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RE: Don't Be Afraid to Say "Penis"

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I live in NZ - I'm basically under house arrest in sheeple nation - for now I can go for a walk, but I can't go into a shop and buy food because they are all closed, and I can't go into the city because there is no transport, and nothing is open anyway.

But I have more options than most people, because I'm relatively wealthy and knew full well this shitstorm was coming.

And from here on in it gets more intense, for a while at least.


I don't need to buy food.

That is a neat trick - a lot of people who say that, think that an omnivore can live on a herbivore diet - but as nearly all vegans find out after 1-20 years, it doesn't work that way...


You think I'm vegan?

No, but i'm skeptical that you don't need food - most people who say they don't need food have a vege garden and are planning to live on 400 calories a day of in season veges...

I didn't say I don't need food.