People believe stupid shit. DONT// *Part 1*.

in LeoFinance5 years ago

I didnt think id write this post because i felt that id piss off just about everyone here. But who cares. This will get zerod anyway and i make most my HIVE from curation. haha.
I havent been posting much lately so i might get lucky and this flies under the radar. lol

These last few days ive been a bit more active on Twitter since i dont have much time during summer to write my long winded posts. This one i wrote over a few days and its a 2 part post. At the time of proof reading, it has over 2600 words so i found it fitting.

I followed a bunch of crypto personalities during this time, regardless of if i agree with them or not so i get plenty of tweets to draw from. What i saw is that people in crypto are drawn to some very fringe ideas.
Now, its important to state that all of us are wrong about something in life. No one is perfect.

But in this case im talking about people that take their stupid beliefs and ideas about the world and display them publicly with absolute conviction.

Usually, in a mocking manner, youd probably expect someone to call these people idiots or insult them in some way but in this case i will try and not do that often.
Assigning "Smart/stupid" label to someone just because they might say or believe something smart or stupid is wrong.
It oversimplifies things.
Those descriptions only work for insults and compliments. And in this post, they will be used as such in cases i deem warranted. ;)

Now ofc, you can say something stupid or wrong publicly, with absolute conviction, with the intention of getting someone to do something you want them to do but thats a whole other thing entirely. :)

In my 2.5 years in crypto i feel ive seen more fringe stuff then in my 10 years on Facebook.
Ive been a skeptic since i was 16 and i apply that way of thinking to everything i do. Once i learned how science works in a class we all had to take in college i established what "skeptical empiricism" means.
Even though i understood the concepts it took quite a bit to actually learn how to apply them in practice, "how to think".
There was this site where you would debate people on various topics that had a large community that was generally, what i would call, intellectually honest.
Even if your position was absolutely wrong, you still had a chance to win if your arguments were more compelling.
I think i had more fun arguing absurd positions then the right ones.😅

Lets boil it down to this so i dont go on about needless things.
Usually id say:

in general "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

when talking about big claims, but since objectively defining what extraordinary means ill simplify it into

"claims require evidence". Evidence in the form of facts.

Another important thing is the burden of proof:

"Those that make the claim must prove the claim".

In connection to this you have "Hitchens razor" (loved that guy, RIP):

"what may be asserted without evidence, may be dismissed without evidence."

You still have some standards to abide and context is important but these are basically the core pillars of how i approach all topics.
In the case of arguing for one or the other position i also try and fully understand the other side.
You never want to be the guy calling something stupid and get caught with an argument you have no response to because you might have never heard it.
ALWAYS research what the other side has to say even if you really arent interested in it and think its dumb.

So... If anyone wants to disprove above claims, feel free to, but if accepted ill go forward and list some of the stupid shit ive been reading by our fine crypto community.


1. FIAT evil, BITCOIN gud. Bitcoin will replace fiat! Fiat will die!

I dont want to go into why i think Bitcoin sucks as a crypto, ive said that a million times but what i will say is that bitcoin, or any crypto, will in no way be toppling fiat. EVER! I have no problem with that and you shouldnt either. Fiat doesnt have to fail or the monetary system fall apart for crypto to thrive. Thats one of the most established and accepted misconceptions there are in crypto.
What will probably happen is that crypto will exist side by side with hundreds of other world currencies. Crypto will develop power structures of their own. It has already.
There will always be value in government backed currency and in banking.
I really hate this position that stems from the anti-establishment agenda being pushed in crypto and the libertarian and anarchist nonsense. It makes us all look like a bunch of fringe weirdos.
I know you want people to "pump it" but lets stop drinking koolaid just because everyones chanting the same song in our little echo chamber.
I feel more people actually believe it then are being deceptive with it to pump their bags.
In this case being "smart" is the path to mainstream adoption.

2. Flat fucking Earth

Its not flat. Its round like a ball.
Like your balls. Slightly squished on the top and expanded on the sides.
I hear you have a case of "eliptical sphereodism".
You should prolly get that checked out.

