I have seen some threads unviewable even if I modify the link. It's unviewable in threads and that is the issue if I want to reply. Or the notifications makes it hard because it doesn't expand those threads.
Yes I know, but I would use LeoFinance more if everything worked properly. I use it to the extent that there are no issues. So if it gets fixed, then all of the replies to threads will be done using LeoFinance.
My issue is the UI has challenges in it for me interacting with posts themselves. Because of that, I'm not using the new UI much. Hoping it gets sorted out soon! Keep up the threads dude!
My post feed sucks, I don’t want to always see trending posts. I want to see a list of recent ones the same way the old UI worked and other UI’s work. I know bugs are being worked out but posts are more my speed than threads, so I’m using PeakD to curate the Leo posts on this account.
The last bull market took $BTC from $7,000 to $69,000
If we take the bear market and plug that into the possible next bull run we get
A bear $16,000 BTC price with a new all time high of $140,000 We might see that 100k bitcoin soon
It's crazy! Yeah man, I'm loving it. I think it's the perfect marriage between a TE model and crypto....Next up, figuring out a way to distribute $LEO too not just #ctp
Facts It's always loaded up for me and I check often. Mainly for my voting power but also to see how well I did earnings wise if I need to make some trades or not. #feedback Ads on https://Hivestats.io EZ
I don’t have a problem with that but with the speeding up of songs. When you speed up a song it becomes very nice and then when you download the original one it is wack
Each time I remember my first leverage trade I laugh. I wanted to use less than 10 dollars to make a mark and ended up going for a 200x. It ended real bad
If you are Threading from ecency, your threads are not getting indexed because they didn't build a backend and obviously can't connect to Leo's backend.
So you are not earning any $LEO from those Threads :(
Yeah this our problem, Hive is great but too many projects only think of themselves and not the greater good of HIve, we users get stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Yep, but what can we do if LF builds a full Threads backend and another project (whichever) just builds a different way of showing those Threads, without reaching out, looking for ways to collab, or even asking about compatibility :(
I know :( I even asked numerous times and on my show too in their Discord server if it would be compatible with LF, telling them there is no point having something that is not compatible.
That’s another thing I don’t get from some Hive projects, why build things to compete for the micro userbase we have instead of trying 2 reach out 2 the billions outside
sucks that even having a show there your comments passed unnoticed :/
Something pretty awesome is coming that you will love, it's got to do with this topic, without forcing anyone to use the Leo frontend (but encouraging them very, very much).
I'd be up for setting it to burn 100% or maybe a little lower of LEO if the article wasn't published from the LeoFinance front end. It would need to be made crystal clear though.
I didn't bother using waves and I generally use LeoFinance unless I can't find the reply thread. How does that work though? Isn't the main post under LeoFinance tag, so wouldn't they earn LEO also?
The main post is on LF but the replies not done on LF do not connect to our backend and thus, they are not recognized as Leo content (but it is shown indeed), this means it doesn't earn $LEO
oh nooo, well now you know! It’s pretty sad but since Leo has a whole backend infrastructure for threads and ecency doesn’t, the threads from ecency are incompatible (even if the front shows them) to get rewards
The leofinance.io frontend isn't fully functional especially for mobile users. I published through the new UI yesterday and it wasn't indexed after saying successfully published so I had to use other frontend. In this case do you want me
You will later come and say you don’t have money oo😒. But on a more serious note, it doesn’t hurt to treat yourself to these types of things once in a while. 🙂
I want to reach a level where all of my daily spendings come from my HIVE earning. That sounds like a long journey, so I want to expand to more than HIVE when I can.
Pushin over 28k now for $BTC 3.6% gain in 24 hours. Crazy to think that's what a bank pays you over a full year! and then taxes the heck out of you for it.
When you put yourself in a position to have to stare at these things for several hours, the "scary" element goes away, so it's good you think it's scary. That means I'm on to something.
Every business owner want its empire to grow exceedingly. What are some tips to abided? @hopestylist shared some working strategies and model to adopt.
You are not getting paid through Twitter directly, however, your activities on Twitter is recorded through an app that pays you USDT and other crypto assets. This app is what avalanche, polygon, wax Blockchain are using for their marketing and whoever that uses it and connect his or her Twitter to it, get paid... I've been using it since 2021
I am one person that please anyone around me not knowing that i was doing myself more harm than good. Learn how to say in this life if not people will use you like tissue paper
She became so angry and said, all her hope was in me, why should I say ,i don't have it. Who is that person that told me not to give her money. This is not Blessing i know
The statement, this is not Blessing i know touched me so much thank from that day, i began to think, what is the meaning of this? I said to myself, you have been used enough. It is all over. I learned how to say no. The outcome?
The outcome was that those friends left me. I came to realize that they were close to me not that they love me but because they were gaining from me
I know how to say "No," but I don't like it... I can imagine your story happening to me at some point, but while I (try to) give a lot, I only give what I can when I can and I let people know that I rarely prioritize them over myself.
