The Simple Solution to Hive's Biggest Problems - Removing L1 Content Rewards Completely

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

As anyone who's been following me knows, the last couple months have marked the end of my more than 5 years dedicated to growing Hive/Steem, building community here, and walking hundreds of people through this overly complex system.

You can scroll down a bit to see my last handful of posts, covering various facets of this, and showing the progression of the conversation (over 1000 comments on just a few posts.)

After digging through all the various conversations about these issues of centralized stake, censorship of opposing opinions by those with the stake, and the fact that the ninja mine was kept by the whales... It has become quite clear that Hive is doomed to be a terrible social media platform, run by a couple of tyrants.

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There's a solution, that most every side seems to agree upon...

We need to remove L1 Hive rewards from content completely.

No more author rewards, no more curation rewards.

This cuts the inflation rate significantly (increasing the value of Hive)

This puts all content curation onto the L2 projects - where communities can have their own guidelines and such - and creating more value for those L2 tokens

This would make Hive the free speech platform it claims to be, as there would no longer be an L1 means to censor content.

This makes Hive much more appealing to investors, developers, and content creators.

The whales downvote instead of conversing

Here is the last comment I made, in response to blocktrades (by far the largest stakeholder on Hive, and the top witness, who upvotes spam comments for thousands of dollars per day) - Of course, nobody responded to the comment, except to downvote it... as usual.

You characterize this post and his comments as just dissent opinions, but they and his previous post on the same topic are mostly focused as an attack on the reputation of the voters for these comments and on Hive in general. He is clearly attacking the chain and essentially accusing it of being worthless.

Here are my posts, in TLDR form, since I started down this path:

You whales who've never read or watched my content and didn't know who I was until I started calling out this activity can pretend that I'm just some Hive hater - but the last half of a decade shows how ridiculous that is.

If I didn't care about Hive or wanted to damage it, I would be shit-posting about Hive on my Odysee channel, on Flote, etc. Instead, I'm here, still spending my time, doing research, being slandered and verbally assaulted by multi-millionaires, and trying to shake things up enough that maybe changes happen.

I've accepted that means that I probably won't ever earn posting rewards on Hive again - and it's been freeing to release the attachment that I had to this place.


This already exists. Hive Engine developed an option a while ago to disregard L1 content monetization settings (payment declined) and downvotes while still issuing whatever token.

Hive isn't here for everyone to get paid how they want with zero disagreement. Censoring those who don't like something by removing their ability to interact is something you can find virtually everywhere else. It has no place on Hive. But like I said, there's an exact solution from Hive Engine that you're looking for.

Most informative comment on this post, but had to read to the bottom to find it. Fixing that.

Listen fucktard... This is not your chain

So how do you turn off the comment rewards in Hive?

Dont get into a convo with this perv
Wait for the dossier to see what you're talking with.


Looks like you got it.

I'm using VYB front end where turning off rewards on comments is an option - but on Hive or Peakd or Leo or POB my comments get nuked...

I believe the individual Outposts/tokens need to have this enabled. Best is to inquire in the Hive Engine discord.

We'd have to find our own devs for that to happen. Under the current leadership it most certainly won't. On top of that those with the deciding stake will never allow it. It'll take another coming together of the little guy to an order of magnitude higher than what happened during the Justin Sun coup. I don't see it becoming reality, but it doesn't hurt to plant the seed as you've done here...

That's one of the main reasons I'm down in Mexico right now, to connect with a ton of crypto people, and see if I can get someone(s) interested in helping spin up the project.

There's been a lot of supportive energy, some people down to help fund, projects ready to launch/shift to the platform... but no backend devs yet.

The coolest thing (to me) about this, is that it's mostly people who've never heard of or used Hive (or stopped way back in steem days), and everyone is so down to make something where the principles are actually put first.

Nice, I can't wait to see what happens.

Removing the l1 rewards gets talked about often, I have mixed feelings about it. While I can understand the idea, I personally think it would be devastating to the hive price at this point

However, one way to ensure your own content is valuable despite Hive rewards is to join a community and worry less about Hive rewards and more about the community rewards.

If all of you involved in the battle just continued to post and bought into your own autonomous community rewards, it would just become a non issue. If the community was growing eventually the rewards police can't keep up downvotes and the downvotes would matter less as the community token would become more important anyway.

