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RE: Hive Middle Class Developing

Not sure any of that is relevant. How much stake is just sitting here in limbo, because people don't like how the power is distributed here? If you want web2 users then you want people that just want an audience and to earn fairly for their work. Add the politics and you burst the bubble of interest, which is exactly what has happened. Most don't care, won't care and the "revolutionary" tech here doesn't matter nor won't. Hive has set itself up to fail from the beginning and only the few holding onto hopium, but only see through a tunnel stay.

Here's my reply to @mobbs, which is partly relevant here, at least in part,

Ah, but people obviously do like sharing on social media or the big web2 apps wouldn't be so popular. So the problem is the framework and unspoken rules here that holds it back. That only happens because of the weird economics that increases ones power exponentially as they stake more an more. The longer a few grow so large that they cannot be touched before the masses come to even it out, the less likely the masses will come. A cycle that kills growth.

On top of that, crypto is just seen as a grocery store rewards point kills its appeal. After jumping through all the hoops and paying all the fees to withdraw you no longer have $25k and then there are taxes. So, even putting in 50 hrs a week that doesn't take you beyond poverty level earns even less. So, the shown value is just an illusion.

Look at InLeo Evergreen rewards. It's touted as a way to earn forever, but if you power down you can't earn them. So, ever benefit Hive touts are all negated in some way in the name of fighting abuse. Because of this Hive's big day will never come.

My original comment was to bring forth the fact that over 50% of that middle class HP is left by those who have left Hive, because they don't care about the worthless credit earned that's only worth the cost of earning if you live in a poverty stricken 3rd world country. So, guess what the platform's becoming? A 3rd world platform, further taking away it's appeal.

The governance is part of what keeps us from growth and drives people away, because it isn't revolutionary. It's just a worst version of the failed representative real world governments that more and more are coming to hate. Hive is essentially a failed experiment. Either it changes or someone else will build a fixed version and will become dust.


Not sure any of that is relevant. How much stake is just sitting here in limbo, because people don't like how the power is distributed here?

How is power distributed? It is based upon stake. So what is the issue? The fact that everyone doesnt have the same power?

Most don't care, won't care and the "revolutionary" tech here doesn't matter nor won't.

This is true, or at least for a while. Most didnt care about video conferencing until COVID even though the technology was around for a decade. This is the history of technology. It is always the early adopters who are first.

Yet, if they are here, what are they here for? Is it the rewards or is it a chance to build a brand? Or is it just social media interaction?

In either case, the distribution is not relevant in any of those cases. Oh wait, only in the rewards because people want handouts.

If you want web2 users then you want people that just want an audience and to earn fairly for their work.

What does this even mean? What is fairly?

How is power distributed? It is based upon stake. So what is the issue? The fact that everyone doesnt have the same power?

Not sure what you mean, but stake weighted power will only be popular with those who have the highest stakes. It's a failed mechanism, other than for allowing an internal economy to survive with just a few people buying and selling.

This is true, or at least for a while. Most didnt care about video conferencing until COVID even though the technology was around for a decade. This is the history of technology. It is always the early adopters who are first.

Yet, if they are here, what are they here for? Is it the rewards or is it a chance to build a brand? Or is it just social media interaction?

In either case, the distribution is not relevant in any of those cases. Oh wait, only in the rewards because people want handouts.

With tech sure, but not so much with governance. People don't care about the internals of Facebook as long as they can function as they need. If you think the masses will come and the majority will care about anything but earning and audience, then you'll be disappointed. They don't want to be loyal to a product. They just want it to work towards their benefit.

Handouts? So, the Journalist who spends months on a piece is asking for a handout when they expect that piece earns revenue and do it beyond 7 days? I can use this example for many fields, making your statement ridiculous. That's why we don't have professionals using the platform. Hmmm, I wonder why Influencers don't come or when they do, don't stay?

Stake weighted governance is an awful idea and user numbers show that. Also, stake weighted voting is why professionals won't make the earnings they believe are deseved without putting TOO Much effort into it. When the time frame of success here is realized, they leave.

As usual, you HOPIUM sellers only look at the issues with a very narrow perspective, which is why Hive is stagnate...

Stake weighted governance is an awful idea and user numbers show that

Really? So you dont think that people should have a say based upon their stake? Instead, just show up and you are counted the same as those who are involved, doing the work, and have an idea of what is going on.

We see this mindset all over the place and it is an awful ideology.

Not sure what you mean, but stake weighted power will only be popular with those who have the highest stakes

Yeah. Those without resources always want to have say over those that do have them. Sorry but I cant agree with this ideology or the support of it. This is nothing more than the proverbial class warfare. But now I see what you are saying about "earning fairly".

Really? So you dont think that people should have a say based upon their stake? Instead, just show up and you are counted the same as those who are involved, doing the work, and have an idea of what is going on.

At the very least, not for governance.