I disagree, pleasing someone is a really admirable thing, but some people don't deserve it. What you should learn isn't "only care about myself" but it's "I shouldn't hurt myself to please someone else."
sometimes we really have to say no, other wise all are take us for granted. U didn’t have the amount it’s not your problem. You did nothing wrong. But the idea is that you showed how a good person you are 🌸
I'm thankful I've never been in the situation @ijelady have been in, but I know someone who sacrifices a lot of herself to please her family. It feels like her efforts are unrewarded. If she made less effort on them. I know they won't mind.
I want to point out something really quick, we all get too emotional and fall victim of these things. It's no one's fault when we try to be our brother's keeper but then we need to proceed with caution...
Hmm all these threads seem to be sending me a message, I've read a few about being cautious of how I give help or say YES to some demands... Will read more into your threadstorm.
We cannot help everyone, we can only try our best. We just need to know that some people claim they want to be helped but they do not need help. A lot of folks love the way they are and they do not want a change.
Some people despise our help whenever we try, a painful part are the ones that go back to what they have been saved from. It is quite frustrating. I would say we should not give up in doing good to others...
We need to identify the time wasters and those that are not ready to change. Spend more time on those that are ready to be helped. More importantly, we should not condemn anyone but be expectant of a positive outcome.
Lastly, I will say that we should not cast our pearls before swines, it is really important we do not force people to change. Give them time to reflect on what you have told them. Change is a process of the heart
From your zero age to 6 years, it was like plain paper. It recorded what you want and what you don't want. Now is your choice of what you want to delete from your brain and record new things
You also have legs that takes you to where you want to go. When you were small, your parents controlled you on where you should go. Now who controls you?
so since no constant power supply for days saw no reason in turning it off. Little did I know that power will be restored next day, Woke up with my living room flooded with the water 1cm high.
Not to a floody extent, but something similar happens a few times a month in my house. Our house's main water tank needs to get filled by a Tap connecting to the city. When the tap doesn't provide water, we forget it turned on sometimes.
The water moved to my kitchen socked my tuber of yam, then moved gradually to my room damaged my wife’s laptop the laptop charger was already damaged has it was brought out from the pool.
Well I blessed the lord all that was damaged was just the laptop which was fixed the morning of that same day, and bought a new charger spent approximately $10 to make that possible.
Everyone's water situation is different, but that sounds really dangerous. I wish I could say the same about not leaving taps open, but sometimes we forget the Tap open when we sleep.
Sorry for your damage man, but seriously … you could‘ve easily avoided that by simply turning off the tap. I‘d never leave the tap on without attenting it! 🖖🏼👁🤙🏼
Gez that's a heck of a lot better than me. I think I'm going modern next season and see how that goes. I ended up getting 6 silver chests and ended in bronze 2 WTF lol
Lol. It's rough but it all adds up. I have some cards leveled up and it gives me an edge over my opponent but silver chests give bad rewards. So I am thinking of advancing.
Your CP and your rating are good for Gold III. Did you advance already? Me, I only have 42 season chests. That's way above compared to my 8 last season. 😅
I don't advance because I don't want to get stuck in Gold rank but it looks like I might be able to. I am nowhere near the 2.8k limit anymore. I'll go advance right now.
I also do like that. Going up to a higher league makes the battle more difficult. Usually, I advance near the end of the season but there are also cases that I could not beat the time due to tougher battles.
Yea. I never really considered it but my rating has been quite low and if I only advance on the last day or the day before it, I won't get to the Gold I
Today's #epl threadcast had 625 threads. Could not reach 1000 threads coz the threadcast could not handle the conversations and notifications #features
Use Leofinance UI to create threads and reply to threads please.
Replying from other front ends means blue notifications where we cannot interact and upvote.
A very important public service announcement!!
I think we need to make clear demarcation. And, not use other UIs.
If it's in blue notif, we tend to skip them. Unless we have more time to find where it is hehe
Same. When notifications are raining then there is no time
I would but some replies are not indexed. So they need to fix the bugs first.
95% of the replies are indexed. Replies from other UI cannot be engaged.
I have seen some threads unviewable even if I modify the link. It's unviewable in threads and that is the issue if I want to reply. Or the notifications makes it hard because it doesn't expand those threads.
This a beta product and there are supposed to be few issues. Creating a habit of using other front ends will complicate engagement.
Yes I know, but I would use LeoFinance more if everything worked properly. I use it to the extent that there are no issues. So if it gets fixed, then all of the replies to threads will be done using LeoFinance.
My issue is the UI has challenges in it for me interacting with posts themselves. Because of that, I'm not using the new UI much. Hoping it gets sorted out soon! Keep up the threads dude!
What do you mean? You cannot interact with blogs?
My post feed sucks, I don’t want to always see trending posts. I want to see a list of recent ones the same way the old UI worked and other UI’s work. I know bugs are being worked out but posts are more my speed than threads, so I’m using PeakD to curate the Leo posts on this account.
Thank you.
Oh now I get it. That’s what is causing the blue notifications
That is one of the main reasons- yes
Damn threaders😂, well for me when am not able to reply a thread through Leo finance I leave it.
Same. I just do not engage with that reply.
Sometimes it hurts me cause you will be having a great convo which comes to an end
haha I understand what you mean. And, I am curious what the response was :P
Thanks for the information
You are welcome.
I'm back from the day on the road...Gotta work on my blog post tonight, and then gear up for my first week of offline work in about 20 years lol
Oh boy....
