The Plot Thickens

in LeoFinance3 months ago (edited)


The Kid is Cooked!

Police continue to spoon-feed the public evidence of Luigi Mangione's wrongdoings, thereby denying him the right to a fair trial. Today they claim his fingerprints are a match to the fingerprints found at the scene of the crime. Ouch.

I will admit it's weird that I'm so invested in this one. I've never been invested in any court case, ever. I guess this one hits different. On top of matching fingerprints there is also allegedly a hand-written journal that essentially admits to the crime. That and the fake ID found at McDonalds was the same one used at the hostel in New York. Open and shut case, boys!

Mangione Manifesto:

"To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone.

"This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience.

"The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there.

"I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done.

"Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy.

"United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but [h]as our life expectancy?

"No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allowed them to get away with it.

"Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain.

"It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty."


So there are some armchair sleuths on the interwebs that are trying to say this manifesto was written by AI, and now I can't unsee it. This "confession" reads absolutely nothing like his social media posts. It's not smart or snarky or have any of the same tones we see elsewhere. And the fact that the very first sentence is bootlicking the feds absolutely sends me. Like oh he has zero respect for greedy capitalism but is also a patriot that loves America? Please... that doesn't even make sense. The entire thing is completely disjointed and reads like a lazy homework assignment.


A fair number of conspiracy theorists online are completely convinced that Mangione is going to end up dead before trial... to the point of saying anyone who disagrees is completely out of touch with reality. Hm, yeah, well, color me out of touch. If he were to die no one is going to believe the narrative that's being painted. And if this was a frame-job the entire point of mopping up this collateral damage is to prevent copy-cat events. That's not going to happen if he gets Martyred and hailed as a hero by a bunch of people.

An "Insult to the intelligence of the American people"

Wow he's giving the American people a fair amount of credit here, amirite?
Why do the police not want him talking to the press?
Oh right because the entire point is to defame him.

"We only know what we have read in the media," the family statement said.

Even his own family has no idea what's going on.
So nobody even knows his side of the story or what claims he is making.
Again... weird.

A new character arrives

Mangione's lawyer is like a caricature of what someone might think a lawyer could be if they had only seen them in the movies. Apparently he's actually a pretty good lawyer but he's also running around saying crazy shit like there's zero evidence against his client. What a weird twist.

My Cousin Vinny vibes for sure.

Now we just need Joe Pesci and James Franco to sign the contract for a guaranteed slay.


Best-case scenarios for Luigi...

Jury Nullification

Some people have been talking about Jury Nullification... which is where the Jury can decide someone is innocent or guilty regardless of the evidence. Although it's always used in regard to the acquittal of the guilty party and not the other way around.

I would guess the chance for actual nullification here is near zero because it would have to be a unanimous decision. That can't happen because this issue has been left vs right politicized. For this same reason it's also highly likely that we get a hung jury or a mistrial... perhaps even multiple times in a row despite the overwhelming evidence... which, let's be honest: would be a really really bad look for the judicial system. I wouldn't complain. The police state can suck rocks.

Temporary Insanity

This is a far more likely avenue that the defense would pursue because it's already an accepted narrative of the case. He was in so much pain that he had a psychotic break from reality. Would be interesting because this is normally a very difficult escape route to navigate.

Doctors reveal how a lack of sex can turn men into killers

Wow... just wow. No comment.

Frame job

The most difficult path to a not-guilty verdict would be accusing the establishment of blatant and systemic corruption. If this path is chosen I would almost certainly believe it was the truth since it has almost a zero-chance of working unless there's actual hard evidence to back it up.


I'm not a lawyer so I can't really speak to this one but who knows.

What's actually going to happen is that this kid is going to get life in prison and the world will continue spinning on as the memory of it fades into oblivion. That's what we should expect anyway. But you never know this is Clown World rules after all.

He continues to fight against New York extradition but how could that possibly work?

Is Fox News being given special treatment?

Fox News seems to be in the right place at the right time when it comes to the content being issued to the public (like being the only news crew behind the courthouse). They're also extremely biased in the reporting even when it comes to interviewing friends and family.

There's an interview that I'm having trouble finding where a friend of Mangione claimed it was him that suggested they read and analyze Ted Kaczynski manifesto and the interviewer turns on him like he's the problem and pretends like true crime doesn't absolutely fascinate people in USA. Pretty weird behavior to be honest. Nobody said Fox News was unbiased... except for Fox News of course.

Took forever but finally found it... I guess this is a roommate.
2 minutes in.

YOU suggested reading Ted Kaczynski's book?!?
w-w-why why were you interested in that?

lol what?
Oh I'm sorry does that not jive with the narrative being built?


Forgot to mention...

