- The market is boring as hell.
- "Bitcoin will be stuck at $30k forever."
- This is when we make trades.
- Not during FOMO/FUD cycles.
First thing's first.
I went ahead and bought out all the Ragnarok tokens for sale.
This market has such thin liquidity that it can be dominated with $100 here and there. There was a huge gap between the ask price of 0.01 and 0.07 so I went ahead and bought everything at 0.01 and pushed the ask up x10 from the lowest bid at 0.007. Essentially I 10xed the buy price with less than $100.
However, this was short lived as another $50 worth of DUAT has appeared at the 0.01 level like 30 minutes later, and I'm not looking to buy at an inflated price with an unknown amount of selling pressure behind it. Still, it's tempting to buy it out again.
At this point it's comical that these future NFTs are selling for less than 1 Hive a piece. It takes 112 DUAT to mint an RCT NFT. At a buy price of 0.007 that's 0.784 Hive per card. Again, that's a comical price considering how 10k Hive Punks sold out in 24 hours at a 20 Hive mint price.
I feel like this is a great example of how most people need something visual to look at before they gain interest. In this same vein, if I'm being honest, it's surprising that my blog gets as much support as it does. I know for a fact that I'd get a higher payout with video content. But I'm gonna pass on that.
If something like a Hive Punk can sell for 5000 Hive during peak FOMO, surely Ragnarok can at least match that, given the fact that these NFTs have actual utility and are needed to play the game. I'm almost positive that I'll be able to sell a single card that will make up for all the money I've put into this market so far.
Very thin liquidity.
Entering/exiting this market is nearly impossible for a variety of reasons. The first of which being there is an insanely aggressive cap on how much can be sent to the market making bot (for security reasons). The second being that there is simply no product yet and most people are just waiting for the game to come out. Well... guess what? That's what everyone's doing. Wait that long and it will be too late.
Of course there's a certain level of trust required here. DLUX isn't exactly a proven technology. Neither is the SPK network. Still, I'm willing to be on the cutting edge when it comes to supporting Hive development.
I've also been making some moves in Splinterlands but it's been slow going. This is actually worth it's own post so I'm not going to really talk about it, just thought I'd leave this footnote here.
Polycub is still in only-up mode. Now double the market cap of CUB and climbing. The weird thing about Polycub is that the LP yields are still super high which pushes the price up, but also because of governance votes and impermanent losses, more people want to buy and hold the token in xpolycub than provide liquidity to the market. This pushes the price up even more, which pushes yields up more. This creates an upward hype cycle that doesn't really care about what the greater crypto market is doing.
All the trash I talked about this project is flipping back to the upside now that we crashed into the dirt at $700k market cap. Yields are still shockingly high considering there are only 1M more polycub to mint total... forever. We'll get a good indication of how well the Vault is propping up the price/yield of the network during the next halving event... which should be happening very very soon (days).
For example, the Hive/Polycub LP has 119% APR. Given the halving event we should expect the new yield to be around 60%. However, if the vault is doing its job the new yield could be as high as 70% or 80%. The higher it is above 60%, the more sustainable the Vault has become. We can apply this logic to all the other yields as well (assuming the APR factors in the yield from Vault buybacks).
Speaking of factoring in yields...
The APR on this pool is something like 50 or 60 percent but it's constantly displayed at a level x10 that. I'm told this is because the math that calculates the number is volatile and based on users who take the 50% penalty on LP farming, but this is obviously not true. If it were true then this volatile number would dip lower than the average, but it is always much much higher than the average, which is very easy to calculate.
On June 3rd 10 AM EST the ratio of xpc was 22.06.
27 hours later it's 22.11.
That's 73.5% apr.
Clearly horribly bugged and should be fixed.
Thorchain is definitely a fun coin to speculate on.
Cheap as all and constantly manages to spike around $10 before crashing again. The token is insanely volatile and good for day trading. But really more than that the liquidity and security between networks that Thorchain creates will be a huge part of interoperability between chains. I'm always trying to get more but find it difficult to sell other assets into it.
The big dog is still the main play, and arguably it's not a good idea to be messing around with alts right now. The moon cycle and current volume tell us the market is extremely weak right now. I think we are going to hard bounce off $28k before moving back up. Still grinding at the bottom of this consolidation period. Sure, it's not a fun time to be in the market right now, but flushing out weak hands at the bottom is what the market is best at. We can always count on maximum value extraction in both directions.
Are you bored yet?
That's a great sign.
Never trade when afraid.
Oh it even rhymes look at that.
Never trade when afraid.
