I saw the big bang. The formation of clouds of gas under the influence of gravity, which turned into stars. The birth of planets under the Light of being. How the primeval seas rose and life was born in them… and further… In short, I remember Steemit at the beginning, or almost at the very beginning. And I want to talk about its strangest strangeness.
This is a social network with a reward, with a reward in the form of real money (if someone didn't know, ya). This is one of the top-3 motivators, evolutionarily. If you add sex here and somehow connect it with money, then Facebook will close! Wait a second, there is OnlyFans… nwm.
Newbies don't talk about money here. In the sense why the person came here. Specifically, new users, or users with a low reputation don't do this. For old-timers, this is the open and popular topic, they talk. And I don't remember that a new user saying "dudes, I'm here for money" received this money. But if a newcomer says "I'm here for the sake of light and good", then he will receive money, not guaranteed, but the probability is higher.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But it looks like: "small" users, they are like kids at an adult party. They know the word "penis" money, but they know that it should not be pronounced in front of adult, otherwise, they will be left without dessert. Adults know that kids know this word and that it's not a bad word. But they will leave the child without dessert, because of rules.
Today you will allow them to talk about the penis, and tomorrow they will start smoking your weed and inserting vodka-soaked tampons into the anus.
It's a bit of a mystery to me why this happens. I mean, why is everyone chasing a positive touch of motivation, and don't mention one of the main non-secret ingredients.
"Hi all, I'm very lonely and I came here to find new friends to become better!..."
Dude, it sounds really strange that you are a 40-year-old man looking for real friends "here", and "there" no one understood you. In this situation, you could not find friends "there", because no one was going to pay you money for communicating with you, and you are not ready to communicate without money. It looks much worse than telling the truth.
Just let's be a little more honest. @demotruk writes correctly that Hive is a job (not for everyone, but for most). If you do something to get paid for it, then usually, it is really called job. If a user would like to post just to be read, there are a bunch of other, more adapted platforms.
This leads to a lot of social moments that look and are perceived very unpleasant. One of them is the increased activity of most minnows towards whales and orcas. Although it’s quite natural. If we continue the analogy with job then this is not a standard employment contract. We are all sellers at the flea market.
“Hey mister! Would you like a couple of phallic figurines made by my one-armed wife under the light of the last candle stub? Today, 2 for the price of 1”
It is quite natural that if a person has completed the work, then he is trying to sell the result of the work to someone who has money. Another question is how the work was done and whether it was useful. Anyway,sometimes it’s perceived as begging and a pursuit of profit.
Although, these are just emergent properties that are predictably manifested due to the platform model. And this is not bad, we just have what we have. You can write as much as you like that the main advantage is decentralization, lack of control, freedom of speech and self-regulation. OK, that's great, it's here. But here's a bunch of crypto dollars on the first page. This is what brings many users here, first of all.
Hypothetically. Will be a success the blog of an avid drug addict who writes masterpiece posts about his life? Just imagine, his content is cooler than anything you've ever read. But, at the end of each post, he adds: "I'll spend the money I earned here on another dose of crack." Will he get votes?
Is it worth fighting with this and changing it? Who am I to raise such serious questions. A mother's cousin who comes to his nephew's birthday only once every 3 years, if beer is poured there. This post is not about that, probably .. I don't remember, already had enough beer.
However, @nonameslefttouse said the right thing:
I think the whole concept should die with the ocean. Ever notice how it fucks with peoples heads? We're all just humans on the other side of devices, but because of certain labels, some feel small, some feel big; and it often goes to their heads. "I'm just a tiny fish" sounds so goddamn depressing...
We can go even further. If you don't want to see people fighting for money, just hide your wallets. Let people communicate blindly. Why were the wallets opened? The same story with openness and transparency, probably. Ideology must be supported by actions. So, it should not be surprising now that the employer (or the secured buyer) is visible from afar.
