I want to point out something really quick, we all get too emotional and fall victim of these things. It's no one's fault when we try to be our brother's keeper but then we need to proceed with caution...
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I want to point out something really quick, we all get too emotional and fall victim of these things. It's no one's fault when we try to be our brother's keeper but then we need to proceed with caution...
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Hmm all these threads seem to be sending me a message, I've read a few about being cautious of how I give help or say YES to some demands... Will read more into your threadstorm.
come to me I can caution you more 🙂
Okay, I'm coming 🙂
Don’t say it like that 😒. Say okay am coming papi 😂
🤣🤣 Who is this na? Pap what?
Yes papi 😂, you watch telenovelas so you should understand what it means
No I don't watch those 🙄 so I'll stick with Rubi 😅
You should, it'll give you a few pointers
Yeah, thanks
We cannot help everyone, we can only try our best. We just need to know that some people claim they want to be helped but they do not need help. A lot of folks love the way they are and they do not want a change.
#threadstorm #hive
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It cannot be possible to help everyone
That's so true
Some people despise our help whenever we try, a painful part are the ones that go back to what they have been saved from. It is quite frustrating. I would say we should not give up in doing good to others...
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I feel so frustrated seeing that happen to me
We need to identify the time wasters and those that are not ready to change. Spend more time on those that are ready to be helped. More importantly, we should not condemn anyone but be expectant of a positive outcome.
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You nailed the point on head. Carry go
Smiles... thanks
Lastly, I will say that we should not cast our pearls before swines, it is really important we do not force people to change. Give them time to reflect on what you have told them. Change is a process of the heart
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We don't have power to change anyone unless the person is ready for a change.#threads
That's rightly said
You are right, Some times, trying to help out us into trouble