You are very workaholic so having a day out is not a bad idea.
Yeah it was a nice day away!
Good to hear boss
The last bull market took $BTC from $7,000 to $69,000
If we take the bear market and plug that into the possible next bull run we get
A bear $16,000 BTC price with a new all time high of $140,000 We might see that 100k bitcoin soon
I have a similar anticipation as well.
I am hopeful we might see $100K BTC before the end of 2024... only time will tell! In the meantime, I'm just wishing for $1.00 $HIVE again!
i won't be surprised if bitcoin reach 200k in the next bull market
At the hospital. Guess mom's PR is gonna be my home for a while.
My thoughts and prayers of healing to those who are challenged with their health.
hope all is well. stay strong.
Thank you. All is well.
Now, I got it. Joining you in prayer.
Thank you fren :) Happy Monday
Yes, happy Monday too!
Geeez, so sorry to hear that. Prayers up to you and your family!
Many thanks :) I appreciate it.
My prayers to for fast healing and recovery
Thank you lots :)
Oh heck ya!!!
Just say this from CTPX
We hit 1 million website and blog views!!!
1 Million is nutz! I feel like the sites only like 4 months old.
45,621 xplored total for me with 9.320 $CTP Tokens sweet
It's crazy! Yeah man, I'm loving it. I think it's the perfect marriage between a TE model and crypto....Next up, figuring out a way to distribute $LEO too not just #ctp
Woah! That's huge! Congrats!
Thank you kindly, yeah I was so happy to see it today!!
I am glad too though I have been not so active on the platform these past few days.
Congratulations! What a milestone!
Thank you for all your support since day one!
Thank ya' kindly!
#Hivestats really needs adds.
I go there at least 10 times per day to check my voting power.
Facts It's always loaded up for me and I check often. Mainly for my voting power but also to see how well I did earnings wise if I need to make some trades or not. #feedback Ads on https://Hivestats.io EZ
Only makes sense and I am sure it is on the list of to dos.
But Hivestats is a nice app and people need to use it especially if ads are on there. LOL
I might use it twice as often.
I have a bad habit of just having threads open so that refresh yeahhh happens a lot in a day for me haha
I'm still waiting for the day $LEO is show in those stats as well curation, power ups etc. would be nice to have that in the charts
Wow. Its displays the details of your account including your voting power too. Adds on it will be good idea because it has huge traffic
Good Morning! It looks like rain all day today. But maybe that's not so bad. #gmfrens
Good morning to you. I hope the rain lets up soon but if it doesn't, then just spend some time inside.
Good morning to you. Rains is not bad when it does not destroy anything but doing it work. Many are pleading for it in their place but can't have it
Sure...it's inconvenient to go out and walk and do activities outside, but rain is necessary.
Our roads and houses will be flooded and outbreak of diseases but wewe still yearn for rain
Good Morning! What do you have planned for the start of your week?
I am going to do Writer Quests🤣 Rain allows me to concentrate on writing.
We have a sunny morning here
That's good! It's nice when it's sunny.
It seems that the approaching storm here changed direction. Good morning!
That's good to hear! Storms can be dangerous... Have a great week!
It was a super typhoon based on the report, the one that devastated Guam.
Good morning and happy new week. It's drizzling over here. Gloomy weather.
Is not too bad, is a blessing from above
My bee stake is coming off pretty nicely considering I’ve never bought bee. Might have to start buying soon
how do you earn the bee if you never bought one.. are you actually talking about a live bee
it was given to me in a giveaway. I staked it and now I earn bee from the bee stake. Am talking about bee the second layer token on hive.
Yeah, thats nice .. you must be a big man. I think those bee have a good use case
got the new coffee table put together. it's got a built in part that raises up for your laptop. maybe i'll have less back problems now lol. #diy
Wow that's great. A good thing to help you do your task.
I also have a similar back problem a few days ago.
In your own opinion what would take $LEO from a 5 cent token back to a $0.20 token and hold there rather steady as a base line?
I dont want to be so simplistic in my opinion but, more users. It all comes back to that, I believe if we 10x'd...Oh wow.
Lots of factors for sure I'm sure even the price of hive itself plays a pretty big impact on it.
being That the largest liquidity is tied to ETH, I would say it has more to do with that + buying on $LEO
Leo is pretty much untethered from hive. Almost no hive-based liquidity for trading
Massive buy back with ad revenue.
also needs massive engagement, bcoz that is how u get more ad revenue
Keep moving https://ecency.com/hive-193552/@nietokilll/actifit-nietokilll-20230528t132536447z #gosh #sports #alive #aliveandthriving #ctp #liotes
Right now @tsunsica landed on our Discord for the first time and she´s participating in our funny dynamics. #spanish #queriquera #foodiesunday
I just found the link on threads hahaha
Great! These shows happens on sundays usually. We hope to see you again soon
Te esperamos el próximo fin de semana amigo!
jaja, llego al final pero hablo cantidad!
Es una leona!
Si, una muchacha muy talentosa
Y has tirado bastantes hilos hoy?
Este es el 237 quiero llegar a los 250
Una pregunta. Color favorito?
Dame conversacion para llegar jeje
Te gustan los perros o los gatos?
