today I finally made a decision and ordered a microphone. Hopefully it will work well. Will it add value to my let's plays only time will tell. I already miss let's playing. For a short while my content was only youtube shorts and splinterlands battles. It is a bit sad that some of my youtube shorts earned more than let's plays. I can somehow understand why some people would prefer shittposting if it pays better than a normal content. But I want to do what brings me joy. Let's playing even for lesser rewards is more fun than just posting youtube shorts. At some point I might even stop posting splinterlands battles despite them earning the most for me. But for now I still enjoy it enough.
I'm thinking about getting a mic too as I'm about to do a 3rd episode of God of War.
good luck with your purchase.
But, when they are called out on it and lose their tap, they cry. This is a community and in a community, behaviors matter. Act like a dick and eventually, someone will chop it off.
If you enjoy posting the battles, post. I do think that Splinterlands has to do a far better job of getting their user base engaging with each other though. So much of the content isn't consumed at all.