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RE: The Simple Solution to Hive's Biggest Problems - Removing L1 Content Rewards Completely

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Have you looked at those accounts lately? Only frot is getting flagged to 0 that is making original content even then it seems he may have copy and pasted some time in the past and refuses to talk to hivewatchers. Press for truth yeah he is getting nailed for lazy copy and paste but even luke is killing it. Jason liberty yeah on the posts attacking the downvoters he gets flagged, which is somewhat expected. I am still not seeing this thing where all these people are getting flagged to 0. A lot of these people mentioned still make more than the average hivian.

Frank burned his bridge with me a long time ago dude is out of his freaking mind and has no respect for anyone not even people sticking up for him, in that case I deserved to be burned by him cause he is out of his mind. Logic edits same post over and over again while tagging LOTS of people and I have been trying to work with him to hopefully make his content a little more better than a edited post on repeat.

Well, if you find a community that is sustainable with food, water, shelter and has a reasonable system of governance not requiring energy exchange in the form of a currency; let me know I will be there in a new york min! I know a guy who is building one in Boise who needs @eco-alex's help. So I am not kidding. If you know somewhere where the water, food, shelter and governance is healthy and sustainable I will be there so fast! Until then Hive imo is a viable solution to supplement income so as to not have to get two jobs or work for a company like fiverr or amazon.


No, I have never copied and pasted any posts, several of my alt accounts are also being downvoted, I have around 100 ex Steemit or Hive friends who have quit because of downvoting, and well over 10 who are currently being downvoted just like I am.


Well when i have seen spaminator it usually centers around just that. I have helped others get their stuff cleared up. But recently saw logiczombie getting refused for dlease cause of his posts speaking out to the downvoters.

Basically I'm an "anti-vax conspiracy theorist" and Steemit/Hive ex-orca being hounded off a platform that I've been on since Aug 2016, which is holding copies of well over 500 of my original blog posts, and using that content (along with tens of thousands of posts by other content creators, who in many cases have been driven off Hive) to establish itself as a credible blogging platform.

Some of those bloggers are amongst the best bloggers of the past decade, and they are certainly not putting any more of their content on this blockchain. In fact some of them have come back and deleted each of their old posts because they are so pissed off with what they have seen happening on Hive.

One of the large Hive insider accounts downvoting me told me to "Fuck off to Blurt where morons like me can all congregate together"

I am continuing to interact with some of them, who I'm still friends with, on other platforms such as Bastyon, which I now see as the only social media platform set up to overcome the global online censorship that I'm expecting to see ramp up within just one year.


Kenny gave examples of people in this post for people being downvoted to 0 and you are only real valid example. So you have my ear. Who are these 100 people or rather the 10 currently you mention.

and you are only real valid example

Not true, I was personally being downvoted to zero consistently for months, and @lucylin to this day still is. Others, too, if you just scroll back in time you will see with your own eyes. Also, just because the 'censors' take a break now and again, doesn't mean they don't start back up again. As they have just recently done with myself, as I am now, after a week of posting with no big downvotes, once again on the receiving end of zero out policy for posting my fact-based research and opinions that challenge the establishment Covid narrative, in other words for being a 'anti-vaxxer'...

7 day old post, downvoted to zero:

Screenshot 2022-01-20 at 12-07-08  jasonliberty.png

And if one thinks that is not part of a campaign targeting my account specifically (among others), one needs only look back a couple months, it's truly a sight to behold:

Screenshot 2022-01-20 at 12-12-20  jasonliberty.png

That's just a sample, there are many more, and more voted down from dozens or hundreds to pennies or a few dollars as well, many times because I waited for the curangel account to zero out post on day 5/6 before submitting post to freezepeach which in those cases redeemed a few dollars worth of value. So many of those low value posts through the months also were zeroed out before coming up to the 5 or 10 or 12 or whatever they were at payout time...

