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RE: CUB a Lubba Dub Dub

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hi edicted, im a total defi noob, but interestingly i figured my way around the system way easier than i could have imagined. The only things im having issues with is the maths and experience. Of which ill love to have your opinion about.

So i did the dens thing and went for DOT. In my head, i was only putting the dot i had laying around to use. And since i plan a long term hodl for both the cub and the DOT, is there any reason why I could have been better off holding the DOT instead of staking it?

Also, this moment it seems like i get impermanent loss, the next moment i dont anymore. And do you know Thorchain solves impermanent loss? It'll be nice to have a RLEO or something. Just saying


There is no impermanent loss on the Den.
You'll lose 4% of the Dot you put into the Den but you should be able to recover that quite quickly.
It's not a liquidity pool, just staking a single token.

I like it