Title of my next post?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think that since Bitcoin has been in this margin for long,when it want to go out,it will makes a massive impulse,so if you can buy it now it will eventually pass the 30k margin.
I have Leo token to power up. And to enter the contest. I not claimed my airdrop on Cub for over a week. The last time I checked it, was to vote for the governance. So I do not know the balance as I believe in Leofinance. !
If I have had hive, does that mean I have Poly cub I can claim? Or was it just it’s own thing not a fork or airdrop situation? I didn’t pay attention to this project. But this kinda claim looks so scammy ⬇️
There is zero chance this kinda APR will last or be legit more then short term.
This looks so centralized I just don’t see the big picture at all honestly. Not on this⬇️
It looks like a total joke to me that will go broke. Help me understand why I’m wrong.
Good to see you making moves into duat. I've been going ham spending way to much hive accumulating haha but I'm so excited for Ragnarok
I have taken a break from trading. Outta this crypto market. Focusing only currency now
So much bull talk in the comments. Bear market here we come.
I honestly don’t see the point in this poly club thing/. It feels so scammy to me. As far as I can tell this is garbage. If anyone has link to a good read on it please drop it 👍. I just am being honest I think this looks like some BS that won’t end well.
Maybe I just don’t understand what he point of this project 🤷🏼♂️.
I don’t know how anyone can see these scammy sounding claims regarding APR and not think back to 2017/2018 scammy projects.
I hope I’m wrong and am happy to look at anything in replies to this comment.

Tell me the point of the coins that you are already invested in.
List out the reasons.
And then realize how easy it is to make the argument that they are all pointless scams.
The point of polycub is to act as a cutting edge testnet for cub.
The point is to make number go up.
It is trying to accomplish this by reducing inflation to zero and having a community vault generate income for the network. Also governance voting is allocating resources based on what the community wants. And bonds and loans are coming into play. Do I need to keep going? Oh right, everything that works on the testnet can easily be ported to CUB.
In any case, I can tell you for a fact that none of these things are why I've invested in the LEO ecosystem. I've invested in the LEO ecosystem because I personally know the development team and they are relentlessly coming up with good ideas and actually implementing them. Penny cryptos are risky. There's a lot of trust involved. Anyone who's not comfortable with that should stack sats (everyone should to some extent).
Thank u for this reply with more info.
All I’m saying is u ask what this is? And it’s the front page. The pic from ur other reply. It makes this look so scammy. Either way I appreciate this response more then the other. I’ve often supported your posts for years and think highly of u 👍. I’m just calling it like I see it. No disrespect meant
I think I've done a good job of laying out much of the the scam-like architecture in previous posts.
When Polycub launched I railed it for like a week straight.
No disrespect taken.
I'm just an argumentative person I guess.
Decent peeps can disagree; ur good people it’s all good. I should be clear though I don’t think it’s literally a scam. I just have seen even with good intentions from those starting project these kinda gains being put out and main reason most jump in just don’t end well. I just don’t think the bitcoin comparison makes any sense. That said I’ve read ur posts for years and u aren’t stupid; in fact quite the opposite. I will be hoping I’m wrong but I don’t think this project ends well. I will cheers ya 🍻 if I’m wrong and u guys all get rich 🤑
Now I'm just curious as to what your portfolio looks like.
You realize what a safe position you put yourself in when you don't reveal where your own money is, right? It's much easier to point out problems than to come up with solutions. In any case I'd say we are in agreement on most topics, even the LEO ecosystem.
Sure here’s what I got

My biggest crypto holding are these
4 ⬇️
MANA (Decentraland) (not a fan but pure $ bet)
I also have micro small amounts of a bunch of others but the named are over a few grand. Bitcoin likely highest but I’m not putting that info public. Current stocks in my trading account below. Mostly oil/nat gas , Gold Miner, UEC (uranium play) I e held those since 2020 March. Only UVXY is new holding yesterday (I’ve traded it a lot) the rest are longer holds but I’ve taken some profit on LNG & UEC. UEC 7X’d for me.
One thing that's good about polycub is that we kind of know the people behind it....
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Also, what is this?
Why are you circling 67% APR?
Is it because this is an unsustainable number?
What if I told you Bitcoin has been making 100%+ APR on average every year since inception?
Clearly this is not an unsustainable return in the world of crypto.
It's significantly lower than Bitcoin.
I honest hope this project goes moon and is a huge success. I mean it.
But saying things like this I just can’t take seriously with all respect
“Clearly this is not an unsustainable return in the world of crypto.