The hyperbolic battle, name calling and having the same exact conversation for 5.5 years is tedious. Make your own community and invest in it. Don't worry about the Hive rewards and the problem solves it's self.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Not entirely - if everything you post (including comments) is nuked, your rep goes down. The lower it gets, the closer it gets to a sub-zero blocked out account - I already have two of those so I know it happens!

I mostly curate from the Leo page, they can show what they want and ignore Rep if they like.

VYB for instance could just use their own calculations and have their site ignore rep.

But I hear ya, it's a hit and it can be frustrating I went through quite a phase of receiving it as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Leo really pissed me off a year ago so i pulled my support for all things leo ever since. And that was all downvoting too.

May I ask what pissed you off about Leo?

Some of the same cabal insiders who trashed my Hive account were Leo insiders. It's all a scam!

There's a solution, that every side seems to agree upon...

We need to remove L1 Hive rewards from content completely.

Um, no. Not all sides. Certainly not me.

Every time this “solution” gets brought up, I hate it more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What other solution is there to the handful of people who decide what users get zero'd out, what content is allowed on trending, and what spam comments are worth $1000+ each?

A fork offering the best solutions given throughout the many articles on this topic is the only way. One being 1 account 1 governance vote. The reason you'll get so much resistance to this idea is that layer one is what pays out the best.

What other solution is there ... ?

I still would have the idea to implement two different reward pools, one for 'stakers' and one for real curators and authors.

I think if someone considers themselves purely as investor they should be able to just stake HIVE in order to earn interest but after this decision shouldn't (be able to) upvote (or downvote) posts anymore which anyway they didn't read at all.

However, the ones who would choose to be in the curator/author pool should have to do real curation work which would mean to seek, actually read, evaluate and manually upvote posts that they really like.

That wouldn't completely solve all problems (for example some whales might decide to go for the curator/author pool, even if staking would be more beneficial for these users with huge stakes), but as we are 'brainstorming' here I wanted to mention this idea.

That seems like a great option to help decentralize the stake at least.

I know over the years, I've had many people who were convinced by the idea of steem/hive, but then quickly turned off by the idea that they had to take on a part time job as a curator to have their investment not be forever losing it's relative stake.

I think that would ultimately lead to an undesired effect for most content creators. Large stakeholders who use both their up and down votes are doing so because they've read the post. They would want to be in the curator pool, not the hands-off investment pool. The only difference would be that the auto-votes from the hands-off stakeholders would be gone, which would ultimately mean that there would be fewer upvotes on content.

Sorry to see the downvotes in your comment. I think in case of different points of views or preferences both sides should abstain from using flags for attacking purposes (I would prefer to read good arguments).
If less than seven days old I would upvote your comment.

Large stakeholders who use both their up and down votes are doing so because they've read the post.

So you think that for example @the-maximizer-everyday-one-short-post-mark reads at least 2 % of the posts which he and his buildwhale are autovoting?
Concerning the downvotes, I am not against downvotes, but I don't like at all that a huge number of downvotes are 'granted' due to disagreement on opinon or retaliation reasons. Furthermore rather often there is no thoughts exchange between downvoter and author in these cases. What I mean is that for example before I stopped posting on HIVE I had that soccer result prediction competition which brought many people to HIVE. The winner of every match day should write a comment, which I upvoted with 100 % (as reward not for writing the comment but for analyzing the games correctly and winning the matchday). These upvotes made people stay involved who couldn't win the main prize anymore. Then
@usainvote (an anonymous, intransparent account with a big delegation from @blocktrades) started to flag all these comments, and it was not possible to get in touch with he/she/it. Participants left the prediction game and got inactive in HIVE, and I withdrew from organizing the competition (thanks to @reiseamateur to continue my work).
Furthermore, whales are often too lazy to really check themselves whom they flag and why. When my latest chess post (over a year ago) suddenly got flagged from @theycallmedan (which I respect a lot as he really bought his stake instead of being just early miner or former bid bot owner) I was really surprised as he actually likes chess. When I asked him he told me it wasn't himself who had flagged me but @themarkymark who was using his posting key (and who was angry that I had muted him, even if he pretended the reason was that my post was over rewarded - opposite to his own autovoted minimal effort short posts, lol).
In favour of @theycallmedan I have to add that he removed the flag again.

