Interesting story, but it seems like you may be conflating measuring value using dollars with accepting dollars as payment. The example you give has nothing to do with measuring the boat's value.
The value of everything is priced in USD, not because of risk aversion, but because USD is the most stable/known asset on the planet. If I ask you to name products you can buy for $5, $20, or $100 you'll be able to tell me. If I ask you the same question in a year or two you'll give me similar answers.
This cannot be done with Bitcoin or ETH. If I ask you what you can buy with 1000, 10k, or 100k sats you won't know without doing the conversion to USD or a local fiat currency. In a year or two the answer is pretty almost always completely different. Unstable crypto will never be a unit-of-account. Personally I believe that stable crypto will be invented (that isn't pegged to fiat) but until then this is what we have.
Tis the plight of the HODLer. Afraid to purchase anything with BTC in case the price of the item turns out to be a million dollars in a couple of year. :)