMs online but closed my business, and I myself don't buy PMs online, so I wouldn't know where to suggest, sorry.

I use these guys in the U.S. They are pretty good to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance

That free shipping is a big help. Thanks.

No problemo, I picked up a few things from them Monday, I will do a post soon!