CUB a Lubba Dub Dub

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Alright then.

Remember those times that LEO launched something and I just couldn't shut up about it for weeks? That may be happening again to a blog near you. Fair warning.

Totally blown away by CUB.

I must admit, I was very skeptical of all these new tokens. There's a fine line between legit utility and a greedy cash grab. Will CUB and everything else be able to justify its own existence? Why didn't we just use LEO itself for these functions?

If we had used LEO in place of the new token (CUB) we would have been putting the network at risk. CUB is our gateway to Binance Smart Chain: a clone of Ethereum that is more centralized but much lower fees. This is how we can accomplish DeFi on a smaller scale without having to worry about $100 transactions.

CUB has EXTREMELY high inflation now. Extremely high volatility, and extremely low total supply (200k total so far and climbing fast). Messing around with CUB at these early stages is very risky with very high possibility of reward. I risked $400 last night and I've already farmed $100. 25% ROI in 12 hours.


The CUB airdrop is going out today.

I'm being told the airdrop is included in this total supply of 200k tokens. Numbers like 100k total airdrop is being thrown out. That means you should consider yourself lucky to even receive 1 CUB for 50 powered up LEO over the years.

However, CUB tokens have already mooned to $10+ per coin. Even if I only get airdropped 1000 CUB that's theoretically $10k. Lot's of people are comparing this airdrop to Uniswap. They see it has highly valuable but are also expecting a dump. Uniswap dumped all the way down to $2 before it recovered and went $30+.

I'm personally hoping for an airdrop dump today. I'm looking to buy more CUB. This is a legit product, and I have yet to encounter any bugs, which is very impressive.

Those who aped in blind yesterday on day one have made out like bandits. These yields are massive and unsustainable. At one point you could earn 30000% per year (82% APR per day). There is still a lot to farm but the competition is ramping up.


In total, there are currently 22 ways to farm CUB.

  • 12 LP farming pool pairs
  • 10 single token stake

So even if you're terrified of the price of CUB crashing into the mountain due to these unsustainable yields, you can still farm it without even having to hold CUB. There are several options to farm CUB using nothing but stable-coins (very low risk). This is the key to luring the entire BSC network (PancakeSwap) to our platform.



Stable coin Dens

These are the 10 options to farm CUB using nothing but locking up a single token.

  • CUB (10x)
  • BUSD (2x)
  • WBNB (3x)
  • USDT (1x)
  • BTCB (2x)
  • ETH (2x)
  • DAI (1x)
  • USDC (1x)
  • DOT (2x)
  • CAKE (1x)

The multiplier signifies more inflation is being generated in order to incentivize more money being locked in these areas. If we try to farm CUB with random coins that aren't CUB we see there is a 4% fee that gets scraped off the top. This fee is used to buy and burn 80% CUB and 20% bLEO, theoretically increasing the price. On the first day this vault generated more than $50,000 worth of deposit fees.

We can see that staking CUB itself is being greatly incentivized with an x10 multiplier on inflation. It also has a 0% deposit fee. It's a good deal, but it's also risky because CUB is going to be very volatile.

Interestingly enough there is not an option to stake bLEO to farm CUB. This feels like a mistake, especially on the LP side. I would not recommend trying to buy CUB with bLEO directly. Liquidity is thin because there is no farm to incentivize liquidity. t1.png

Scratch that...

If you try to buy CUB directly PancakeSwap automatically routes you through the path of least resistance. Yesterday there were some problems and I sold a tiny bit of bLEO for 50 cents a token due to poor liquidity. These liquidity issues have been fixed for the most part.




LP farming has higher yield than staking because it is more risky. When you pool your assets into PancakeSwap they are technically for sale, and if the price of the ratio moves in either directly you'll suffer impermanent loss until the price moves back.

Meaning if CUB spikes up in price and you're farming CUB/BUSD, your CUB will be sold and you'll get BUSD in return. You could lose money in that scenario even if the yield is high. Conversely if CUB dumps your BUSD will be used to buy CUB, and you'll lose money once again from the impermanent losses.

The most incentivized pool by far is CUB/BUSD. This is something I and @khaleelkazi talked about briefly a while back. The LEO network definitely needed a good stable-coin pairing. This is it. We can also see the bLEO-BNB pair in there (only 2% fee).



On Binance Smart Chain, BNB is ETH: it is the gas. As far as MetaMask is concerned, we see that BNB and ETH are interchangeable when we are accessing Binance Smart Chain.

A problem that a lot of users run into is getting BNB into their BSC wallet so they can actually pay gas fees. I think it should be a high priority for the LEO wrapper to bLEO to also provide a service that trades LEO for BNB so people can sidestep Binance's IP block without the need for a VPN.

I've already given BNB to 3 different accounts trying to pay gas fees.
We need to automate this.
Just checked LEO Discord general chat... should be up and running in a week or two.

Hedging risk.

I'm expecting a lot of people to sell some (or half) of their CUB airdrop into BUSD and then farm the CUB/BUSD pool. This is the safest pool to farm because one side is a stable coin and it has the most liquidity and highest inflation multiplier. This gives a very strong yield while still hedging for wild shifts in price.

There are also other very interesting Den pools like BTCB and ETH. If anyone has BTC or ETH laying around they can throw it into these pools for a 4% fee and farm completely risk-free once that 4% is paid off (currently very quick because of the high yields). Getting in now is the time to do it.