I just caught a glitch, which means that @khaleelkazi is pushing a ninja update
I think auto-refresh is coming, but don't quote me on this
Also Khal, no angry from me spoiling ser
Khal working on bugs and features is a good thing.
Thanks a lot...that's a much-needed update.
Threads leaderboard not updated yet?
Auto refresh now that is an update to brag about!
Auto refreshing seems like a great one; we do not have to refresh as its been done automatically
auto-refresh sounds like a good addition and I look forward to this.
ser don’t spill the beans!
https://peakd.com/hive-194913/@daveks/canadian-rockies-in-colour-and-black-and-white #gosh #colourblackandwhite #photography #canada
#spanish Hoy ha sido un día de mucho threading. Pude superarme respecto a las cifras de los otros días. Ahora toca ir a cenar, hasta pronto :3
Que bien que pudiste superar tu propio récord, buen provecho.
Gracias, yo creo que siempre podemos romper nuestros records con constancia y dedicación.
Buena cifra!
Gracias, a medida que le encuentro la vuelta va mejorando.
My uncle brought these boiled kamansi or breadfruit seeds. I can't remember when was the last time I ate this.

#foodie #thread
lami Jen!
Yes lami ni. Wow! Are you Filipino? Do you know how to talk Bisaya or Cebuano dialect?
jeje no no, but I did have a wonderul lady friend from Talisay so learnt quite a lot of Cebuana or Ceblish I called it!
Wow! That's good. Lami is a Cebuano term means delicious or yummy.
lol I used to tell her lami patas haha
Enjoy the taste,..,
I love eating
Used to have the tree right behind our former house, quite nutritional
Oh good to hear it. For sure you were able to cook it too.
Now the #epl season is finished I wonder who will be the first #football manager sacking
Chelsea's manager
hehe they don't have one, Lampard was only standing in until the end of the season.
Okey. Except that
It's been a while since I uploaded a Simpsons Meme. 😅
lol, well thats why centralised platforms are kind of a nono lately for me
Decentralisation is much better 🤣
lol I know many that have been down this road
We all know someone whose account has been censored. 🤣
You can upload anything here and forget the ban :)
The accounts belong to us, unlike other sites where they take away our accounts at any time.
Manchester United verus Manchester City in the cup final. Will United stop City in their tracks. #facup #football
Not interested in your Scottish Cup final? ;)
haha what is that, and yesterday their women beat our women in the women's cup final!
Fair play to Caley who are still in the Championship, but have upset Celtic in the Cup before!
I blinked a few times.
"You need me… To be what??"
When it dawned on me who had been talking with me, that's when The Lord slowly nodded.
"You know all you need to know to deliver My message to My people. In your style."
#GHAWG #ghawg
Compartimos con ustedes una parte de nuestra labor en el #HiveTalkUniversity.
The post is also in English
It's encouraging to know about development like this.
We are getting to the right places, building strong foundations to grow.
Blessings on your efforts!
Want to try these stuffed capsicums?
#threads #gosh #vegan #food #foodie #liotes https://hive.blog/hive-180569/@templeflower/lets-make-stuffed-and-fried-capsicums-in-a-different-way-suitable-not-only-for-rice-but-also-for-bites
Looks yummy.. worth trying
delicious capsicum
I just beat my record number of threads in one day 235 and counting, for me it's really an achievement!
I´m proud! Great achievement! Would you like to make it 300?
yessssss jajajaja
Vamo a darle! Cómo te sientes? Has mejorado?
Mira tengo que levantarme a comer algo, no he comido, entre la riquera y los hilos...
ufff hasta yo. tengo hambre
pues alimentate
como estuvo el evento de Bitcoin?
Y ya me siento mejor, mañana para el trabajo. ASi que menos tiempo para hacer hilos
Wow pero bueno sigue cuidándote. No hagas mucho esfuerzo fisico ni cojas guagua
Si no cojo guagua no llego al trabajo, ademas que para donde trabajo no hay mucha convinacion de taxis, se me va el salario en eso
Se me escucho bien en el programa?, tenia muy mala conexion.
Sí se te escuchó bien. Y muy buena canción que escogiste. Ya me enteré de tu crush con Luis Miguel
jajajaa, uno de ellos
That's good. Keep producing more threads.
Well, it's almost time for today, it's a bit late, I must sleep. Thank you
Pay attention to 2k mark, that could fetch u 5k XP.
That is what I want to achieve!
Good Luck.
Gratz buddy. Am sure I might be able to beat my record for yesterday
Thank you!
That's an amazing number. Good job.
Thank you!
Esto me está gustando
ehhhh tu por aqui! Que gusto.
pon la etiqueta #spanish en lo que escribes, si es en español asi te encuentro mejor
This is a great achievement. I have never hit 200 thread count. Was close yesterday but ended up recording 190
This is really great. Bravoo. How did you count it?
Thank you. I counted them for an option that Peakd brings, which gives statistics of several things.
