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RE: Making Moves

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

So much bull talk in the comments. Bear market here we come.

I honestly don’t see the point in this poly club thing/. It feels so scammy to me. As far as I can tell this is garbage. If anyone has link to a good read on it please drop it 👍. I just am being honest I think this looks like some BS that won’t end well.


Maybe I just don’t understand what he point of this project 🤷🏼‍♂️.

I don’t know how anyone can see these scammy sounding claims regarding APR and not think back to 2017/2018 scammy projects.

I hope I’m wrong and am happy to look at anything in replies to this comment.


I honestly don’t see the point in this poly club thing


Tell me the point of the coins that you are already invested in.
List out the reasons.
And then realize how easy it is to make the argument that they are all pointless scams.

The point of polycub is to act as a cutting edge testnet for cub.
The point is to make number go up.

It is trying to accomplish this by reducing inflation to zero and having a community vault generate income for the network. Also governance voting is allocating resources based on what the community wants. And bonds and loans are coming into play. Do I need to keep going? Oh right, everything that works on the testnet can easily be ported to CUB.

In any case, I can tell you for a fact that none of these things are why I've invested in the LEO ecosystem. I've invested in the LEO ecosystem because I personally know the development team and they are relentlessly coming up with good ideas and actually implementing them. Penny cryptos are risky. There's a lot of trust involved. Anyone who's not comfortable with that should stack sats (everyone should to some extent).

Thank u for this reply with more info.

All I’m saying is u ask what this is? And it’s the front page. The pic from ur other reply. It makes this look so scammy. Either way I appreciate this response more then the other. I’ve often supported your posts for years and think highly of u 👍. I’m just calling it like I see it. No disrespect meant

I think I've done a good job of laying out much of the the scam-like architecture in previous posts.
When Polycub launched I railed it for like a week straight.

No disrespect taken.
I'm just an argumentative person I guess.

Decent peeps can disagree; ur good people it’s all good. I should be clear though I don’t think it’s literally a scam. I just have seen even with good intentions from those starting project these kinda gains being put out and main reason most jump in just don’t end well. I just don’t think the bitcoin comparison makes any sense. That said I’ve read ur posts for years and u aren’t stupid; in fact quite the opposite. I will be hoping I’m wrong but I don’t think this project ends well. I will cheers ya 🍻 if I’m wrong and u guys all get rich 🤑

Now I'm just curious as to what your portfolio looks like.

You realize what a safe position you put yourself in when you don't reveal where your own money is, right? It's much easier to point out problems than to come up with solutions. In any case I'd say we are in agreement on most topics, even the LEO ecosystem.

Sure here’s what I got
My biggest crypto holding are these
4 ⬇️
MANA (Decentraland) (not a fan but pure $ bet)
I also have micro small amounts of a bunch of others but the named are over a few grand. Bitcoin likely highest but I’m not putting that info public. Current stocks in my trading account below. Mostly oil/nat gas , Gold Miner, UEC (uranium play) I e held those since 2020 March. Only UVXY is new holding yesterday (I’ve traded it a lot) the rest are longer holds but I’ve taken some profit on LNG & UEC. UEC 7X’d for me.

interesting spread
thanks for sharing

I've never messed around with stocks except for a mutual fund before I got into crypto.

One thing that's good about polycub is that we kind of know the people behind it....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Also, what is this?

Why are you circling 67% APR?
Is it because this is an unsustainable number?
What if I told you Bitcoin has been making 100%+ APR on average every year since inception?
Clearly this is not an unsustainable return in the world of crypto.
It's significantly lower than Bitcoin.

I honest hope this project goes moon and is a huge success. I mean it.

But saying things like this I just can’t take seriously with all respect
“Clearly this is not an unsustainable return in the world of crypto.
It's significantly lower than Bitcoin.”

It is unclear which sentiment can't be taken seriously.

Are you implying that Bitcoin doesn't have 100% ROI every year?
Are you implying that 60% ROI on CUB is impossible?
Are you saying the comparison to Bitcoin is inappropriate?
Are you saying that 60% ROI is unsustainable in general for all cryptocurrency?

I honest hope this project goes moon and is a huge success.

How can this statement be true while also saying you can't take it seriously?
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

“ Are you implying that 60% ROI on CUB is impossible?“ - yes I am 100% saying this is not possible long term.

On this
I honest hope this project goes moon and is a huge success.

“ How can this statement be true while also saying you can't take it seriously?
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.”

It can make sense, I like many people from our hive community who are in it. I don’t want them to not go moon with this. But I think it won’t. Not a contradiction really at all. I logically think it’s not gonna happen but I’d love to see my friends in it succeed.

Right, so then it's unsustainable for Bitcoin to increase 100% every year for 13 years in a row.
Except that's exactly what has already happened and will continue to happen.

Even you expect to get returns this high.
Everyone in crypto does.

It's not like you're here because you think you're going to get 15% returns like the stock market.
No one is.