3. Fuck cops, ACAB, Defund the police!

That was the point when i realized that Roger Ver was an absolute tool. 😂
I dont want to preach about obvious stuff like:
In order for society to function you need security.
Because i find those things pretty obvious.

Sure, you have corrupt cops like in any civil service and twiddle dick assholes that act like theyre the alpha and omega but those are far inbetween. Same like with any job.
Theres a funny joke by Dave Chappelle about women dressing in slutty clothes.

Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a whore!Now that would be like me, Dave Chappelle, the comedian, walking down the street in a cop uniform. Somebody might run up on me saying, "Oh, thank God. Officer, help us! Come on. They're over here. Help us!" "Oh-hoh! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a police officer!" See what I mean? All right, ladies, fine. You are not a whore. But you are wearing a whore's uniform.”

I had a "friend".

He did not wear a whores uniform but he did look like he smoked a chimney in the morning, had some hash brownies for lunch and smuggled heroin up his ass across the border in the evening.

He always complained about cops and how they kept specifically targeting him on the street and stopping him. Catching him with weed every time. lol.
I told him exactly what Dave Chappelle would have wanted him to know.
"Dont look like the most likely person that might be carrying drugs."

Comparably in the case of what Roger Ver wanted to say... If you wore a nice shirt, walked upright and didnt look and act like a thug, didnt provoke cops, didnt resist cops, didnt insult cops, the cops might bother you less.

And you might be less annoyed by them. And you would not talk about them. And you would not fear them.
Appearances do matter. How you act does matter.

4. Ancient civilizations.

A well liked individual on HIVE reminded me of this crap. There was this book i read years ago that dealt with this. It was called something like "Forbidden history" and i followed up on it online.
Its a bit blurry but basically what these claims relate to is questioning carbon and radiometric dating, geology and topics like that.

"How did this object end up below a layer of rock dated millions of years."

Stuff like that. Its all bullshit, hoax or easily explained but presented in a way that you think someones trying to hide something from you and youve just stumbled upon a "great truth". YOU. Youre the special one. haha
Same shit conspiracy theorists do.
People simply like believing status quo defying claims. Makes them feel special.

5. Truthers 2020! Rocket fuel doesnt melt steal beams! WTC 7! 5G gon kill ya! Gay frogs! HARP brainwashing! Chemtrails! Ilerminati! Annunaki! Moon landing is fake

I know i forgot a number of stupid ones but these ones will have to do. Crypto is simply packed full of people that believe this crap. It would be interesting to explore why theyre so attracted to crypto. You have them on HIVE, you have them on Steem, you have them on twitter.
Its mostly all bullshit that has a perfectly fine explanations. Its this need to feel special, the need to know something others dont:

I am the one that posses the knowledge not many do. I am in the inner circle because my mind is open. I am special and youre just sheep.

No. Youre just wrong.

Did you know they burned down hundreds of cell phone towers in Australia, Europe over the 5G hysteria. (mostly 3G ones because they didnt know the difference between the 3G and 5G ones)?
And morons like David Icke encourage those things. Thats when retarded beliefs become dangerous.
I mean 5G by all accounts has less effect on the human body then 3G does and 3G risks were insignificant. I mean they put the RF radiation in the same category of cancerous potential as baby powder. :D

End of part 1.

Posted Using LeoFinance


you will certainly like the presentation of the forensic evidence exposed by Dr. Judy Wood: no speculation, but a conclusion based on facts, by joining all the dots?Dear @lordbutterfly,

Here are some of her quotes:

