Nope. Not interested.
Every time I see this come up, I'm reminded of that kid in school that brought the football. All the kids are excited, enjoying the exact same playing field, playing by the exact same rules. But the kid who brought the football gets pissed because things aren't going his way. The quarterback doesn't pass him the ball even though he wants it. So he takes his ball and walks off the field. Ruins the fun for everyone.
Or other times I see this come up is when folks around here are more or less annoyed with the arguing. 'Reward disputes', whatever you want to call it. So it's noisy, they're sick of it, so they act like bad parents. One kid is pissed off about something, so the parent comes in and takes the toys away from all the kids. Now all the kids are upset because the parent didn't have the patience or know-how to settle the dispute.
Also, you're hinting at deplatforming me and converting my investment into something I have no use for. Forcing me to start from scratch. Forcing me to buy some unproven token. Forcing me to go work within the confines of some segregated community out there in the internet hardly anyone knows about. I didn't work for nearly six years just to have it all taken away.
These rumors of stripping the base layer, pulling the rug out, and fucking people; I'm not for it.
You say layer two is the answer and you don't need layer 1. So why not practice what you preach and embrace the solutions already in place? They made VYB a downvote free platform and what did you do Kenny? Powered the stake down handed to you, and now in the process of dumping it. You get handed an opportunity that helps solve your personal problems, something you even claim is the solution, but in practice, you piss on it.
And nearly all these second layer communities are barely staying afloat. Pull out the foundation and they come crashing down, too. And how do you even start up a new one with no base layer or foundation? From scratch? If it fails that failure is permanent. They have nothing to fall back on.
Haven't you ever played Jenga? Pick away at the foundation and what happens to everything built on top? It falls.
Nobody is looking at the entire picture when talking about stripping the base layer.