
Although I see the appeal of a one-world government (and for a long time I had been in favor of one), I think a one-world government would be a mistake.

Today (but easier in the past) it's possible to flee an oppressive government either for asylum or to begin a new life. With a one-world government, that option is gone-- where could you go? Then there is the tendency of government to grow and gain more control at the expense of the people within its boundaries. And if government grows, it has to be funded somehow; usually it's with increased taxes.

If our countries are moving toward a surveillance society now, imagine how much worse it will be under one-world government rule. I don't see such a place permitting questioning of anything (even if you decide to go along), never mind any form of dissent.

Decentralized systems of government (right down to family units and even individuals) are needed as much for our own protection as to keep governments in check as they must be.

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Exactly, world govt would be tyranical state. Especially with China and Russia having bigger stake in that. This is one reason I don't want decentralization and crypto replacing the local currency either. Especially for asian like me, if current way the govt function can make life like this imagine world govt in the hands of china would be disaster. As much as I like crypto if it leads to world govt I hope it fails.

Local currency is government currency. Decentralization won't replace it as long as government runs things.

Can crypto and other decentralized money be used in a local economy? Yes. Will it replace local currency? Not if government can help it.

Governments are loathe to give up any control or advantage. so don't expect crypto and other deccentralized money to replace local money any time soon.

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