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RE: The Flippening: LEO Authors Are the Most Rewarded Users on Hive | October Author Reward Leaderboard

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I guess you always have investors that take risks and reap the rewards. At least anyone can get started with a few clicks and then decide if they want to invest the time it takes to make some coin. I have seen people start with no investment and blow me away on Hive, I'm sure that will happen on Leo too.

I currently can't find any way to convert Leo into anything I actually need in real life, so for me, they are simply magical items in an online gaming world.

That's how I used to see it, it looks like there are more ways to spend crypto every day, but the KYC crap is my problem and the reason I never really dived in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


There are more ways to use crypto all the time, but all those ways are non-private and centralized. If you can use crypto privately and decentralized, please let me know how. I've been searching since 2011 for a way.