Lol, lets wait and see if due to my mentions the expected retaliation flags will come in. :-)

They would want to be in the curator pool, not the hands-off investment pool.

There could be an incentive that the larger your stake the more beneficial it would be to be in the stake pool. For example by implementing a higher author reward compared to curation reward (most whales prefer passive income over the work of creating content). Or simply by a curve causing that curation reward wouldn't rise proportional to HIVE power (which also would help against centralization of HIVE concerning the control over the content) but staking rewards in the stake pool still would.

The only difference would be that the auto-votes from the hands-off stakeholders would be gone, which would ultimately mean that there would be fewer upvotes on content.

I would prefer to see fewer upvotes in case every upvote would mean the voter really valued what he did upvote before, even if that would be a comment 'only', but a comment they had read before upvoting.
If fewer upvotes would mean that good content could be trending then in the long term that would contribute to the value of HIVE.

Greetings from your old friend, the HIVE quitter but now Splinterlands whale (which is by the way far more decentralized concerning different rather big stakeholders than HIVE). :)

P. S.: Even if I criticize HIVE a lot I think that so far all alternatives are even worse. From a technological point of view HIVE is far superior than everything else (I wonder how advanced the planned social networks based on Cardano and Solana will be, but ... they are not yet available).
I know a small German politics forum which might close soon due Impressum issues. Do you believe? I suggested the migration to ... HIVE which is still pending, and which I would support in case they will choose this option ... crazy me, lol.

It's funny you think I give a shit you muted me or that I even knew that you did. I see you still droning on about the same bs as always.

Hallo, wie geht's dir, alter Freund?
Solltest du an einer ernsthaften Diskussion interessiert sein, würde ich mich sogar dazu bequemen, Englisch mit dir zu sprechen.

Lol, lets wait and see if due to my mentions the expected retaliation flags will come in. :-)

See, @guiltyparties, little vindictive @themaximark jumped in with his flags even faster than expected, q. e. d., ... so predictable ... :)

I flagged a $15 post that was a mistake that you even told people to flag. Which you responded by downvoting all mine, so I returned the favor.


Nope. Not interested.

Every time I see this come up, I'm reminded of that kid in school that brought the football. All the kids are excited, enjoying the exact same playing field, playing by the exact same rules. But the kid who brought the football gets pissed because things aren't going his way. The quarterback doesn't pass him the ball even though he wants it. So he takes his ball and walks off the field. Ruins the fun for everyone.

Or other times I see this come up is when folks around here are more or less annoyed with the arguing. 'Reward disputes', whatever you want to call it. So it's noisy, they're sick of it, so they act like bad parents. One kid is pissed off about something, so the parent comes in and takes the toys away from all the kids. Now all the kids are upset because the parent didn't have the patience or know-how to settle the dispute.

Also, you're hinting at deplatforming me and converting my investment into something I have no use for. Forcing me to start from scratch. Forcing me to buy some unproven token. Forcing me to go work within the confines of some segregated community out there in the internet hardly anyone knows about. I didn't work for nearly six years just to have it all taken away.

These rumors of stripping the base layer, pulling the rug out, and fucking people; I'm not for it.

You say layer two is the answer and you don't need layer 1. So why not practice what you preach and embrace the solutions already in place? They made VYB a downvote free platform and what did you do Kenny? Powered the stake down handed to you, and now in the process of dumping it. You get handed an opportunity that helps solve your personal problems, something you even claim is the solution, but in practice, you piss on it.

And nearly all these second layer communities are barely staying afloat. Pull out the foundation and they come crashing down, too. And how do you even start up a new one with no base layer or foundation? From scratch? If it fails that failure is permanent. They have nothing to fall back on.

Haven't you ever played Jenga? Pick away at the foundation and what happens to everything built on top? It falls.

Nobody is looking at the entire picture when talking about stripping the base layer.


I don't know who in the "every side agrees on" I was able to vote on but I sure as hell don't want to remove author or curation rewards. What the hell is left for the average person? Even my decent (meager in some circles) stake of 19k would be something I wouldn't be able to grow. I and countless others would say fuck it and just leave.

