Thanks. Brave seems to know what I'm into! Cub was too difficult for me to get into, even though Sarge offered to help. By that point I was burnt out of reading and viewing incomplete tutorials and decided to give it a pass. I realized that just because someone knows about a subject, doesn't mean they can explain it well to a new person.
It was odd. Many of the tutorials would begin in the middle, others would cover the very beginning and then halt. Nothing was comprehensive and step by step. After a week of trying to learn Cub Finance, I finally gave up.
I'll never forget the last video I tried to watch. Right off the bat, he starts in the middle using all kinds of industry jargon. He was talking to his crypto friends, but had labled the video as being for beginners. Experts talking to experts. I clicked away and never went back.
They couldn't seem to think like a NEW person. Don't assume we know what you're talking about. Step by step. Screenshot each one, think "Cub for Dummies." These guys would always skip over some crucial part and I'm shouting at my screen "wait, you left out the next step!" lol
I'd be reading and taking notes, like "Ok, I got steps 1, 2 and 3 so far, good, I'm with you, got it." Then they'd jump to step 7 and I'm like "wait, what?" lol! So frustrating. :)
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