Messing around with AI a bit more.
There's a lot of low hanging fruit that I could potentially get done pretty fast if I grind it out hard enough. It's always best to start with the easiest thing first because it's never as easy as you imagine it will be. Less is more in this regard. Biting off more than one can chew leads to burnout quite quickly. Just look around at all the projects in crypto that were never completed or took years to complete when the estimated time was like 6 months. It's NEVER 6 months. Ever. Never.
Battleship is known worldwide as a pencil and paper game which dates from World War I. It was published by various companies as a pad-and-pencil game in the 1930s and was released as a plastic board game by Milton Bradley in 1967. The game has spawned electronic versions, video games, smart device apps and a film.
So I started with the easiest thing I could think of.
From a coding perspective Battleship is almost as simple as Tic-Tac-Toe. Hell it might even be easier than Tic-Tac-Toe because in that game you have to code in the logic to see if anyone won the game and got 3 in a row. Whereas Battleship is even simpler: all your ships sink and you lose. Both can be played with a pen and paper quite easily, highlighting the simplicity of it all.
I got a somewhat working version of Battleship up and running with HTML/JS with a single prompt on AI. No bells and whistles here (yet), just a couple of tables with a little JavaScript glue to hold it together. Of course when I tried to add drag-and-drop functionality and PNG files to represent the ships it became riddled with errors and totally unplayable. Looking at the code I am reminded just how big of a JavaScript noob I really am. I'll need a pretty big refresher course to jump back into this stuff. Then again with AI answering any random question I throw at it with precision it makes the learning process ten times easier and faster.
That's the funniest thing about AI in my opinion: everyone complains about how it undermines academia and is fated to usher in a bunch of stupid humans that don't know anything. This is not accurate. AI is a better teacher than 99% of professors. It is a tool that makes it very easy to CHEAT if you want to cheat, and at the same time it makes it just as easy to actually LEARN the material if that's the actual goal of the student.
So essentially AI jailbreaks the entire educational system. We can clearly see that school was designed much like a prison. The driving characteristics of education (especially public education) have been rooted in a foundation of force and fear, just like the model for the rest of the world. Pass this test or you fail. If you fail you won't get a good job. If you don't get a good job you'll be a loser and shunned by society. Blah blah blah.
This is put students in a wholly toxic environment that turns learning into mostly pointless busy work and a complete lack of intellectual curiosity. How many students are in class because they were forced or pressured to be there? I personally never wanted to be in school. It was so boring and tedious. Now AI gives students an easy way to cheat at everything and we blame AI instead of THE ENTIRE WAY WE'VE BEEN OPERATING UP TO THIS POINT. This is not AI's fault: the entire system is broken. AI just highlights this very obvious fact. Stop trying to shoot the messenger.
AI on Hive
We get the same type of pushback on our own network. Many have tried to farm rewards on Hive by just copy/pasting AI prompts and ended up having their accounts nuked to zero with downvotes. Is this appropriate behavior and response, or is Hive suffering from the same delusion as academia? Maybe a little of both.
I believe AI is forcing us to ask some very serious questions, but rather than answer the questions we just blame the messenger for posing them. If I move a pile of rocks from point A to point B I will inevitably spend quite a bit of effort completing that task. However, the task itself has zero value. Meanwhile, I could automate some small task for very little effort but the value of that automation would be much greater than zero.
Work smart not hard.
Point being that many people across the board seem to conflate high value with high effort, which is not really the case. Either something has value or it doesn't. The effort employed to produce the value is meaningless in many circumstances. But I digress.
Shared Modules
Looping back to the Battleship clone: it requires a lot of infrastructure that could be shared across multiple types of games. One thing I need is access to a database to store information. Luckily I already have a working MySQL database with a connection to Hive from my Magitek project (although some are telling me to make the switch to postgreSQL). Another function needed is a connection to one or more Hive wallets like Keychain (easy but never figured out how). Games need a lobby where users can host and others can join. A chatroom would be nice as well. Then for games with NFTs you need a marketplace. Some of these technologies already exist and can be forked, others do not and must be built from scratch.
AI is a very useful and powerful tool that can be easily abused within the current ecosystem. This is an extremely disruptive force that we haven't been able to adapt to because it's evolving so quickly. I expect to hit some kind of logarithmic soft cap here sooner or later but others are saying we're on the brink of AGI. I'm still not sure if I'm buying it but Grok3 does give me pause considering it's reasoning ability are off the charts. The Turing Test is a joke at this point.