The allure of a place like Hive is that a lot of different types of content can be rewarded. I know some doesn't and that's got a bunch of reasons behind it, I don't see the point in ruining something completely like that because a few people are upset.

You wouldn't have to "grow" your stake, if you weren't losing value every 3 seconds due to the massive inflation rate (to fund the rewards pool)

The allure of a place like Hive is that a lot of different types of content can be rewarded.

That's not how the whales feel. They are actively zero-ing out users, and if anyone speaks out, they bash on those people for "being only about rewards"

I don't see the point in ruining something completely like that because a few people are upset.

The only thing that would be ruined is the power of a couple people to decide the visibility and rewards of everyone else.

Well I can see turning Hive into just a wallet when we have a truly decentralized second layer, soon thanks to @dlux correct me if I am mistaken but have talked to Hive Engine Devs and people working on Dlux's project who agree. As well as better transparency happen with our second layer ie How I lost half of my SPT curation and sps airdrop points when delegating My 1.2 spt to @spt-curate and told to kick rocks from HE Team. Got my full air drop points and curation back when undelegating.

Not sure who both sides are but I know a couple of PAL people who are associated with splinterlands that want to just turn Hive in to some liquidity rewards pool for some imagined 300% apr thing but who are the others?

Hive was deflationary for a short period of time but seems it now has a 7.5% inflation rate after upbit gained more liquid hive somehow from 60% to 70% of all liquid hive on the market. I am not seeing some massive devaluing of Hive due to large stake holders but rather consolidated liquid hive on upbit.

If you trust the second layer why wouldnt you lean in the second layer or just fork like you intend on doing anyways. In this argument you are making you are seeming spiteful without providing clearer stats. Do you have stats for the the users being flagged to 0? I have seen primarily just you, ura and the youtube celebrity link droppers who share their youtube videos mainly. Even then I am not really seeing Ura's posts to 0 surprisingly. Wouldnt we want to provide clearer stats for the # of users being downvoted to 0? It would appear that number would be less than 1%. I am in no way condoning the downvotes towards freespeech content or retaliatory flags but it does seem it is happening on a very small amount of users comparatively to the rest of the users on hive.

Ya, it seems between Hive-Engine, dlux, and SPK, there will be a strong, and more decentralized L2.

If you trust the second layer why wouldnt you lean in the second layer

I don't trust L2 at all. Same reason I don't use any ETH L2s.

just fork like you intend on doing anyways

I'm not looking to fork Hive in any way that could be called a fork. Looking to create something with similar tech (maybe based on Hive's) but completely different ethics, incentives, and purpose. Not even remotely a "competitor" because they're nowhere near the same kind of platform.

Do you have stats for the the users being flagged to 0?

I don't have any stats, but some folks off the top of my head: @krnel, @barge, @lucylin, @regenerette, @frankbacon, @frot, @logiczombie, @arabisouri, @ura-soul, and @jasonliberty as you mentioned, a dozen or more other folks that have popped up in the comments of my last posts, plus the other big name folks you mentioned like @joshsigurdson, @lukewearechange, @tlavagabond, @maxigan, @pressfortruth and so on.

Plus the many people who aren't account nuked - but nuked any time they make content exposing inter-generational organized crime.

I'm sure the people I just tagged can give a much longer list than I can.

Anyway, there's a LOT more problems here than just the one symptom of malicious down-voting, as you well know.

I just can't justify feeding the beast anymore - same reason I don't use banks, credit cards, Bitcoin, or Ripple.

Getting ready to run steempruner on both of my Hive accounts actually.

Contents censored, posts demonitized, reputation affected by a few whales including the top one based on political views, they explicitly told, even Zuck's committee of 'fact checkeers' couldn't remove links to such views anymore, apparently Hive whales can suppress.

Dude you are taking other people's content and not sourcing it and doing it repeatedly while then casting blanket accusations towards your critics by aimlessly calling them isis supporters? Your main form of defense is to call people terriorists? It is pretty wild the way you are aimlessly attacking others by calling them isis supporters, copying and pasting without sourcing your material while acting like you are innocent.