I had to do another Good morning so soon.. It is just 4 hours into a new day here..i feel energetic already, lol
Well it’s just 3: am here. I think you can guess where am staying then
thats nice.. Ghana i guess
Yep Ghana.
i knew it since you said we are one hour behind
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Always nice to some cool gm tokens
Welcome to a nnew daday
lol, thank you maam
TikTok has the power to make a song you’ve never heard so so popular
well, thats what that app is for.. Also it has made a lot of people rich
I don’t have a problem with that but with the speeding up of songs. When you speed up a song it becomes very nice and then when you download the original one it is wack
yeah, some songs are actually bad but Tiktok makes it look great as only some section of your song will be played
😂😂hehe, but we also have to realise some of the artist pay for people to use thier songs for dance videos and all that.
well , an artist is going to do whatever he needs to do to trend and be in the news
But just those 15 seconds
Each time I remember my first leverage trade I laugh. I wanted to use less than 10 dollars to make a mark and ended up going for a 200x. It ended real bad
So sorry about that.
I learnt so much from that. Ever since then it’s been good actually
That sounds like a huge gamble. Did you diamond hands until it liquidated you?
I got liquidated whithin 5 minutes 😂. It was funny but then I learned something new. The money wasn’t much so it didn’t hurt me much
Did u win?
How will I win😂. Within 5 minutes I lost the trade
Okay. Leveraged trading could be risky, but could make u rich in a quick time.
Yep I’ve made some decent returns over the past month. This days I only go for 5x.
Good. U have a strong side hustle then.
After all, money begets money.
That has been my moto all the time. Scared money don’t make no money.
Am not able to load photos on mobile using keychain when commenting to someone else.
commenting on a post or replying on a thread?
Not working for me as well.
Good morning everyone and a happy start to the working week
Don't get tired
Good morning to you as well.
Were humans, we get tired sometimes. good morning. Have a splendid day.
Good morning to you too
Hehe I needed, can't let tiredness make me miss my target today
Full house in our Discord speaking and sharing about the new kind of communication that threads offers:

#queriquera #leofinance #threads
Fren Tip:
If you are Threading from ecency, your threads are not getting indexed because they didn't build a backend and obviously can't connect to Leo's backend.
So you are not earning any $LEO from those Threads :(
Yeah this our problem, Hive is great but too many projects only think of themselves and not the greater good of HIve, we users get stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Yep, but what can we do if LF builds a full Threads backend and another project (whichever) just builds a different way of showing those Threads, without reaching out, looking for ways to collab, or even asking about compatibility :(
I know :( I even asked numerous times and on my show too in their Discord server if it would be compatible with LF, telling them there is no point having something that is not compatible.
That’s another thing I don’t get from some Hive projects, why build things to compete for the micro userbase we have instead of trying 2 reach out 2 the billions outside
sucks that even having a show there your comments passed unnoticed :/
Exactly but what can we do!
I noticed that when I reply to some old threads it doesn't index by leo tb...
how can we resolve this?
Can you open a bug report? We are keeping track of all these through bug reports :D
I already did... it's the same situation that makes the notifications stop coming...
Yeah, same with me and I'm glad to have notice early enough
As they publish to the Leo container post, you still are earning LEO when you thread via Ecency, right?
It's just that they don't show up here on our front-end, so you're not getting maximum visibility?
I think you don't earn leo you just earn hive at that point since it's not indexed to show or tag with Leo. I could be wrong though
If that's the case, then excellent.
It should be like this on long form content too ;)
Something pretty awesome is coming that you will love, it's got to do with this topic, without forcing anyone to use the Leo frontend (but encouraging them very, very much).
Also @bitcoinflood is right, no leo rewards
Great news!
Cheers Eric :)
I'd be up for setting it to burn 100% or maybe a little lower of LEO if the article wasn't published from the LeoFinance front end. It would need to be made crystal clear though.
I didn't bother using waves and I generally use LeoFinance unless I can't find the reply thread. How does that work though? Isn't the main post under LeoFinance tag, so wouldn't they earn LEO also?
The main post is on LF but the replies not done on LF do not connect to our backend and thus, they are not recognized as Leo content (but it is shown indeed), this means it doesn't earn $LEO
Is this the same for long-form content? Or is it just for threads?
Only for threads fren, don’t worry
If I will make replies of the threads from ecency, it doesn't count too?
Nope, they will show and you can interact, but since the replies are not using Leo's backend they can't connect to the reward pool :(
Oh this is something the wrong that I am doing. I can see them in ecency andand I replyreply it there. Thanks for this info.
oh nooo, well now you know! It’s pretty sad but since Leo has a whole backend infrastructure for threads and ecency doesn’t, the threads from ecency are incompatible (even if the front shows them) to get rewards
Thank you for this explanation. From now I will try to do reply here in threads if it is for my threads.
Important PSA (Public Service Announcement)
The next question then becomes:
When are you turning off LEO rewards for posts, comments and threads that don't use leofinance.io?
No more paying people in LEO to provide content for other front-ends!!
The leofinance.io frontend isn't fully functional especially for mobile users. I published through the new UI yesterday and it wasn't indexed after saying successfully published so I had to use other frontend. In this case do you want me
In this case mentioned above, will it be fair if I get no reward for my content since the issue wasn't my fault
thanks for the tip and in this case its better to use only Leo UI
I missed so much in that early
I think you reminded me about this the first time I got excited seeing on ecency all the threads posted on LeoThreads.
Thanks for the tip
Exactly, I noticed it for long now.