His twitter account got verified while he was in prison.
Who is controlling his social media accounts?


This is definitely one of the weirdest trials I have ever seen... and the trial hasn't even started yet. Will it calm down and get boring or will more layers of the onion be peeled back in the days to come? It's a shame YouTube blocked "the truth" from being revealed today. I guess we'll have to wait!


Some weird shit going on for sure. The biggest blunder of them all however is all the info that they keep broadcasting on the news that should be held for trial. In the USA these days you're now guilty until proven innocent it's freakin bonkers.

I'm guessing that might be a case of Twitter itself marking the 'real' account so as to avoid imposters and keep things from getting muddy as this goes apeshit.

Definitely the most plausible answer but doesn't explain the nutty countdown video that got posted to his YouTube account. Either someone has access to his accounts or he setup a deadman's switch that he was canceling every single day. The deadman's switch is even weirder than having an accomplice why would he do that? And also if that "know the truth" video that YouTube censored doesn't surface it's going to be very shady.

He's got a master's in comp sci I thought. An automatic upload is easy to rig up. Easier than trusting anyone else with a high profile murder.

I'm a little surprised that if it was as well planned as it SEEMS to be, that he doesn't have some kind of backup besides yt. If it were me, I'd set up contingencies so whatever I wanted to get out would get distributed even if all known accounts had been shut down.

Yeah exactly this...
Also with how planned out it was it makes zero sense charging him with 2nd-degree murder.
That's still a very weird sticking point for me.

Yeah that's super weird. It feels like an open and closed first degree murder case so I don't see why they're going for what is usually manslaughter/etc. it's a really odd choice when they're also trying so hard to keep people fighting right/left over it as CEO's shit their pants because the reaction online across all political spectrums was basically "lol good get fucked".

You'd think they'd hammer down harder on someone who actually reminded us that the real plague isn't who uses what bathroom, it's who controls 99.9% of the flow of wealth.

Surely Elon and team just gave him the blue checkmark when they realized everyone was looking at his account. I don't think he would need to be involved for that to happen. Obviously scheduling YouTube videos in advance is functionality that's been available for years.

I definitely think it's weird that he was found a couple of days later with such damning evidence on him - you'd think you'd do everything you can to dispose of it properly... but, I can honestly imagine that if I was in substantial back pain for years I might not be thinking straight - so yeah, I dunno about any of it. Regardless of what happens, we're not going to be happy. I still feel unsatisfied with all the things that still don't add up in Trumps assassination attempt - and we're probably never getting anything more out of that.

Obviously scheduling YouTube videos in advance is functionality that's been available for years.

Yes but why... why would you set that up?
Why would you write a lazy soulless confession note and and then plead innocent?

He had sound enough mind to fully stalk this guy and write on the bullets and leave a backpack full of monopoly money and make a clean escape... but not to get rid of basic evidence or wear gloves to avoid fingerprints? None of this shit adds up. Was he thinking straight or was he not thinking straight? Gotta pick a lane.

If he just hadn't of carried any of that evidence on him they would of had absolutely nothing. He doesn't even look like the pictures. It makes zero sense.

Yeah, I agree so much of it doesn't add up, that's why I think this whole thing is going to end up being pretty unsatisfying.

I guess the only other thing to add here is that people are complex, emotional, irrational, genius, ridiculous, hilarious, smart and stupid - we don't really have to pick a lane because people are chaotic.

I have seen too much conspiracy. And, i have seen too much real crime.

This falls so squarely in the conspiracy camp.

People get shot all the time. And the police don't say nothin, even to the family about the investigation.

What i expect, looking back from the future, we (the populous) will find Luigi in some foreign country living out a quiet life. This is after he was to be sentenced to 2x life without parole.

While, some sleuth finds the real guy who did the pistol work, and their life is so Kazinski-like, that we have to wonder if anything is real.

And all of this will happen while VAXXXed people (or family) go insane.

I can’t wait for all of this to unfold. His lawyer is cracking jokes all around. says there’s no evidence to suggest Luigi did it. And the police taking around 50 of his pics and just publishing them all the time is hilarious🤣

Psh I know right?
It's definitely the weirded true crime story I've witnessed in real time.

I agree😅. It’s so weird that there was more info on this guy than on the guy who almost shot Trump. Something’s not adding up🫠

This story raises as many questions as the NJ Drone story. The fact these two stories have occurred so closely together and both of them don't add up makes one question if they're interrelated in some way? What a strange time we live in, it's truly The (Dis)Information Age.

You forgot to mention the 286 anomaly, which can be seen from his linked pokemon # as well as the number of posts on X. He was also holding a happy meal in one of his pictures... there sure was some planning to all of this

I did talk about all that stuff yesterday.
the 286 thing is weird and also apparently links to not only a bible quote but also a denial code


oh okay, missed that!