This is the lamest accusation someone ever cast against me, first of all, whose contents I'm taking and not sourcing? I'm me, I'm taking my contents and sourcing it to me, check me and check I, we're the same person. The site I'm sourcing is mine and I'm one of the two authors there, the links to the site source are there in every single post, so I taking content from me and sourcing me in my posts is totally opposite to your ridiculous claim.

That's for one, second, calling people who openly support ISIS as ISIS supporters is not an 'aimlessly attack as my main form of defense.' The person in question who I called as an ISIS supporter literally said that he 'spent time during the war in areas in northern Syria and Iraq' which were controlled by ISIS; and he is downvoting my posts in which I'm exposing ISIS and their crimes, there's a screenshot of his written confession in the previous post linked in the one above.. also, there are a large number of articles I've shared on Hive with links to my site which include testimonials, leaked audio confessions, footage, documents, and even western news reporting on the relations between NATO (the US forces, Turkish 'intelligence', and the British) with ISIS, Al Qaeda Levant, the FSA, Nusra Front, HTS, Hamzat, Sultan Murad Brigades, the Turkestan Islamist Party (Chinese Uighur). You're barking at the very wrong tree dude.

If you're new to this issue do a bit of research before casting accusations. Try to read the content you judge first, like first read my content then analyze my content then judge my content, do not judge my content on the content written by someone else whining why I duly accused him of being an ISIS supporter.

I'm responding to Your response to a Gaslighter for the "Crew"....

Do you have stats for the the users being flagged to 0?


The block, if viewed by the right kind of researchers shows that a TINY fraction of the few thousand users on HIVE are in control of a NINJA MINED STAKE that should be ZEROed out before ANY OF THESES OTHER RIDICULOUS IDEAS GET SERVICED.

Great ideas! But if the Original Sin is never addressed, everything that comes after will be corrupted... like it is now.

Long story short Bruv, ever since meeting you in 2015 I knew you were a big deal...
My suggestion would be to fold up HIVE/STEEM for BLURT in 2022 with your Tribe.
Without a Downvote button OR a concentrated stake in the hands of PsychoDorks from Portugal, BLURT would give you a head start in gaining back what was lost over the years of Whale Wars.
Ultimately, BLURT will jump ahead of HIVE/STEEM in value but those other chains will not go away... Which is why I personally will be doing my part to just get a few whales in front of some respective Regulators in their country and get them known to their community better.


Have you looked at those accounts lately? Only frot is getting flagged to 0 that is making original content even then it seems he may have copy and pasted some time in the past and refuses to talk to hivewatchers. Press for truth yeah he is getting nailed for lazy copy and paste but even luke is killing it. Jason liberty yeah on the posts attacking the downvoters he gets flagged, which is somewhat expected. I am still not seeing this thing where all these people are getting flagged to 0. A lot of these people mentioned still make more than the average hivian.

Frank burned his bridge with me a long time ago dude is out of his freaking mind and has no respect for anyone not even people sticking up for him, in that case I deserved to be burned by him cause he is out of his mind. Logic edits same post over and over again while tagging LOTS of people and I have been trying to work with him to hopefully make his content a little more better than a edited post on repeat.

Well, if you find a community that is sustainable with food, water, shelter and has a reasonable system of governance not requiring energy exchange in the form of a currency; let me know I will be there in a new york min! I know a guy who is building one in Boise who needs @eco-alex's help. So I am not kidding. If you know somewhere where the water, food, shelter and governance is healthy and sustainable I will be there so fast! Until then Hive imo is a viable solution to supplement income so as to not have to get two jobs or work for a company like fiverr or amazon.

No, I have never copied and pasted any posts, several of my alt accounts are also being downvoted, I have around 100 ex Steemit or Hive friends who have quit because of downvoting, and well over 10 who are currently being downvoted just like I am.


Well when i have seen spaminator it usually centers around just that. I have helped others get their stuff cleared up. But recently saw logiczombie getting refused for dlease cause of his posts speaking out to the downvoters.

Basically I'm an "anti-vax conspiracy theorist" and Steemit/Hive ex-orca being hounded off a platform that I've been on since Aug 2016, which is holding copies of well over 500 of my original blog posts, and using that content (along with tens of thousands of posts by other content creators, who in many cases have been driven off Hive) to establish itself as a credible blogging platform.