Well noted, I hope more people see this
Might just have to thread on it too from my end
Who spends money for her stomach while earning more from Hive? Me... Meet my favourite junk food, 2 dollars worth hehe #moneymonday
Cruching with your hive. I like it. I do spend money too from my earnings a sometimes.
Yeah, it's a motivation to earn and invest more for me 😁
Thats pure truth. Am happy to be back. WIll play catch up this week
How have you been and what have you been up to?
I attended a week training program. Cam back last weekend
Oh that's good, welcome back
Oh you haven't been around? I haven't been so active on threads so I could have not noticed
Yumm, what is this?
We need more pics!
Haha more pics coming after I get another one 🤣
It's Sharwama by the way, not sure if you know it
Haha I do not.
But I look forward to learning more! :D
Hehe sure, that's what we are all here for... Maybe I'll make a threadstorm about it one of the days hehe, mind a tag?
Sure, but just for this please ;)
Haha sure, no worries
Good food option for the value of $2
Oh yeah, it is
Hmmmm, see enjoyment nah. How do I get my portion please
Our potion is on delivery right away 😂
Dance well o, better go and buy your own 🤣
You will later come and say you don’t have money oo😒. But on a more serious note, it doesn’t hurt to treat yourself to these types of things once in a while. 🙂
Oh yeah, treating oneself once in a while is very much ideal
Soft life is the goal. We are working to enjoy all this one day so why not
Haha yeah
I've come already self, I don't have money husband material Rubi 🥺
I want to reach a level where all of my daily spendings come from my HIVE earning. That sounds like a long journey, so I want to expand to more than HIVE when I can.
That's a really good plan and I'm cheering for you here, you can do it on sure.
Thank you. I'll try to be better at it.
(I'm facing a lot of distractions, so I hope I overcome them and engage here more. إن شاء الله)
Shawarma from crunchies, quite yummy.
Hehe yes, it is
They have a signature taste.
Yeah, very unique
I found it's ccompetitor tho.
Wow really? What's the name?
That's really good, keep on enjoying.
I will, and you too
2,603 views Streamed live 3 hours ago #btc #btcnews #btcusd #btc #btcnews #btcusd #memecoin #brc20 #pepe #eth
Pushin over 28k now for $BTC 3.6% gain in 24 hours. Crazy to think that's what a bank pays you over a full year! and then taxes the heck out of you for it.
True, life is so comical sometimes.
I expect it's connected to the deal finally being reached on raising the US debt ceiling...
That makes sense.
Sneaky peaky!
Still rough. Still a lot to do. Might not even finish it but we'll see.
On the way to masterpiece.. :)
lol Maybe.
That's scary and divine at the same time.
When you put yourself in a position to have to stare at these things for several hours, the "scary" element goes away, so it's good you think it's scary. That means I'm on to something.
It looks way better than what I could make.
Just practice, for several years.
All you need is a decent laptop, a mouse works, Krita which is free, and learn how to use layers. Then you're set.
I'd rather play games than try to get better at art.
Same here.
That is lovely. Keep
Thank you. Finished job won't look the same but it'll go in the same general direction.
looking dope so far
It's getting there. Hopefully the finished deal has the same vibe because I agree. Dope AF.
Right now playing on #querriquera Discord The Circle of Life $LEO vibes today in spanish #community.
My interpretation of a lion hustler done thru doodles.
It started with this slate. What could be coming?
if not because I saw the full pic I would have said you were drawing a bed😂
Let's know it
Yes, the threadstorm shows them, lol! Thank you lady.
Then it turned out this way. I suppose some of you do this yeah?

I love the addition of headsets. He looks like a real hustler
Thank you. It does give him that look :)
A real hustler.
Yes :D
He is relaxing right
Oh!1 That's my chair! 😅
I told ya, saw you that's why :D
Your telescope is very powerful. It can reach hundreds of km. and go through walls and buildings.🤣😂
Yep. That's a lion hustler to me. What do you say? Lol!

How did you know I sit like that? 😅
I saw you :D
She didn't say that. 🤨 You just confirmed it! 🤓 Maybe #LeoThreads makes you sit in unusual positions! 😆😅
Of course, those are only round figures.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an on behalf of @savvytester
Amazing! I love the patches on his vest.
You nailed it. Let me give you 2 Leo and take it off you hands 😂
He is happy, he is enjoying from his hard work. I will also say, you did a great job
Oh my! The posture is perfect😂. Looks like a real lion hustler
Wow,so beautiful,I read your post and I realized you are talented.
Thank you lots. I'm just trying hard :)
Great job. It's got better with each iteration and it's better than what I could do.
Thank you lots. I believe you are doing great :)
Great job, you did well
Thank you lots, lady :)
That's a funny lion/
Haha, yep. Thank you :D
I've this belief that a lion hustler likes his music, games & coffee or tea.
Man must wake, enjoyment
It's great that you are trying out new things CJ!
I saw the lion statues at the park, I should really do some Lion art, maybe one day lol
Happy Monday :)
You're becoming better and better
Am ready to know it. Kick
That is one thing about drawing
The headphones was a very necessary addition to this photo.
I like the effort put into this drawing, not sure about the lion face, but it fits the theme so...
