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RE: People believe stupid shit. DONT// *Part 1*.

in LeoFinance5 years ago

you will certainly like the presentation of the forensic evidence exposed by Dr. Judy Wood: no speculation, but a conclusion based on facts, by joining all the dots?Dear @lordbutterfly,

Here are some of her quotes:

"We cannot determine who did it until we determine what was even done and how it was done. Yet before noon on 9/11/01, many of us were told who had done it.That is, we were given a conspiracy theory, not the result of a scientific investigation.
So, what's wrong with that? Nothing, except that it qualifies as a falsehood, being unverifiable by evidence as to what exactly happened, or how, let alone by whom. Doing such a thing, going after who did it before establishing what happened and how it happened, is a way of ensuring that the truth will be hidden for a very long time, if not forever. It is called a cover-up. I will not be part of a cover-up. As Martin Luther King said, 'A time comes when silence is betrayal." That time came for me at 1:32 A.M. on November 3 2004. The next day, I told my mother that I had to look into what happened on 9/11/01 because my conscience left me no other choice. She replied, "If you do that, you won't have a career." I answered, "If I don't, no one will have a career." Something extraordinary had taken place, yet no one else was asking, 'Where did the towers go?" With a basic knowledge of engineering mechanics and physics, we can prove that the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers could not have happened for the reasons given in official accounts or in most alternative "9/11 truth" explanations.The physics of the controlled demolition models, the airplane fuel models - they do not work. That's what this book is about: Looking at the evidence to discover what did happen. Let us now turn to focus on the true nature of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers."
(source: Where Did the Towers Go? - Dr. Judy Wood)

"If you listen to the evidence carefully enough, it will speak to you and tell you exactly what happened. If you don’t know what happened, keep listening to the evidence until you do. The evidence always tells the truth.
The key is not to allow yourself to be distracted away from seeing what the evidence is telling you."

"Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic."

I wish you to realize what happened, thanks to your predisposition not to believe.


Shes such noble person. She spoke when no one would... Unfortunately she says nothing here and what she does is emotional pandering and its mostly BS.

Physics check out.

First it was that it was a hologram, then that it was termite.. How about that the CIA failed to protect the US and terrorists got in.
Instead of holding the CIA accountable for failing miserably which lead to deaths of hundreds, you made up a stupid ass fairy tale that took attention from a failure and made you all look like fools.

It would be interesting if you could point out which evidence are BS in this video presentation... but maybe I was wrong about your predisposition not to believe... maybe, are you a strong believer in authority, @lordbutterfly?

It took 5 mins to hear a bunch of pseudoscientific bullshit.
Every sentence following the one before is dangerously stupid. Free energy. Buildings turning into dust, "they told us what to see".
All of it is absolute horse manure.

Free energy does not exist. Its absolute nonsense. Floors did crumble and a lot of dust from concrete was released. Thats the case at much smaller magnitudes as well.
The fact that shes ignorant about it, hoping everyone else is ignorant as well, is another thing completely.
Then "they told us what to see". What an absolute retarded thing to say for someone that has 0 evidence, has 0 grasp of science, 0 understanding of the world, and is asking you to believe her baseless bullshit.

I went 5 mins in but i fear my mind will rot if i go any further.

Skepticism or scepticism is generally a questioning attitude or doubt towards one or more putative instances of knowledge which are asserted to be mere belief or dogma. Formally, skepticism is a topic of interest in philosophy, particularly epistemology.

you are not skeptical, as you are a strong believer in dogmas and you are not interested in observing the evidence at all, stopping at the first 5 minutes of a two hour and 22 minute video... there is nothing wrong with being as you are, but define yourself more adequately, without falling (unknowingly) into the lie.Dear @lordbutterfly,

You are not applying the "Hitchens razor"... or rather, you are applying it in reverse, since you assert without looking at the evidence.

Bye, take care!