
This time, I have no idea what might have triggered me. But maybe, when the crisis eases a bit, I will be able to identify it. I've already been diagnosed w/ generalized anxiety disorder and depression... unfortunately, these relapses happen sporadically. I had been doing well for quite some time, but I know it’s 'normal' and it will pass. I try not to be too hard on myself during these moments

A very wise approach, and it's excellent that you have insight into the situation. Definitely always keep in back of mind that it will pass - it's very easy to forget this in the heat of the moment. Is there anything you've done before that has helped these episodes go away quicker, or at least keep them under control?

Usually, I try to manage the severe episodes with medication, but I'm out at the moment...

Ooh, that's not good. Are you able to call a primary care doctor to get refills?

I did see that you're doing better today so far - keep it up! It's always good to get out of these funks.