Market's turn green as Hype of China continues to bolster market confidence
#Leofinance #Threads #Leoalpha #Posh #Hive #Cryptonews #Crypto https://leofinance.io/posts/melbourneswest/crypto-hype-bull-run-incoming
WE hope the green continues
We all do!
To be more thankful and appreciated, visit hospital, clinic, correctional centres, social homes or shelter homes. You will be grateful and thrakful.
Every business owner want its empire to grow exceedingly. What are some tips to abided? @hopestylist shared some working strategies and model to adopt.
#hive #moneymonday #threads
These tips are verified, trusted and applicable. Read more:
#gosh #leo #money #business
#queriquera #spanish #hivetalkshow @tsunsica @crptogeek @janetedita
Muy buen programa!
Gracias por estar!
I just hope my neighbour forgives me because I just turned my generator at 4 am and the noise is deafening.
😂😂hehe he or she can’t forgive you. I wouldn’t forgive you if I was your neighbour
It is fine if they do not, they are only humans afterall
Aqui tenemos un nuevo entrenamiento en #spanish, no se lo pierdan solo por #hive #gosh #posh #threafs @leofinance https://peakd.com/hive-189157/@omarcitorojas/owsfmbzq
Join the tester Social Miners and earn much more in the DAOLabs expanding ecosystem.
Apply today at:
https://forms.gle/oLTey8jiexAn2Vqt5 #gmfrens
Who's this for and what we get out of it? (Assume I don't know what Social Mining is.)
This is for everybody provided you are a social media uses then you should check this out.
This allows you to earn reward through your Twitter, Reddit and more to come You can learn more about social mining: https://docs.daolabs.com/
Sorry i just sighted your comment. It actually another way you can earn $USDT via twitter engagement. I will share more light in my next post
Wait, Twitter gives your earnings via USDT? ...Couldn't know because the option isn't open in my country yet.
Yes, It does if you have at least 50 followers, lets chat and I will tell you what you need to do
No, I meant that Twitter doesn't have the monetization option open at all in my country.
You are not getting paid through Twitter directly, however, your activities on Twitter is recorded through an app that pays you USDT and other crypto assets. This app is what avalanche, polygon, wax Blockchain are using for their marketing and whoever that uses it and connect his or her Twitter to it, get paid... I've been using it since 2021
I am one person that please anyone around me not knowing that i was doing myself more harm than good. Learn how to say in this life if not people will use you like tissue paper
#/1 #threadstorm
My dear, it's not just you... I'm still working on saying No to some people 😢
I never know how to say no before because I don't want to displease people. It lead me to living people's life
One data friend came asking me for 10k help . I don't have the money so I told her, am really sorry, i don't have 10k now please
I thought she will understand me knowing that if i have ,i will surely give. But her action immediately i said, i don't have 10k surprised me
She became so angry and said, all her hope was in me, why should I say ,i don't have it. Who is that person that told me not to give her money. This is not Blessing i know
The statement, this is not Blessing i know touched me so much thank from that day, i began to think, what is the meaning of this? I said to myself, you have been used enough. It is all over. I learned how to say no. The outcome?
The outcome was that those friends left me. I came to realize that they were close to me not that they love me but because they were gaining from me
Are you living the life you love?
Or are you living people's life?
Do you know how to say no?
What was that no you said that saved you?
I know how to say "No," but I don't like it... I can imagine your story happening to me at some point, but while I (try to) give a lot, I only give what I can when I can and I let people know that I rarely prioritize them over myself.
I am concluding with this word of wisdom from Nelson Mandela
Peasing someone is not at all good and we should never do it.
I disagree, pleasing someone is a really admirable thing, but some people don't deserve it. What you should learn isn't "only care about myself" but it's "I shouldn't hurt myself to please someone else."
sometimes we really have to say no, other wise all are take us for granted. U didn’t have the amount it’s not your problem. You did nothing wrong. But the idea is that you showed how a good person you are 🌸
I'm thankful I've never been in the situation @ijelady have been in, but I know someone who sacrifices a lot of herself to please her family. It feels like her efforts are unrewarded. If she made less effort on them. I know they won't mind.
we need to think of ourselves in the firs place
Its Monday and let's make it count.
#threads #gmfrens
Yeah, I just started out my Monday with a long form post... Threads time! 😍
hell yeah
GM and yes to that. Let's do it!
Happy new week!
I started counting early. 😉
I won’t be able to live with myself.
Credit: marshmellowman
Rumor has it The LOLZ Project runs on !PIZZA @alokkumar121, I sent you an on behalf of @rzc24-nftbbg
Definitely, we will make it count
I want to point out something really quick, we all get too emotional and fall victim of these things. It's no one's fault when we try to be our brother's keeper but then we need to proceed with caution...
1/ 🧵
Hmm all these threads seem to be sending me a message, I've read a few about being cautious of how I give help or say YES to some demands... Will read more into your threadstorm.
come to me I can caution you more 🙂
Okay, I'm coming 🙂
Don’t say it like that 😒. Say okay am coming papi 😂
🤣🤣 Who is this na? Pap what?
Yes papi 😂, you watch telenovelas so you should understand what it means
You should, it'll give you a few pointers
Yeah, thanks
We cannot help everyone, we can only try our best. We just need to know that some people claim they want to be helped but they do not need help. A lot of folks love the way they are and they do not want a change.
