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RE: The Plot Thickens

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Speaking of social media accounts changing, I once saw a social media account, FB specifically, change after the subject was in custody. I wish I had had the presence of mind to take before and after screenshots, but I did not expect it to happen and, when it did, I was so shocked I was nauseous. Clearly staged and managed, the entire shooting, although kids did die. I was, at that time, in the habit of watching these things very closely as they happened and would go to local news stations to see what those were saying. I went to the shooter's FB page immediately. The profile pix changed after the kid was in custody to match something the single witness reported, see below. You could see "profile edited one minute ago" or some such on the TV screen. Also, pix of what he was wearing suddenly appeared on FB too, whereas before this, no pix could be seen.

What I can remember:
-Last name of shooter was something like papayaourtis
-He'd supposedly shot up an art class just after the bell
-Trump was president and managed to tweet something that was timestamped in DC time before the shooting in Texas. Tweet disappeared.
-Only witness who was shown on every station said he was in the room being shot at, yet still managed to see and remember in detail exactly what the kid was wearing down to the style of his boots, the type of weapon, and the saying on the shooter's shirt.
-everything this witness reported suddenly appeared on the FB site, and not another piece of clothing or identifying thing
-cops managed to break into his computer within a few minutes and found a manifesto on it.

I believe that many of these events are managed for our entertainment. It's sickening. Thank you for continuing to cover this. You