Definitely the most plausible answer but doesn't explain the nutty countdown video that got posted to his YouTube account. Either someone has access to his accounts or he setup a deadman's switch that he was canceling every single day. The deadman's switch is even weirder than having an accomplice why would he do that? And also if that "know the truth" video that YouTube censored doesn't surface it's going to be very shady.
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He's got a master's in comp sci I thought. An automatic upload is easy to rig up. Easier than trusting anyone else with a high profile murder.
I'm a little surprised that if it was as well planned as it SEEMS to be, that he doesn't have some kind of backup besides yt. If it were me, I'd set up contingencies so whatever I wanted to get out would get distributed even if all known accounts had been shut down.
Yeah exactly this...
Also with how planned out it was it makes zero sense charging him with 2nd-degree murder.
That's still a very weird sticking point for me.
Yeah that's super weird. It feels like an open and closed first degree murder case so I don't see why they're going for what is usually manslaughter/etc. it's a really odd choice when they're also trying so hard to keep people fighting right/left over it as CEO's shit their pants because the reaction online across all political spectrums was basically "lol good get fucked".
You'd think they'd hammer down harder on someone who actually reminded us that the real plague isn't who uses what bathroom, it's who controls 99.9% of the flow of wealth.