I don’t call anyone for global changes, and my mind is polluted by commercialism, many will say. I can start making excuses that this is the mentality of my people, or my mother hugged me with her legs instead of her hands, and I didn't have enough love. But all I'm trying to say here is simple let's not be afraid to say the word "penis". Especially when we are all sitting here with our pants unbuttoned, and no one has even put on panties.
Actually, I'm more for transparency. I just think it's ridiculous for some, especially those just starting out, to convince themselves they're small, or to try to convince others they require special treatment because of the 'small' label, as in, they're using it as leverage, like people are supposed to feel sorry for them. Most people here started with nothing. Some chose to make something of their lives. Those types would do the same with any challenge they face. Others choose to act pathetic and treat those they perceive as higher beings poorly if those 'above' them are not bending over backwards to help the 'needy'. The self made types who found success all have something in common. They never acted needy. Those with the mindset of 'being small' will remain at the bottom, and blame others for their life deficiencies. That's why I think those saying, "I'm just a tiny fish," is depressing. They can be whatever the hell they want, everyone started at the bottom at some point. Those putting that shit in their head about being 'small' often choose to remain small, then blame the world for being that way.
Lol, when i was tiny i told all the whales to go fuck themselves because i had nothing to lose...but they kept downvoting my accounts until I became respectful well behaved frot!
Telling people to go fuck themselves, regardless of whatever label you need to place on them in order to sort your life out better, or whatever, usually doesn't go well. Should be common sense.
If the whale in question is an evil maggot with hundreds of fake accounts I'd rather get kicked off the platform than suck his dick.
So i'm always going to tell him to go fuck himself (even if not with my #1 account) - because just like wearing muzzles, if nobody says no, then everyone gets to submit...
But he actually did me a favour because I powered down and pulled out most of my Steem when it was fairly high, so he helped make me into a potential whale by being a turd.
Love it when that happens!
(History never repeats...)
I suppose when you choose to leave yourself limited options, you're left to lead a limited life, where regardless of good outcome or bad, someone else still controlled you.
I live in NZ - I'm basically under house arrest in sheeple nation - for now I can go for a walk, but I can't go into a shop and buy food because they are all closed, and I can't go into the city because there is no transport, and nothing is open anyway.
But I have more options than most people, because I'm relatively wealthy and knew full well this shitstorm was coming.
And from here on in it gets more intense, for a while at least.
I don't need to buy food.
Having not acting needy in common was a good one.
I see'em like an ID I guess, passportesque, they're useful when necessary. On the authors homepage is one thing, I actually have to go looking for it. But up front and center with the new update sucks, like walking around with your passport on your face but virtually.
Talking about reputation? I had no idea. Just saw my quote out of context.
This is one of the problems that I wrote about. The status of other users, their amounts in wallets, they influence many others, correcting their behavior. "I won't talk about money. I will not write negative articles. I will not express my opinion, because I am still too small". And of course, the problem is not in the openness of information, the problem is in the head of small users, as you correctly noted. Many people here are just trying to copy the "successful patterns", and it works.
But in the end, we get a lot of "positive" posts, few people write about real shit. Not critical, but the variety of content is reduced.
Copying people doesn't work. Show me one successful copycat.
I've seen plenty of inexperienced members talk shit about the place. Just the other day I saw someone call everyone racist, because they couldn't login, but thought they were banned due to discrimination. The most ridiculous things. That's just an idiot though and there are plenty of those around, and not just here. In life. Then you have the brownnoser/bootlicker/ass kisser types. They are the ones who think one must kiss ass to get anywhere. They talk shit and say negative crap all the time. They're the ones who assume anyone who ever got anywhere here, or anywhere for that matter, kissed ass to get there. Around here, the workplace, anywhere on the planet, those types who knock others down for doing well; probably the most annoying people. Has it ever occurred to you some of these folks who do speak fondly of the place are not doing it to kiss ass or impress anyone; they truly enjoy it. I know there are some phonies out there out there as well. They're not fooling anyone and nobody likes it. They're fooling themselves and typically those are the types to fly off the handle at some point because their ass kissing doesn't seem to be 'working' so then they go deflect their frustrations on others, negatively, and hang out in small groups of likeminded individuals where all they do is talk shit. In life those types will be all loud and happy, cutting others down, but get really quiet the moment someone walks into the room; always looking over their shoulders.