#threadstorm #hive
2/ 🧵
It cannot be possible to help everyone
That's so true
Some people despise our help whenever we try, a painful part are the ones that go back to what they have been saved from. It is quite frustrating. I would say we should not give up in doing good to others...
3/ 🧵
I feel so frustrated seeing that happen to me
We need to identify the time wasters and those that are not ready to change. Spend more time on those that are ready to be helped. More importantly, we should not condemn anyone but be expectant of a positive outcome.
4/ 🧵
You nailed the point on head. Carry go
Smiles... thanks
Lastly, I will say that we should not cast our pearls before swines, it is really important we do not force people to change. Give them time to reflect on what you have told them. Change is a process of the heart
5/ 🧵
We don't have power to change anyone unless the person is ready for a change.#threads
That's rightly said
You are right, Some times, trying to help out us into trouble
We have two things that start us up. You have it and i have it. In this threadstorm, check out if you can identify it
#/1 #threadstorm
One is the thinking ability. We have brain, the brain was design in such a way that it records everything you want it to record. #/2
From your zero age to 6 years, it was like plain paper. It recorded what you want and what you don't want. Now is your choice of what you want to delete from your brain and record new things
You also have legs that takes you to where you want to go. When you were small, your parents controlled you on where you should go. Now who controls you?
If you were able to identify those 2 things, you are a great threader in threads
It is those two things that start you up each day
Your brain calculate all your activities for the day, and your legs takes you to where you want to go. Have a lovely week
so I will be making a 🧵 #threadstorm about how my apartment was flooded.
So the early hours of last Friday morning, the night before I left tap on so I could be able to store water in the barrel.
so since no constant power supply for days saw no reason in turning it off. Little did I know that power will be restored next day, Woke up with my living room flooded with the water 1cm high.
Not to a floody extent, but something similar happens a few times a month in my house. Our house's main water tank needs to get filled by a Tap connecting to the city. When the tap doesn't provide water, we forget it turned on sometimes.
Ooops a tap was left on 😅 I do that too when I'll be out and there hasn't been water in the house lol
Haha yeah
Waiting for the rest of the gist, this seem interesting
The water moved to my kitchen socked my tuber of yam, then moved gradually to my room damaged my wife’s laptop the laptop charger was already damaged has it was brought out from the pool.
Hope things are ok now
Well I blessed the lord all that was damaged was just the laptop which was fixed the morning of that same day, and bought a new charger spent approximately $10 to make that possible.
Flooded.. badly?
is this ok now? I know that it messes up a lot and takes time to clear that..
Oh man, i can feel u it’s just like a disaster, hopefully everything went ok later on
yes it did dear!
Wow you were lucky, I have been flooded through no fault of my own. The upstairs neighbour left a tap on, and my ceiling collapsed!
I would never leave a tap on if I was not in my house.
Hope you managed to clean it all up!
yes mate! Took hours tho, was tired at the end of it all.
I bet you were !
Everyone's water situation is different, but that sounds really dangerous. I wish I could say the same about not leaving taps open, but sometimes we forget the Tap open when we sleep.
Tagging: @hironakamura
Oh so sorry about that, hope everything is okay now? Has your apartment been cleared of the water?
Sorry for your damage man, but seriously … you could‘ve easily avoided that by simply turning off the tap. I‘d never leave the tap on without attenting it! 🖖🏼👁🤙🏼
I finished battling in Splinterlands for the season. 13 focus chests and 74 season chests
Gez that's a heck of a lot better than me. I think I'm going modern next season and see how that goes. I ended up getting 6 silver chests and ended in bronze 2 WTF lol
Lol. It's rough but it all adds up. I have some cards leveled up and it gives me an edge over my opponent but silver chests give bad rewards. So I am thinking of advancing.
Congratulations as always. The games confusing for us outside of oit
Why not join and start battling? It's fun.
i do not have the time to mix thread and splinterland
In my case, I thread my Splinterlands game though it's more like self-talk or writing in an online diary.
Well, different strokes for different folks
It is a bit confusing but after you understand it, it's an interesting game.
It is just the time to familiarise myself with it. I honestly do not have the time
Your CP and your rating are good for Gold III. Did you advance already? Me, I only have 42 season chests. That's way above compared to my 8 last season. 😅
I don't advance because I don't want to get stuck in Gold rank but it looks like I might be able to. I am nowhere near the 2.8k limit anymore. I'll go advance right now.
I also do like that. Going up to a higher league makes the battle more difficult. Usually, I advance near the end of the season but there are also cases that I could not beat the time due to tougher battles.
Yea. I never really considered it but my rating has been quite low and if I only advance on the last day or the day before it, I won't get to the Gold I
Today's #epl threadcast had 625 threads. Could not reach 1000 threads coz the threadcast could not handle the conversations and notifications #features
Yes it was missing new threads or threads were being delayed too.
We could not sort replies. There is no way to know who replies and when
How good!
...but shit at the same time haha.
'Good but shit' is the right phrase
But mostly shit when threadcasting and going through notifications ha ha
The UI needs to have a smaller font and display all nested replies on the one page.
You should never have to click into a reply.
Yes. Like reddit.