but the man made software we can attach to our bodies looks in a very low level compare to the "software" which rules our body
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
but the man made software we can attach to our bodies looks in a very low level compare to the "software" which rules our body
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
For now. I'm not convinced mankind is driving technological advancement. Life does its own thing.
Ummm , havent thought about it yet , good point
Well , would you say that blockchain did appear for a natural reason?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't have the expertise to argue it but for the sake of discussion it seems to be inline with the natural progression of of all living things.
Forests have networks of roots and fungi, bacteria (probably), etc..., that allow them to communicate (what we consider) primitive (chemical(?) signals.
Why wouldn't such a complex system be considered a decentralized, distributed network?
At this point I may argue there's no indication that data is actually stored in this network to the degree we may need to be comfortable comparing the two, but we do know we don't yet know everything and there are countless questions we still don't even know to ask.
Watching human behavior and comparing to everything else, it seems the underlying driver is life creates a useful tool or method to enhance something’s ability to survive or thrive, then, eventually weaponizes it against it.
Blockchain will be no different. This will boost civilization to new heights but you’d be hard pressed to convince me someone isn’t already using it to oppress and subjugate.
Neither an expert , so not really have many arguments or data for a serious discussion
good point , agree with you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don’t really have arguments either. I just like to ponder the mysteries of life. 😊
That is true. Just look at the brain. For all our advancement, we still have no idea what is going on there.
We are so smart yet know so little. Perhaps a great deal more will be answered once we enter the quantum age. It might be that is required to end up pushing into a realm of understanding that we do not have now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
right , the brain or a single plant growing from seed are far more complex that any software I have seen
We are far for fully understanding it ( as far as I know , not really an expert on genetics)
But at the actual technology development is like :
I can change a couple of lines of code using a language I dont even know why the language was created for or who created it
I would say that nothing we can do on purpose will take as close to the point to have a genetic SDK or similar
And at this point I think as @sinistry , no human directed effort will give us that skill , just nature or need or cosmic whatever
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think we’re kind of in agreement. I don’t know that man will achieve that but I have no doubt AI can given a long enough timeline.
It’s been years, but I recall seeing an article once about a lab that was growing fiber optic cables. That sounds like primitive cyborg tech to me.
Yes I’m definitely not debating the difference in complexity between natural software vs manufactured, I’m saying there’s no solid evidence anymore that this will always be the case.