Man, that's what it takes these days to get a verified xitter account these days? It's getting rough out there.

Appreciate the dark comedy :D

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What is darkcloaks? :D

Wow, the plot thickens indeed. I'm really not in the position to dig into X and other socials this month but I'm just going to follow your posts to get my dose of this case.. Otherwise I'm most likely ending up in big rabbit holes and getting distracted as well..

Gosh, if he's framed (it sure feels that way) what a nightmare, imagine having those pains in prison and not even being guilty! Which I clearly will not say of course but the case definitely stinks and when it does, something is usually off..

To be continued?

More info on this dude in a few hours compared to the guy who shot the president. Not sketchy at all lol.

Speaking of social media accounts changing, I once saw a social media account, FB specifically, change after the subject was in custody. I wish I had had the presence of mind to take before and after screenshots, but I did not expect it to happen and, when it did, I was so shocked I was nauseous. Clearly staged and managed, the entire shooting, although kids did die. I was, at that time, in the habit of watching these things very closely as they happened and would go to local news stations to see what those were saying. I went to the shooter's FB page immediately. The profile pix changed after the kid was in custody to match something the single witness reported, see below. You could see "profile edited one minute ago" or some such on the TV screen. Also, pix of what he was wearing suddenly appeared on FB too, whereas before this, no pix could be seen.

What I can remember:
-Last name of shooter was something like papayaourtis
-He'd supposedly shot up an art class just after the bell
-Trump was president and managed to tweet something that was timestamped in DC time before the shooting in Texas. Tweet disappeared.
-Only witness who was shown on every station said he was in the room being shot at, yet still managed to see and remember in detail exactly what the kid was wearing down to the style of his boots, the type of weapon, and the saying on the shooter's shirt.
-everything this witness reported suddenly appeared on the FB site, and not another piece of clothing or identifying thing
-cops managed to break into his computer within a few minutes and found a manifesto on it.

I believe that many of these events are managed for our entertainment. It's sickening. Thank you for continuing to cover this. You

I believe it's a Pelosi guided hit job. Saw a thread that ceo was to speak out against insider trading.

I've seen that he was being probed for insider trading but zero evidence about testifying.
Seems pretty thin.

I do like a good conspiracy though.

The Pelosi crime syndicate has lots of blood on their hands so this would just be a blip on their map of murder.

Where I'm curious is the timing of all this. It seems there is a very distinct reason why the distraction. What is being done elsewhere that they are trying to keep the attention stateside?

My wife and I have been talking about this because she basically lives on court tv. She thinks I am crazy when I mention that he was framed. We will probably never know fully.

"but he can't be framed there's too much evidence" :D
who do you think is framing him in this scenario?

not that I'm saying he is or isn't being framed but just pointing out all the weird shit using global logic and skepticism. you'd think blind trust for the government wouldn't be an option at this point but it still very much is

I think we still have to be a little optimistic that we aren't totally getting screwed over. Even if it's just a sliver of an amount!

Many conspiracy theorists have delusions of grandeur and persecution in which they are geniuses and everyone else is an idiot and the entire world is against them... often times the viewpoint is the entire world is controlled by a single centralized agent (like Satan or the "Deep State") and every little detail of the world is determined by this entity.

Lucky for us actual reality is never that simple and clean cut.

Yeah for sure. Have you heard the theory that Helen Keller didn't exist? She was just a story people told to inspire young kids that they can accomplish anything. My nieces dropped that one on me about a year ago. They really believe it too.

lol that's wild

There's a really interesting one about the Denver Airport too, but I'll let you investigate that on your own!

The accusation would require undeniable proof of tampering, corruption, or manipulation, which is incredibly challenging to produce, especially against a powerful system. Without such evidence, this defense strategy might only serve to fuel public skepticism without securing freedom for Mangione.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(3/10) @danzocal tipped @edicted

Are you not entertained?

Cigar is sometimes just a cigar. The world war started because of a teenager who was not even supposed to be take part in assassination plot. USA lost president because of former Marine with illusions of grandeur and just enough marksmanship skills.

It is usually the cover up for someone's incompetence and The Powers That Be using opportunities given by such individuals that serves as credible basis for conspiracy theories.

Like Conrad von Hoetzendorf, chief of staff of Imperial Austro-Hungarian Army, who immediately went to Hofburg Palace and told 84-old emperor "You know that pre-emptive war against Serbia I planned and advocated for years? They just killed your nephew! Would you do something about it, you old wimp?"

Or, in a modern remake of the same story, more-or-less all government agencies in USA following 9/11.