"We cannot determine who did it until we determine what was even done and how it was done. Yet before noon on 9/11/01, many of us were told who had done it.That is, we were given a conspiracy theory, not the result of a scientific investigation.
So, what's wrong with that? Nothing, except that it qualifies as a falsehood, being unverifiable by evidence as to what exactly happened, or how, let alone by whom. Doing such a thing, going after who did it before establishing what happened and how it happened, is a way of ensuring that the truth will be hidden for a very long time, if not forever. It is called a cover-up. I will not be part of a cover-up. As Martin Luther King said, 'A time comes when silence is betrayal." That time came for me at 1:32 A.M. on November 3 2004. The next day, I told my mother that I had to look into what happened on 9/11/01 because my conscience left me no other choice. She replied, "If you do that, you won't have a career." I answered, "If I don't, no one will have a career." Something extraordinary had taken place, yet no one else was asking, 'Where did the towers go?" With a basic knowledge of engineering mechanics and physics, we can prove that the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers could not have happened for the reasons given in official accounts or in most alternative "9/11 truth" explanations.The physics of the controlled demolition models, the airplane fuel models - they do not work. That's what this book is about: Looking at the evidence to discover what did happen. Let us now turn to focus on the true nature of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers."
(source: Where Did the Towers Go? - Dr. Judy Wood)

"If you listen to the evidence carefully enough, it will speak to you and tell you exactly what happened. If you don’t know what happened, keep listening to the evidence until you do. The evidence always tells the truth.
The key is not to allow yourself to be distracted away from seeing what the evidence is telling you."

"Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic."

I wish you to realize what happened, thanks to your predisposition not to believe.

Shes such noble person. She spoke when no one would... Unfortunately she says nothing here and what she does is emotional pandering and its mostly BS.

Physics check out.

First it was that it was a hologram, then that it was termite.. How about that the CIA failed to protect the US and terrorists got in.
Instead of holding the CIA accountable for failing miserably which lead to deaths of hundreds, you made up a stupid ass fairy tale that took attention from a failure and made you all look like fools.

It would be interesting if you could point out which evidence are BS in this video presentation... but maybe I was wrong about your predisposition not to believe... maybe, are you a strong believer in authority, @lordbutterfly?

It took 5 mins to hear a bunch of pseudoscientific bullshit.
Every sentence following the one before is dangerously stupid. Free energy. Buildings turning into dust, "they told us what to see".
All of it is absolute horse manure.

Free energy does not exist. Its absolute nonsense. Floors did crumble and a lot of dust from concrete was released. Thats the case at much smaller magnitudes as well.
The fact that shes ignorant about it, hoping everyone else is ignorant as well, is another thing completely.
Then "they told us what to see". What an absolute retarded thing to say for someone that has 0 evidence, has 0 grasp of science, 0 understanding of the world, and is asking you to believe her baseless bullshit.

I went 5 mins in but i fear my mind will rot if i go any further.

Skepticism or scepticism is generally a questioning attitude or doubt towards one or more putative instances of knowledge which are asserted to be mere belief or dogma. Formally, skepticism is a topic of interest in philosophy, particularly epistemology.

you are not skeptical, as you are a strong believer in dogmas and you are not interested in observing the evidence at all, stopping at the first 5 minutes of a two hour and 22 minute video... there is nothing wrong with being as you are, but define yourself more adequately, without falling (unknowingly) into the lie.Dear @lordbutterfly,

You are not applying the "Hitchens razor"... or rather, you are applying it in reverse, since you assert without looking at the evidence.

Bye, take care!

"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow, and as knowledge grows, grief increases."
Now i understand why you are so miserable. Must be quite a burden to know it all. I hope in part 2 you provide some sources, evidence, and facts that refute all the stupid people and their ridiculous claims so we can all learn something besides your opinion. Are we not worthy of your secret knowledge?
I usually ignore your pompous negativity, but i know youre desperate for someone to argue with and i didnt want you and your ego to be disappointed.
I pray that you find what makes you truly happy and pour yourself into it.
I love you brother

Posted Using LeoFinance

It is quite a burden knowing everything. Thank you for's not easy living with it.
Will you join me on my tour across Europe and help me raise awareness about people like me?

Did you not read the part where I state how claims without evidence can be dismissed without evidence and how the burden of proof is on the person making the claim?

If I went over every debunking in detail this would be a 20 parter.
My knowledge isn't secret. It's pretty easy to come by.

