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RE: Australian vacancies and rents

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I agree with you in that things are a bit all over the place, it's the same here. The word normal isn't a very good one to describe things and I think, when all of this stuff is concerned, normal is something that will be quite elusive for a long time, maybe forever. It's not all covid related either...Australia's economy was headed down the drain well before Corona-chan came along.

You mention a few points in your post, the lack of tourists coming down...It's the same here to some degree, and a greater degree in the more tourist-oriented States. Job losses, wage reductions etc. That can't all happen so rapidly without repercussions and I feel whilst more people do a good job at sticking their heads in the sand, it can't be done forever. Reality will bite; Not for all, but for many.

Time will tell though and in the mean time I'm not thinking flamboyantly, in fact Faith and I are preparing for the worst. If it happens we may survive it, if it doesn't we'll be better off financially.



The piper is going to have to be paid. No question. I know several people that are semi-retired and work during the winter tourist season. They all say that casual winter jobs are just plain hard to come by right now.

The ripple is pretty big here. Food service and hotel workers, of course. The landscape crews are well under normal due to the Canadian contingent not coming yet. All the service industry will be affected.

Yeah, it's a cascade effect really, one thing leads to another. Same here. When they. It off the stimulus pa kahes in March 2021 things will get real.

We've had a bit of a gap in our packages. I actually expect a 'lame duck' bill (done by the out going legislature) that will pick up some, but that band will get paid too.

Eviction protection has expired in some places. I think there a bunch of them upcoming. That'll put the shakes on the whole market, a bunch of people are going to 'move down' one or more category. It'll get ugly in a hurry.

Yep, similar to here. Eviction protection is ended, stimulus ramping down, jobs still being lost, rents going up, credit debt on the rise...Pain on the way.