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RE: You Sunk My Battleship

in LeoFinance3 days ago

I'm OK with downvoting some AI content, especially if the votes it currently has are likely to be autogenerated. It's a mechanism to mitigate flooding the chain with babble. That being said, AI generated content can certainly be valuable.

I just got started using AI and it has already increased both the quality of my work and made me more productive. I mainly use it for deep research...well actually I don't even know that it's that deep. It's just quicker. But it allows me to more thoroughly investigate what I'm looking at whereas before I might have been inclined to give up or go in another direction. I'm learning a lot.

In fact, one of the things I recently learned about was Steve Jobs' bicycle for the mind metaphor. AI just threw it in there in one of its answers for something. Coincidentally, that's how I feel about AI. It's not going to replace humans, it's going to make us better.