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RE: The Flippening: LEO Authors Are the Most Rewarded Users on Hive | October Author Reward Leaderboard

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Just being real. The top few making big money is nice - for them. It doesn't help anyone else. Just like Bill Gates getting rich doesn't help the average worker. My point is that what matters to the average person (or somebody considering getting involved) is what THEY will likely be able to make, not what the richest few are making. I'm happy about the tokens I've earned on Leo but I'm also just being real.
Also, and this is only my own problem (not yours or anyone else's), I believe in privacy and decentralization so much that I don't participate in anything that isn't private and decentralized. I currently can't find any way to convert Leo into anything I actually need in real life, so for me, they are simply magical items in an online gaming world. (For more info see my "Crypto Lunch" series a few months back.) When (if) cryptos ever can be used privately and without involving centralized governments, banks, or corporations, it's another story. Just explaining my perspective since you asked.
I'm a big fan of grassroots and/or decentralized projects like Leo :)


I guess you always have investors that take risks and reap the rewards. At least anyone can get started with a few clicks and then decide if they want to invest the time it takes to make some coin. I have seen people start with no investment and blow me away on Hive, I'm sure that will happen on Leo too.

I currently can't find any way to convert Leo into anything I actually need in real life, so for me, they are simply magical items in an online gaming world.

That's how I used to see it, it looks like there are more ways to spend crypto every day, but the KYC crap is my problem and the reason I never really dived in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are more ways to use crypto all the time, but all those ways are non-private and centralized. If you can use crypto privately and decentralized, please let me know how. I've been searching since 2011 for a way.