That's right. Guess many are still on the sidelines because of some inconvenience in using it. Hope the devs are working on to bringing these enhancements to #threads.
We did have some kinks, downtime etc but that's why we call this beta and testing. My hopes are we see notis and profile updates here soon which I feel will make it much easier to follow up with people and create more interaction.
#threads is intended to facilitate Hive user to best of their use cases. I see many users from other front ends attach links in threads, which is definitely boosts some of their viewership. Threads is multipurpose like Twitter, so be it.
Users may share their posts if it is not tagged with leofinance tag or does not appear in Then it is the best use case for other Hive users to take advantage of #threads. This is the beauty of threads. let it be
that chart is hot!
The money that Threads has the potential to develop for our domain is really hot. 🔥🔥
Super duper hot
Develop? Generate?
Wow! That's some spike in numbers. We really need to use #threads more often.
It's now up to the team to make them easier to use.
That's right. Guess many are still on the sidelines because of some inconvenience in using it. Hope the devs are working on to bringing these enhancements to #threads.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
And if we want people to share them to Twitter, we have to make it seamless.
Literally share your thread EXACTLY as it's written.
No tags, no abbreviations.
Oh, thank you for that tip. I wonder how I did with my previous Twitter shares :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
yeah, i think people might start catching on soon
Things are only going to get better. I hope we get another few updates in the next month to really push things another level.
Yep, we've done our job in testing this first beta version.
Now the ball is entirely in the team's court.
Looking forward to the next iteration! :)
I thought the use of threads would make for less comments and posts, but I was #wrong
Good Job Lions!
Community STRONG! 🦁 🦁
yeah, it's good that we have maintained comments
We did have some kinks, downtime etc but that's why we call this beta and testing. My hopes are we see notis and profile updates here soon which I feel will make it much easier to follow up with people and create more interaction.
Yep, I'm happy to play my part in testing :)
notifications and filtering will make this even better
Best for those who love microblogging and promoting their content.
I see a wider audience is sharing their content here on #threads for the good of the community and better #engagement.
All the best.
eh, i dunno if post promotion is the best way to use threads
it's definitely a good thing to do, but i think adding value to your content with threads is better
#threads is intended to facilitate Hive user to best of their use cases. I see many users from other front ends attach links in threads, which is definitely boosts some of their viewership. Threads is multipurpose like Twitter, so be it.
Also a way to still use and promote your content to members of the Hive community who don't normally use our site.
Yeah I agree with Nifty ⬆️.
I read the posts I want to read from directly and ignore promotion here.
On threads I want original thoughts, photos and convos.
Quick, easy and social!
Users may share their posts if it is not tagged with leofinance tag or does not appear in Then it is the best use case for other Hive users to take advantage of #threads. This is the beauty of threads. let it be
Great to see the number of regular comments has been maintained, while threads are adding numbers ON TOP.
Did somebody say ad revenue? 📈💰
So much threading. 😂
@l337m45732 with the sneaky rip up the list this week.
@metzli would be higher if you replied via Threads interface!
I would always use my threads interface but my "notifications" have lot of lags.
I always see more responses when checking peakd than on leofinance.
Yep, notifications for threads just don't work.
Needs to be a priority for the team in the next update!
LFG frens!
(All charts taken from the weekly leo.stats post here.)
One thing I forgot to add.
99% of those are replies to the threads of others that include a 0.25 LEO upvote.
Free money for spontaneously sharing the first thing that comes to your mind?
Yes please!