Twitter now allows streaming of over 1 hr too. Now this is going to compete with YouTube and twitch. I think Elon is getting serious with all these features.
Twitter now allows streaming of over 1 hr too. Now this is going to compete with YouTube and twitch. I think Elon is getting serious with all these features.
I'm not sure longer streams are what Twitter needs because Twitter is known for its short content. Plus, will the attention span hold?
Twitter is not old one now.. it is intended to replace tiktok, youtube and FB.. that is the path they are walking.. that old twitter of short content is dead.
Hmm.. You're right. But I doubt any video streaming platform can beat the uniqueness of YouTube.
Tiktok has done it.. there are more tiktok rich creators than youtube now... youtube income is sliding down now.
Really, I thought TikTok is just a rival, I didn't know that there are richer creators on TikTok and this is due to the fact that I don't use TikTok at all
Tiktok has captured US, UK and Canada market, so income there means they are rich. YouTube income is 48 percent given to creators but tiktok gives larger portion like more than 60 percent.
Wow. Thanks for the eye-opener.
Wow looks like theirs Money going round on TikTok. What can one not do for money lol
Tom, If we start to talk about rich people on TikTok you'll be so surprised at the numbers
yeah, I'm glad I learnt about TikTok from her.
Otherwise why does a lot of people have all these apps on their phones 🤷♂️😂Mr @tomiajax I think every app has its own uniqueness
Some say ‘I have TikTok on my phone but I don’t post’ yet that Oga or madam’s most frequently used app is that same app he/she criticizes lol
Yeah, I think underestimate how big TikTok is. Actually there are a lot of people with TikTok account. And true every app has their own uniqueness.
One thing Elon is very good at is business. He knows how to market and he will rival the other platforms for sure
Trust me he's a typical business tycoon
One that I'll be so glad to have a business class with
Seriously the man oozes idea and a good example of a business man. Having a class or one on one with him will be very interesting
fells more like he's forgetting the main purpose for why it's called a tweet, not so long just short. Maybe that will bring more people onboarding the platform
I think more people, more monetization was in his mind, he wanted to capture youtubes engagement and he will at this rate
think he wants to kick these other platforms out of business
You know sometimes these keys (keyboard) runs faster than the lips lol
Elon musk is attempting a lot of 'impossiblilities' lol I no there's no word like that but I get the feeling you understand what I'm trying to say 😄