Some of those bloggers are amongst the best bloggers of the past decade, and they are certainly not putting any more of their content on this blockchain. In fact some of them have come back and deleted each of their old posts because they are so pissed off with what they have seen happening on Hive.

One of the large Hive insider accounts downvoting me told me to "Fuck off to Blurt where morons like me can all congregate together"

I am continuing to interact with some of them, who I'm still friends with, on other platforms such as Bastyon, which I now see as the only social media platform set up to overcome the global online censorship that I'm expecting to see ramp up within just one year.


Kenny gave examples of people in this post for people being downvoted to 0 and you are only real valid example. So you have my ear. Who are these 100 people or rather the 10 currently you mention.

and you are only real valid example

Not true, I was personally being downvoted to zero consistently for months, and @lucylin to this day still is. Others, too, if you just scroll back in time you will see with your own eyes. Also, just because the 'censors' take a break now and again, doesn't mean they don't start back up again. As they have just recently done with myself, as I am now, after a week of posting with no big downvotes, once again on the receiving end of zero out policy for posting my fact-based research and opinions that challenge the establishment Covid narrative, in other words for being a 'anti-vaxxer'...

7 day old post, downvoted to zero:

Screenshot 2022-01-20 at 12-07-08  jasonliberty.png

And if one thinks that is not part of a campaign targeting my account specifically (among others), one needs only look back a couple months, it's truly a sight to behold:

Screenshot 2022-01-20 at 12-12-20  jasonliberty.png

That's just a sample, there are many more, and more voted down from dozens or hundreds to pennies or a few dollars as well, many times because I waited for the curangel account to zero out post on day 5/6 before submitting post to freezepeach which in those cases redeemed a few dollars worth of value. So many of those low value posts through the months also were zeroed out before coming up to the 5 or 10 or 12 or whatever they were at payout time...

Zero out culture is alive and well here on Hive, it's happening, and you claiming that none of those listed by Kenny were having posts voted to zero simply isn't true. There are others, I've seen with my own eyes, so just because they may not have zeroed posts in their current payout cycle doesn't mean they aren't targeted. Also sometimes big weighted stakeholders who support the targeted user(s) comes in and reverses the zero payout or brings it up slightly with a big vote, but that doesn't mean posts aren't getting voted down to zero, they are, in large numbers, by a handful of select users targeting very specific scientific information, research and political viewpoints (namely, those that challenge the establishment Covid narrative, especially when it comes to the 'safe and effective' mRNA 'vaccines', and those that speak out against the Hive oligarchy downvote/zero out culture responsible for the targeting)...

Until VYB was set up I couldn't comment as @frot because my comments were being auto upvoted and then nuked. So I used the burner account @pube which was of course knocked down to below zero rep - not wanting to trash any more of my alt accounts I kept commenting with @pube anyway.

I'm a bit flat out today - gotta get working rather than being distracted by Hive - one to start with is @lucylin, I suspect that my association with him is a big part of why I was initially downvoted.

If I wanted to put in the time I honestly could come up with the account names - 10 is conservative. But right now I don't want to focus on this. I live in New Zealand - my country is being screwed!

I don't understand why you are attempting to downplay the BS on Hive, when you have been the one convincing me of how bad it is for quite some time...

Well I am simply engaging in open discussion because I support your efforts and appreciate you. Just I do not see how trying to wall off Hive as you are on your way out is going to benefit anyone. I didn't appreciate the downvoters for sure and engaged with them and had many conversations with them. But when people in the truth community like Frank and others can not have civil conversations and just wanna curse and scream and yell at the millionaires who are responsible for Hive even being in existence with their investments, I look closer at it all and see how people are only out for themselves in real life and esp in the truth community.

Who was there for me when I stuck my neck out for the people being downvoted? No one not even the people I was sticking up for. But you with HP delegation. Who was there for me when people like frank started taking my content like comments and using it in their battles against the downvoters unapproved... no one.

Who was there when I was ripped off by Splinterlands and my spt investment? No one. Ever wonder why I dug up that lawsuit? Maybe it was because I was ripped off and was tipped off by a witness about how splinterlands monopolized Hive.

The downvoters have always engaged in civil conversations with me and have made sense 99% of the time. The people in the truth community have used my content in their battles with downvoters, threatened violence, lied and plagiarized or even turn their back on me as I defended them on their own posts.