As for being critical effectively, there's no need to take a positive of negative stance when doing so. Those who know how to offer constructive criticism will do it, regardless of bank account size. They're also not the types who feel small or big depending on labels that mean nothing other than superficial nonsense.
You take my point of view quite straightforwardly. I'm talking about copying the style of successful users by other users. And of course it does not bring results.
Exaggerated it looks like this: "This dude in the top is very positive, he cooks food very happily and writes every time how he loves this place. I will do the same." But it won't work, because as you correctly noticed, this positive dude in a top truly enjoy it. And the copycat is trying to figure out the" rules " of this place in order to make a profit. And I'm not calling on all of us that there should be more shit and negativity in this place. I say that there is enough fake positivity here. People try to be someone else to earn money. So it was, is and will be everywhere where there is money and there are people.
But the key point is that everything I wrote above does not really apply to this place. It doesn't matter how you present information, rudely, positively, literarily correctly or in ugly English like me. If you did not come here to figure out the "rules" and kiss ass, but to work conscientiously or just to have fun, then everything will be OK.
People create content void of personality. It's all in the delivery. Most folks don't know that but the ones who do, do really well, unless their personality sucks. Those people fail, then blame everyone else and the platform. So whatever. That can't really be fixed. People won't change. That ratio will never change.
They're just questions, I don't think they're too serious, ask-ask awwaaaayyy!
The most recent update at Ecency shows the users rep on the profile pic. I reached out to Good-Karma and he assures me they're going to remove it the next update.
I'm a big fan of ecency, 99% of this I do there and that's the worst fuckin addition yet. I hate that rep score. I hate seeing it. Not only that, it ruins the integrity of the users profile pic. Rep scores suck and should be quarantined somewhere other than here I'm done now.
Well, for my part, I can say that I'm not exactly against all these topics with badges and reputation. For me, this is more of a game moment, I love achievements.
I read your post where you were striving for a reputation of 69:)
The people next to me on these treadmills Gotta be wondering what the hell I just laughed out loud about.
It was a number Dammit!! Not a status. LoL
To the point! I couldn't find such pictures for my post, because my wife has put parental control on my browser.
I read it too, he is a fruitloop!
I just got my 70 rep, been after one for 5 years...i have a trail of old accounts with reps ranging from very very low, up to 65, but this is the first time I have shut my pie hole long enough to get a 70 rep!
Grats, my friend! I am not sure that I will ever achieve such a result. I'm not obsessed with this goal, but I love numbers :D
66 is my goal for my account at 65 - @sift666 would look cool with a 66 rep!
Well now that you said something, congrats.
Really funny post, I like your style. You really had me LOL
Going to keep an eye on you.
Oh thank buddy. I am glad that my writing allows some people to smile :)
Thank you for your time and
overseefollow me!Well guess this means I shoulda replaced so many words with penis by now that my vocabulary would consist entirely of penis fuck and beer... Oh well
If this is so, then it should be so. Do not restrain yourself, and you will immediately see how the attitude of others towards you will change.
Then let it be so, us thus it has been written so it shall be! Penis, fuck, beer to you good sir
Fucking nailed it dude!
I've been small, and I've been a bit bigger, and I will say this...the bigger you are the more people want to suck your PENIS
Well, that's true, if you throw $100k into your account, I think you will get dozens of comments under any shit that you publish. There will always be people who prefer an easy and direct path, and self-respect is not a limiter for them
Hahaha that was hilarious 🤣
Plot twist, Hive was crack all along, as it releases the same endorphin when you get some upvote.