Zero out culture is alive and well here on Hive, it's happening, and you claiming that none of those listed by Kenny were having posts voted to zero simply isn't true. There are others, I've seen with my own eyes, so just because they may not have zeroed posts in their current payout cycle doesn't mean they aren't targeted. Also sometimes big weighted stakeholders who support the targeted user(s) comes in and reverses the zero payout or brings it up slightly with a big vote, but that doesn't mean posts aren't getting voted down to zero, they are, in large numbers, by a handful of select users targeting very specific scientific information, research and political viewpoints (namely, those that challenge the establishment Covid narrative, especially when it comes to the 'safe and effective' mRNA 'vaccines', and those that speak out against the Hive oligarchy downvote/zero out culture responsible for the targeting)...

Until VYB was set up I couldn't comment as @frot because my comments were being auto upvoted and then nuked. So I used the burner account @pube which was of course knocked down to below zero rep - not wanting to trash any more of my alt accounts I kept commenting with @pube anyway.

I'm a bit flat out today - gotta get working rather than being distracted by Hive - one to start with is @lucylin, I suspect that my association with him is a big part of why I was initially downvoted.

If I wanted to put in the time I honestly could come up with the account names - 10 is conservative. But right now I don't want to focus on this. I live in New Zealand - my country is being screwed!

I don't understand why you are attempting to downplay the BS on Hive, when you have been the one convincing me of how bad it is for quite some time...

Well I am simply engaging in open discussion because I support your efforts and appreciate you. Just I do not see how trying to wall off Hive as you are on your way out is going to benefit anyone. I didn't appreciate the downvoters for sure and engaged with them and had many conversations with them. But when people in the truth community like Frank and others can not have civil conversations and just wanna curse and scream and yell at the millionaires who are responsible for Hive even being in existence with their investments, I look closer at it all and see how people are only out for themselves in real life and esp in the truth community.

Who was there for me when I stuck my neck out for the people being downvoted? No one not even the people I was sticking up for. But you with HP delegation. Who was there for me when people like frank started taking my content like comments and using it in their battles against the downvoters unapproved... no one.

Who was there when I was ripped off by Splinterlands and my spt investment? No one. Ever wonder why I dug up that lawsuit? Maybe it was because I was ripped off and was tipped off by a witness about how splinterlands monopolized Hive.

The downvoters have always engaged in civil conversations with me and have made sense 99% of the time. The people in the truth community have used my content in their battles with downvoters, threatened violence, lied and plagiarized or even turn their back on me as I defended them on their own posts.

You have been my strongest supporter but I dont get why you ignored me when bringing up how My spt investment went way bad. So it is what it is and I love the heck out of you but not the truth community. Like you said these downvoters are supporting more content than downvoting and are feeding people all over the world.

A health brain works within a system to make it work for itself not revolt against it and destroy all opportunities.

In 5 1/2 years no insider whale downvoter has EVER engaged in civil conversation with me - on the very rare occassion they have commented, they have been utter arseholes every time!

Jason liberty yeah on the posts attacking the downvoters he gets flagged

Yeah, I get big downvotes on those, and on a whole bunch of other type of posts too, it was only because of systematic targeting by them against myself that I began to speak out against downvotes in the first place... Dozens of my posts have been voted down to zero or near zero (many only above zero after being brought back up by massive upvotes). I've had at least 12 posts zeroed out in the past 3 months which remained that way, more that are only above zero because they were downvoted to within pennies or a dollar of zero (when I called out curangel for 'zero out' policy, this began to occur interspersed with ones being voted down to zero) or because they were brought back up above zero with upvotes post-zeroing.

Yeah, they clearly dislike posts calling out their downvote policy, but it would appear they hate facts, research and opinions that challenge the establishment Covid narrative and 'safety' and 'efficacy' of the experimental mRNA Covid injections even more...

They are clearly pro-science while saying they are anti-government which I find hilarious. But I do see that despite the occasional post being zerod out here and there your content is heavily reward and would appear that it is in large part approved by these downvoters. So I am wondering how downvotes are impacting you in such a way to abandon Hive or be used as an example of how Hive is broken. You make a lot for your well written posts not even hating but it would appear that your freedom of speech centered content is largely approved its just when questioning the science. Which I agree 100% with you on the matter its all bullshit and the government needs to stop getting in the way with medical decisions made in private between you and you doctor. The government special interest groups and the clowns running the show needs to stop this nonsense.