It's significantly lower than Bitcoin.”
It is unclear which sentiment can't be taken seriously.
Are you implying that Bitcoin doesn't have 100% ROI every year?
Are you implying that 60% ROI on CUB is impossible?
Are you saying the comparison to Bitcoin is inappropriate?
Are you saying that 60% ROI is unsustainable in general for all cryptocurrency?
How can this statement be true while also saying you can't take it seriously?
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
“ Are you implying that 60% ROI on CUB is impossible?“ - yes I am 100% saying this is not possible long term.
On this
I honest hope this project goes moon and is a huge success.
“ How can this statement be true while also saying you can't take it seriously?
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.”
It can make sense, I like many people from our hive community who are in it. I don’t want them to not go moon with this. But I think it won’t. Not a contradiction really at all. I logically think it’s not gonna happen but I’d love to see my friends in it succeed.
Right, so then it's unsustainable for Bitcoin to increase 100% every year for 13 years in a row.
Except that's exactly what has already happened and will continue to happen.
Even you expect to get returns this high.
Everyone in crypto does.
It's not like you're here because you think you're going to get 15% returns like the stock market.
No one is.
I've been investing a couple of dollars here and there in LVL. It's the main currency of PsyberX that's also in development. I've been told that I'm taking a risk but if I'm investing what I can afford to lose, there's no harm.
I tried to buy Duat once and the process in DLUX was just too damn confusing. I remember placing a bid and then for some reason, I was refunded.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
yeah the UX for duat and spk is pretty... annoying.
I also think the PolyCUB returns are bugged. When I was writing up my post a few days ago, it was showing the APR 915% APR and 962,013% APY. It's obviously wrong.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Same. My Unlocked was reading 1.5 x10^50 or something insane. It reads normal now, but I cannot claim Unlocked PolyCUB.
It sounds like the issues keep happening with PolyCUB and I hope they fix it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Where do we go to see poly club stuff?
This page?

I haven’t bothered looking much into this. But I get a scammy vibe seeing this kinda APR claim
You can go to the polycub and check out the farms and xPolyCUB there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have been adding to those PCUB LP's (SPS and HIVE). I see only up for PCUB with a RUNE pool coming soon. It is very lucrative to be in the LP's.
I think $LEO is the play, easy 5x by 2023
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When the airdrop for project blank is announced things will go nuts. It will be hyped, there will be fomo and therefore a huge spike in the token price
I don't get it right, are you buying Ragnarock cards? Is it already possible to do this?
it has an internal dex where you can buy the still unminted NFTs
Actually they are not the unminted nft’s, but fungible tokens with which you will be able to buy the unminted nfts’s at a later stage.
You will need 112 duat tokens for 1 unminted nft
you are right :)
So you have been pushing the duat price ... leave something for us to buy cheap :)
It is a great buy. Very low price with huge upside potential.
With what’s coming the following months, we’ll have many chances to buy things lower. In my opinion we ain’t seen nothing yet
Buying duat is a great opportunity at these prices
I think the collapse of Luna and how it greatly impacted ALL of the crypto market indicates that the economic stability of the entire sector is quite thin.
Liquidity will always be an issue for now and especially given that a large portion of the market is growing due to price manipulation. It is still a number of years before we will see large economic growth
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I focus on Splinterlands to get a Node License in the second round of sale while it is still for $2k. The rest is more or less the same for me. The only thing that I've neglected is BSC and CUB Finance. I think we will be on BSC again when the updates on PolyCUB are deployed on CUB, too :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
well, “never trade when afraid” won’t be a bad title for your next post indeed. I mean it isn’t advisable to invest in a volatile venture such as the blockchain technology when one is in the state of the panic, things won’t automatically augur well . To successfully thrive in the crypto market one has to have full understanding of how the technology works . Of course there are do(s) and don’t (s) when making financial moves in the cryptosphere. Avoiding the bananas peels in the market is really a priceless skill to have !
i somehow missed that the Ragnarok claim drop had begun. i am glad that it is a one time drop since i'm a few months late. 😅
Naturally, most people might be tempted to give up on crypto. With the little experience, I have gathered over the years, I feel the current condition on the market presents a good opportunity to accumulate more bitcoin with few bucks on a non-custodial wallet like that of https://atomicwallet.io/, which is available on both personal computers and mobile phones.
Your last, and most poetic point is spot on - 'never trade when afraid'
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your last, and most poetic point is certainly true - 'never trade when afraid'.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Please tag me when you write about Ragnarok... "T" for Thanks :)
I'm bored of everything...