Thanks for your point of view. I'm glad you're here as I'd like to ask you something.
What happens when someone enlists like 10 - 15 extra tags at the end of the post, plus the usual tags in the tag section? Will those extra tags appear as tags too? In my case I guess I had 10 tags in total, so I don't know what would have happened if I would have used 11 or more tags.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I saw someone yesterday with 3 lines of tags, so I think its possible to have over 10 tags if tagged in the body.
But I am not 100% sure! And I dont remember the post x)
I have seen posts like you mentioned above too. That is clearly abuse and that's why the 10 tag rule has been set. However, I don't know how it's treated by the blockchain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ye 100% abuse.
Ye no, not sure why its "allowed" and not hard capped at 10 tags or however it works. Not a coder xD