A wise man once said: You can lead a newbie who is new to a place that is not as new as it never was, but you can't never not lead a newbie to a new place that is other than the place they were not new previously when they were new. Said newbie cannot think they thought until they think of thinking and then they will put some thought to thinking and think they thought after they really think about it.
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This wise man has the right of it!!
Lol. That made me giggle
You know, it felt a little dobartimish writing that...Ah yes, weren't those the days. Lol.
See you at the top.
What ever happened to that dude? Did the cult finally drink the koolaid?
I'm not really sure. I think he didn't get his airdrop when hive started and he had an apoplectic fit of range and spontaneously combusted. (I may have added that last bit for my own amusement, or to place a hex on said individual). Fortunately his/her particular brand of poetry-filth doesn't mar the blockchain any longer...Not on hive anyway.
Ugh... those memories. When all people had to do was calm down and let things get sorted out but decided to go batshit crazy instead.
Lol, old Dobberchops, he was a prize fanny.
We win together
Gawd Boomy, that tagline always made me cringe...As did much (everything) about that person. Dobberchops...Damn you, I wish I came up with that one. I used to call him Doby, you know that creepy dude in Harry Potter?
Hehe, I think I called him that too at one point!!
The man was a pie
Come on mate, pie didn't deserve that...I like pie.
There's other words for that person...But maybe it's a bit rude to say them. You know what I mean though.
Different pies!!! In Glasgow a pie is slang for vagina!!
Heh heh, so a Glasgow pie, lol