I'm sure there's still a lot more to say but this is all happening so fast I'll have to break it up into multiple parts. The airdrop is going out later today (very soon).


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


My biggest problem right now is BNB. There is no way I can get some BNB without paying huge fees and VPN. I hope that someone will build service so we can exchange LEO or Hive for BNB. I don't want to miss this train.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The fees are nothing it's really just the VPN.
This service should be available in a few weeks.
There are many people out there who can send you BNB so that you have the gas fees to buy more BNB.
I've already done this for 3 other ppl.

Thanks, that's great, I will check LEO discord.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta will trade them bnb for other cryptos.

If you don't have access to Binance to get BNB you can use the Atomic Wallet to swap from something else like Litecoin to BNB. I did a post about work arounds. I hope it helps.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta has it.
They have been reliable for me.

Hi edicted, im a total defi noob, but interestingly i figured my way around the system way easier than i could have imagined. The only things im having issues with is the maths and experience. Of which ill love to have your opinion about.

So i did the dens thing and went for DOT. In my head, i was only putting the dot i had laying around to use. And since i plan a long term hodl for both the cub and the DOT, is there any reason why I could have been better off holding the DOT instead of staking it?

Also, this moment it seems like i get impermanent loss, the next moment i dont anymore. And do you know Thorchain solves impermanent loss? It'll be nice to have a RLEO or something. Just saying

There is no impermanent loss on the Den.
You'll lose 4% of the Dot you put into the Den but you should be able to recover that quite quickly.
It's not a liquidity pool, just staking a single token.

I like it

I still can't figure this shit out 328 tutorials later. I got Trust wallet and sent like $15 ETH to it as a test. It's unmovable. Sitting there mocking me. Laughing and pointing all while yelling "Look at the retard .. can't even exchange a token" ..

#frustrated 😡🤬🤮🤬

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you're connected to BSC you'd need gas to move it (which is BNB).

Cub is in peice discovering mode and the price will be volatile.
When I stadted fadming CAKE it was 0.5$ with massive inflation and I couldnt imagen it going up. Now its 11$ ... so really cant put logic here :)

Thanks for the entertaining and informative post.

The stablecoin farming option seems good. It makes accounting easier.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Leo really did a great job on this. Even the UX, design, and the docs are amazing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can say that again. The work they put in this is top notch.

Once the larger farming community on BSC wraps their heads around this entire thing, they won't be able to resist it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They already have such farmers though. Nothing unique except that Leo has a community outside of DeFi

I'm fully aware of that. What I meant was the possibility to combine the community aspect and the farming. There are no other tokens in existence you can farm and also earn by blogging.

What idiot who understands this stays on the likes of Twitter or YouTube where there are no rewards whatsoever except for the influencers with the largest audiences instead of moving their crypto chatter over to LeoFinance where they can earn the same tokens they can also farm?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True. This can be huge, no doubts.

Very good information. The picture is slowly becoming a little clearer to me. Gonna take awhile but I''m getting there. Now, of course, they're going to drop the Cub and the waters will get murky for me again... :-) It's a process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you about an easier conduit to BNB. That is probably going to be the thing that keeps me from participating any further. I am currently out of BNB for the most part and I am not sure how I am going to get more over there to keep increasing my stake in the farms and dens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It looks like a lot of CUB and bLEO tokens will be burned.
That's great news!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well that’s good they are simplifying the airdrop. We are so spoiled..:)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome details on this post. This is for sure more in-depth and goes over some key points such as the multiplier amount per each of the pools. oh and Soon!

I'm expecting a dump of some sort in the next 48 hours which for me is a massive opportunity to get some $cub. Having 500 $cub will be ideal for me. So this is what I am gunning.

I am yet to provide liquid. Looking at gathering some cub. Like you said the market is volatile so I am skeptical about buying now. What happens after the raindrop will determine my next line of action.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I currently more in favour of the CUB/BNB as I think it will eventually try to overtake Ether in price the more people discover that it can do almost all ETH can, but for lower fees.

Maybe I will swap between CUB/BSUD and CUB/BNB and take advantage of the ups and downs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @edicted, Thanks for the detailed explanation on your CubFi experience. That's valuable info. You mentioned that the Claimdrop/Airdrop will happen 'Today'. Your post is 20 hours ago. Did it happen yet? And do you know where will I find them? I did not have many tokens staked before the snapshot was taken, but still.. :))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't expect such a big price impact, but who knows :)

What I expect, many dust holder doesn't claim and bigger holder can dump a bit, but compared to the tokens out there, the impact should be not that big. But again who knows :)

As far im a ape ( protoss), no idea :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even less than those 1 cub/50 Leo. And probably a smart move not to flood the market with tons of Cubs. I've already dipped my toe in Cubfinance, and my 1,219 Cub is enjoying a 3k APR in its Den. For how long will these crazy APR last? No idea. But there's a feeling of security knowing Leofinance is behind this and it's not just another Dex coming out of the blue!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey, I am running into this same issue, I need some BNB, I thought I could trade bLEO for BNB on Cub Finance but it appears I cannot because there is a BNB transaction fee... do you mind sending me like 5 Hive worth of BNB
never mind I got it

i bought bnb on

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta