Yep, good math sir, 0.43US (0.59 AUD)
I used to work a lot, my industry calls for it really, but I tend to manage it quite well these days. I am a 9-6 weekdays salaries employee but I'll be honest, my actual contact hours (actually working) is something around 3-5 hours a day usually. I manage to get what I have to get done in that time. I spend a lot of time in cafes with myself, and clients sometimes, but generally I have a lot of flexibility. That makes it tolerable. I'm usually up around 0500-0600 and off to bed around 2330-0000 so I tend to fit a lot into my day, even if that's just watching shows or reading. (Watching Strike Back currently). Life's too fucking short, and far to underpaid to do anything but whatever it takes to live my best version of it.
I know that many probably find this post boring or unrelatable but the weekly rents a city commands is very telling for those who look deeper, as you have done.