As a lot of other stuff, the problem is not AI, but how we use it. It's hard to get people understand this fact.
That's the main reason why I love these AIs: if I've been able to learn some python, that's just because of how easy it is to ask a question to an AI and get a straight and clear answer. And if I don't understand, I can answer again and get easier answers and different perspectives, making learning so much easier... and funnier. Wish school was like this...
That's great to read!
"Back in my days", you'd have to goggle that stuff, filter through github discussions and stackoverflow posts and hope that there'd be an answer somewhere. With AI, you can be much more precise but you also need to know which questions to ask and figure out when it's hallucinating.
Yeah, when I was younger I learned (for fun) some HTML to manage a forum, and I remember that I had to search everywhere to find what I needed and then work on it and try to make it work for my site... it was painful 🤣 and I was just doing it for fun !LOL
Ahahahah that's so true! And sometimes when you point out its mistake, the AI doesn't even remember that it was it to make that error and acts like you did it 🤣 they are becoming too human!
The next day she locked me in the cellar
Credit: playbyhive
$LOLZ on behalf of arc7icwolf
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Cool to see you're building a game with AI. Keep it up and don't feel intimidated by the JS code. You've got a huge advantage now with AI being able to code on a solid level - use it.
Check this out:
Much appreciated.
Citation needed.
I'm kidding of course.
I'm not sure how you measure value on the Hive blockchain. We see posts with zero comments get high rewards because the authors post 3 times a day and that's profitable to autovoting curators. I think PeakD used to have a Views metric, and I think it got taken away because people could see high earning posts with 0 views.
I agree that the effort in a post is meaningless... the value comes from 'did I enjoy a post or did I learn something?' - I can understand why people would downvote AI generated content because AI still has a pretty high level of hallucination - and if you can't trust the information it loses value. It's hard to enjoy AI generated art because you can't really be impressed with the skills of the artist.
Yeah I agree with all of that.
I just see Hive as much more than a blogging network.
We can use AI to empower our users to create exponential value.
Not making blogs; my focus is more on gaming, and now everyone can participate in development.
But there are other avenues out there as well.
School really did feel like a prison sometimes, so much memorization, so little actual learning. Now AI makes learning faster, but a lot of people just see the cheating part. Just like how crypto brings freedom and utilities but a lot of people just see dips and unstable assets
My point with ai generated content is if you can’t be bothered to write it why should we be bothered to read it :)
Using it to learn or help with code snippets? Go for it! The value there is in assisting rather than the output.
I'm OK with downvoting some AI content, especially if the votes it currently has are likely to be autogenerated. It's a mechanism to mitigate flooding the chain with babble. That being said, AI generated content can certainly be valuable.
I just got started using AI and it has already increased both the quality of my work and made me more productive. I mainly use it for deep research...well actually I don't even know that it's that deep. It's just quicker. But it allows me to more thoroughly investigate what I'm looking at whereas before I might have been inclined to give up or go in another direction. I'm learning a lot.
In fact, one of the things I recently learned about was Steve Jobs' bicycle for the mind metaphor. AI just threw it in there in one of its answers for something. Coincidentally, that's how I feel about AI. It's not going to replace humans, it's going to make us better.
So the move is to use AI and build a bunch of classic game remakes on Hive?
You probably didn't realize that the response to this is another 1000 word post.
But also your takeaway from this post shouldn't be what you just asked.
I'm over here telling everyone AI can help anyone learn pretty much any skill in the world.
So no you tell me what you're going to use it for.
If you want to change the education system you need to change the politicians. We have our hands tied by then and the majority of us are just trying to do the best we can for the students within the scope that the government allows us.
Regardless of how we may feel about AI, this is effectively a pandora's box. There is no way to kill it.
Adaptation is the only answer, and I think what you are doing is the right move. As you know I'm also on this path myself.
I do have to ask, are you going to make a public repository for these experiments?
Yes very good question. It would be awesome to see it.
I mean I will if I think it has value.
AI is changing things fast, and Hive is feeling it also. Some people make use of it the wrong way, but blocking it completely isn’t the answer. We smart way need to be developed to fight it and create a balance!
Indeed, AI has been a powerful tool for every task needs to be done
I am also using AI and I can also say that it is very powerful tool
AI is very useful in almost all of stuffs and continues to grow more