I pray that you find what makes you truly happy and pour yourself into it.
I love you brother

You love me? Oh thank you... Would you make me happy and let me pour myself into you. ❤️

I would love to visit Europe again!
Dont see it happening anytime soon tho.
In the short format on Twitter you can only provide links to evidence. If you dive deeper those claims that seem so stupid and unbelievable can lead you to the truth.

Chemtrails- Are you saying they dont exist? Surely you see the trails in the sky? Why? What are they? Growing up I never saw them. Why are there govt programs operating that documents they are spraying aluminum strontium and other chems from planes to shield us from global warming but chemtrails are a conspiracy theory?
Many of the things you claim to be conspiracy theory have been diligently researched and documented but are being suppressed to hide the crimes of the perpetrators who control the narrative, and divide and control us.
Follow the money.
Pay attention to what gets censored and ridiculed by the MSM and centralized social media!

You're welcome
No thank you.
I'm heterosexual and married.

Chemtrails- Are you saying they dont exist? Surely you see the trails in the sky? Why? What are they?

Its condensation.

spraying aluminum strontium and other chems

They arent. Dozens did the research, no one found anything out the ordinary.

Many of the things you claim to be conspiracy theory have been diligently researched and documented but are being suppressed to hide the crimes of the perpetrators who control the narrative, and divide and control us.
Follow the money.
Pay attention to what gets censored and ridiculed by the MSM and centralized social media!

lol. Such a conspiracy theoriest thing to say. Name 1 thing. Chemtrails are bullshit, but ill give you one more shot.

I'm heterosexual and married



I think this is a good sign that you need to stay away from Twitter for some time.

Im addicted. 😏

Crypto is simply packed full of people that believe this crap.

Imagination is important than knowledge.

Most people in crypto can’t imagine the future because they think short term

Posted Using LeoFinance

Thx for the comment. 😉

Here's just a handful of instances where conspiracies turned out to be true.

There are many more.

Also, do you consider plotting/enacting a coup as a conspiracy to commit murder?

By definition, that's what a conspiracy is - people conspiring together to perform and illegal, subversive or wrongful act.

If so, then there are a plethora of examples that I'm sure you're aware of from Chile to Iran and hundreds of more coups and coup attempts throughout the world. Many coups have substantial documentation as evidence that only emerge decades later as they are hidden from the public.

There is a big difference between small scale conspiracies that happen on a daily basis and outlandish claims that would require tens of thousands of people to stay quiet as the case with "inside job", "moon landing", "flat earth", etc.
Magnitude is important when discussing this.

Because there are a handful of instances where conspiracies happened does not add anything to the validity of the conspiracy claims i mentioned.
People commit conspiracies all the time.

But why would you think what CIA did in Chile works in conspiracy theorist favor?
That doesnt add validity to the outlandish conspiracy claims people make. It actually takes validity away from them. It shows how extremely hard it is to keep this stuff a secret even by a secret agency.
And wer talking about stuff all major world powers do all the time. Covert warfare, spy stuff, all publicly well known and documented.

The problem with conspiracy theories, which is why i find them in complete contrast to scientific thinking, is that they assert a conclusion they want before hand and then go into cherry picking information that suits the narrative.
Instead what should be done is collecting of all the facts you can find and then let the facts lead you to a conclusion, whatever it might be.

crypto should become internet money. it would be 100 times easier for me pay an advance for staying at your place for vacation in hive than in eur. now there is a problem of btc dropping 1000$ in hours, but if it gets to masses it will not be that drastic.

Ancient civilizations are always a fun story, and we will probably never really know what was going on. maybe they just did not have all this social networks and tv to spend time, so they were building big fucking things and carved some crazy shit on mountains. or maybe reptilian people are among us :D

No. lol. The science is out on this. Theres nothing to even hint at a possibility of us making such a major mistake when determining the development of our civilization.

Itd be cool if Atlantis was a thing and it was some super developed civilization 20k years BC. Unfortunately, theres no evidence for any of that..