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RE: Australian vacancies and rents

in LeoFinance4 years ago

those development plans you mentioned - how many houses to be built and the whole quality of life developments - I guess they're quite difficult to source in data terms

It's all done with a few clicks of my mouse butting whilst sitting in my office. We pay exorbitant prices for access to government records, development approvals and applications, titles etc. We can get it all. Most of the development plans we look for are done years in advance and are mostly available...Just the military stuff is locked. It's not in data form though, we have to make it so. Still, we know what to look for so it's not too difficult, just time-costly.

I guess the best place for a rental is a place where there's lot of good paying jobs for young people. All other things being equal.

Yep, infrastructure...Shops, schools parks etc. It's all specific to certain countries though as we're all different...Culturally.