I know what you mean, it's been the biggest sticking point so far.
The thing is though, that had we done this 15 years ago, when I was 35, we would have rebounded, got back to work and have had an amazing year-long experience to remember. Now I just have the regret of not having done that.
That's the motivator right now...The fact that in 20 or 25 years I'll be dead, or unable to do these things in the way I wish to do them. It's not a now or never mentality, just...better now whilst we can, than leaving it with the risk of not being able to mentality.
We're not rash people, don't live purely for the moment with no thought to the future; We look for balance. But life can be snatched away pretty quickly and so we work towards living our best version of it.
Come on hive, go through the roof! :)
That sounds so familiar! Though I live more and more in the moment compared to the past :) I think in 10 years time I can still handle a more or less nomad life, so still have some time. A few years ago, I was at a point I needed income badly, prepared everything to put my own apartment up for long term rent, had my fingers hoovering over the buy button for a yurt whilst debating still if I shall buy a small van instead (last money reserves, not easy to decide). Right at that moment, an opportunity passed by; Got lucky, back to employee again with a good income and all; Difficult to give that up after such relative recent event knowing the todays job markets seems to be about people who have 100 years of experience and specialist in all side of business, while not having grey hairs.
YES! And at the same time, diversify a little, like betting on LEO for instance :)
Living in the past isn't a very smart way to go...Glad to here you keep it now and future focused.
You sound like Faith and I...We make moves when required, ahead of time not post-event. No point waiting for things to go bad before we address them right?
Absolutely, not thinking of the baseline for the future, means we become true hippies. Not that bad, but one needs to be able to deal with living from nothing hahaha
It's a complex old thing, life. But then, food, shelter and warmth are the three basic human needs (social interaction possibly too). Society is the complicated thing,or so it has become. I'm always seeking a more simple life, but I'll admit, it's not easy to find mostly.