Some people might ask... are there any games using pools?
I have started "this one" quite a long ago... and damn... it just has been the craziest best invented pools game I ever played... (note, it's not a real game with a real UI, but someone invented the right tokenomics for it to have some strategy).
Cost of playing it? minuscule... (in my case, probably profit, but I don't really care for it to be profitable, and I just want to see where it goes, and how people react to things).
What do you learn by playing it? LOTS (in my view, and for little to nothing price)! Mostly by trial and error mostly... but does have some similar experience in comparison with the real markets.
I don't know the creator, but whatever he is, Great Job! I have been enjoying... just saying. Waiting for the next evolution... whenever that is! I will be ready!