You have been my strongest supporter but I dont get why you ignored me when bringing up how My spt investment went way bad. So it is what it is and I love the heck out of you but not the truth community. Like you said these downvoters are supporting more content than downvoting and are feeding people all over the world.

A health brain works within a system to make it work for itself not revolt against it and destroy all opportunities.

Jason liberty yeah on the posts attacking the downvoters he gets flagged

Yeah, I get big downvotes on those, and on a whole bunch of other type of posts too, it was only because of systematic targeting by them against myself that I began to speak out against downvotes in the first place... Dozens of my posts have been voted down to zero or near zero (many only above zero after being brought back up by massive upvotes). I've had at least 12 posts zeroed out in the past 3 months which remained that way, more that are only above zero because they were downvoted to within pennies or a dollar of zero (when I called out curangel for 'zero out' policy, this began to occur interspersed with ones being voted down to zero) or because they were brought back up above zero with upvotes post-zeroing.

Yeah, they clearly dislike posts calling out their downvote policy, but it would appear they hate facts, research and opinions that challenge the establishment Covid narrative and 'safety' and 'efficacy' of the experimental mRNA Covid injections even more...

They are clearly pro-science while saying they are anti-government which I find hilarious. But I do see that despite the occasional post being zerod out here and there your content is heavily reward and would appear that it is in large part approved by these downvoters. So I am wondering how downvotes are impacting you in such a way to abandon Hive or be used as an example of how Hive is broken. You make a lot for your well written posts not even hating but it would appear that your freedom of speech centered content is largely approved its just when questioning the science. Which I agree 100% with you on the matter its all bullshit and the government needs to stop getting in the way with medical decisions made in private between you and you doctor. The government special interest groups and the clowns running the show needs to stop this nonsense.

Everything I post on Hive has been flagged to zero for months, and I also have a couple of alt accounts that have had the same treatment. Many of my friends have stopped using Hive because of the constant downvoting. As well as wiping my earnings it has also dropped my rep.

Yes, I seen that and have acknowledged it. You are being flagged to 0 on every post for sure and really only guy that ive seen being attacked so aggressively. I also see a spaminator flag on your content... Did you copy and paste once a long time a go without sourcing material and refused to go to Hivewatchers? I have told people to go to Hivewatchers to clear up such situations successfully in the past. I dont think in your situation that will work tho. @guiltyparties @hivewatchers what is the deal with frot? Seems he is one of the few people who is being flagged to 0.

I have been clear with many how I do not think flagging free speech is cool. It is the perspective of the downvoters that free speech shouldn't be monetized, I do not think that is cool and have been cancelled in real life for speaking truth to power. Losing a job for sticking up for people and standing up for their rights suck. But are you here to earn or to spread awareness? I think perhaps in your situation your content is not intended to earn but rather to send a message. I do think that 2nd layer solutions exists for what you are doing and to be honest from what I have seen a lot of people on hive do not care about anti science views and anti government views and want to avoid that conversation not to mention this platform isnt that popular or used by the masses. I have found myself isolated from many people and groups on Hive for my perspectives on my anti-science and anti-government views just like in real life. Heck, I have even found a large anti American bias towards Americans here where many discriminate against Americans for being American. So why even try to bark up a tree that wont get me anywhere? Just me though and I would rather work to find healthy solutions than to repeatedly pound my head against a tree on hive and real life.

I really would like to earn on Hive and if my objective here was to spread truth and awareness than the downvotes wouldnt matter since I would own my content and it wouldnt be deleted. I could easily SEO my content and make it available all across the internet. Heck, that is what the famous youtube celebs are doing here on Hive... Just cross posting their youtube videos here sending everyone to their web 2.0 platforms. I wish they used Threespeak instead and put more effort into utilizing the Hive platform where their content cant be removed.

I wish they used Threespeak instead and put more effort into utilizing the Hive platform where their content cant be removed.

Most of them do use 3speak, and those that don't quit because of its often days-long "processing."

23 accounts currently on list comment/post farming. 23 isn't "a couple".

Six months ago I didn't think this was a good idea. Now I do. It's amazing the change in perspective when everything you do on a platform gets nuked!