Demystifying HIVE: Expectations

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Demystifying HIVE is a series of bite-sized posts targeted to new Hivians and for people outside of the HIVE blockchain.

The purpose is to try and break down the many complexities of the HIVE blockchain, its acronyms, and the current facts and falsehoods associated with it.


I say ‘current’ because within 6 months some of the things I say may well no longer be relevant. It is an evolving experiment, and little remains static.

Its little wonder that the retention rate is abysmal given the huge learning curve a new person needs to endure.

Without some guidance, most give up quite soon deeming it bewildering and over-complicated.



Most people are attracted to HIVE for the money. It was the same for me when in early February 2018 I noticed these posts about various topics appearing when I searched using Google.

But the penny had not dropped at this stage and it was just another blog written by someone.

It was not until I noticed STEEM (HIVE was born from STEEM) riding high in the coinmarketcap ranks that I made the connection of writing and earning.

This is all history and you may have found HIVE by word of mouth or some other means.


...'@jacpl is still lurking around on HIVE, playing Rising Star. Her first post got a decent reward and then it got progressively worse. $5 is still good for a new person, so why did she stop posting?'...

Some new users have big expectations, see other posts with double-figure earnings, and think they can immediately start ‘earning’ to this level.

They create a first post which can either be short (and crap) or long (and concise). If it's a short one, it will likely be ignored and gain a reward of less than $0.10.

If it's a decent long one with detail, it may catch the eye of someone, or a curation group and be overly-rewarded which causes temporary euphoria.

'the curation groups are numerous but consist of @ocdb, @curangel, and @curie amongst others. They can bestow big votes for good work if they notice you'

In the case of the latter example, said writer (who is now excited) constructs a second post which is largely ignored and gains a reward of $0.05.

So why did this happen?

I have seen this so many times and the writer then gives up and leaves.

...'I noticed this post topping trending yesterday. I wish @wannderingsoul all the best but I have my doubts that post #2 will do anywhere near as well'...

First posts from new people can attract attention, a big welcome, so to speak. After that, the hard work begins, and reality sets in.

It is a shame that many don't understand this and it can be a bewildering experience.

At this stage of your HIVE 'career', you have almost no followers and few will even see your work.

…’the userbase on HIVE is a focused group of people but is tiny compared to Facebook or other social media sites’…

If you want to be noticed then you need to go out and socialise! Follow people, comment on their posts, rinse, and repeat.

If you are solely for the money then you may as well leave right now. It won’t come right away, and it needs to be earned.


...'it's easy to see the size of someone else's stash, just look here, and add your name instead of mine to the end, It will also let you know how well you are playing the curation game, try getting 11% on the stock market'...

Following someone will probably not result in reciprocation, especially if they are a large stakeholder. Some people are more likely to follow you than others.

I have had comments before about this, and that it is too much work and you shouldn't need to do any of this for attention.

Yes, it could be looked at as 'work' but this is NOT Facebook and if you want some kind of reward then it doesn't come easy.

What I would say to you is be consistent. Some will disagree with what I am about to say but I will say it anyway.

…’any post that Teaches OR Entertains will do generally better than other types'…

This philosophy has worked very well for me but is not gospel by any means. Post what you like, including holiday shots of yourself lapping it up on the beach with a single sentence... that's OK and nobody will bother you.

If you want to post single photographs of flowers with the words, 'nice flowers', or even no words at all.. then do it,... that's fine too. Just don't expect much attention on your post.

CURATION APR (above): This is decided on how and when you vote and has been a large bone of contention with me for some time. If you want to know more please read this. To put things more simply, it's how well you use your voting power and the level of return you can gain. I will explain this is another 'Demystifying HIVE' at a later date.


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Drooling Maniac.JPG

If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, rehive, engage me or all of these things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Wrong expectations tend to lead to disappointment. There are only so many rewards to go around. A lot of these will go in auto votes to the same old people, so new people have to fight for the rest. You may get lucky and get noticed by a curator, but really you need to work to be seen. That means engaging with people. Ideally you need to find those who are actually interested in what you do. I tend to vote up music, comics and tech as those are things I like to see here. Just don't use up all your good content before you get an audience as you only have 7 days to earn on it (which is a problem with the system).

I would also say make it fun so you want to come back. Fill your feed with content you enjoy as you would on other platforms. Give it votes even if they are tiny, but your comments may be appreciated.

Hive is not 'fair', but there is potential to earn if you can find the right approach. It took me months before I made much and a lot of my posts made nothing.

and a lot of my posts made nothing.

LOL, makes me wonder how I got going. If it wasn't for you..., but I have said this all before.

What I do online has been mostly for fun since long before Steem or even Tsu. I saw the potential of this blockchain stuff from the start and thought it was worth persisting with. I've had lots of great experiences from it. Of course the money helps and I have spent a fair bit. For now I am just powering up.

I've had lots of great experiences from it.

..and lots of laughs too, such as @katharsisdrill and his Bidbotophant!, I was just thinking about that this morning.. and was falling over laughing at the time. Did he ever do a Spamophant, I could use that for those swimming posts.

I have had comments before about this, and that it is too much work and you shouldn't need to do any of this for attention.

This always baffles me. Why do people think they should be given an audience?

Where does that happen?
Facebook (page)? Nope
Reddit? Noooooo
Zeh Titter? Good luck with that!
Your own website? After a year, if you have a clue about SEO, maybe.

That said, I'm also not too big a fan of rewarding just for joining. I would be much more pleased when those curation projects would leave a welcome comment with basic onboarding tips, and engage their community to welcome the member and follow. Mostly with comments first.

An avalanche of genuine engaging comments, with hopefully a growing amount of rewards - if content created is fitting - will be much more fruitful for the community than the current known model, which can but lead to disappointment.

I noticed you do quite well with some of your posts despite not having a large stake. It goes to show that it's not all about stake-size, which some do harp on about.

You have gained your audience by the quality of your work, and that's how it should be.

It's mostly about networking/socializing. Which was one of my first posts.

Build your base “tribe”.

Put the effort in content/creation next. It cascades, organically. It may take time (so does gaining traffic for Adsense bucks) but it will happen. And keep commenting, no need to comment on everything just make sure people occasionally see you left and right.

It’s all about socializing, really. And not insulting those gained follows with incessant shitposts. Not about how much stake you have, that attract flies like it were shit.

And not insulting those gained follows with incessant shitposts. Not about how much stake you have, that attract flies like it were shit.

I was in two minds whether to add that image that shows my stake (and the APR). It's not bragging rights (I paid for all that), but I could hardly use someone else's (smaller stake) to get the point across.

No bragging, I don't do that.. well not intentionally.

I only recently realized how much stake you have. And that despite knowing your username since more than three years via via...

I guess I'm a weirdo. I'm a consumer and hope some day to be as good a creator as those I read every day. How much stake they have, what car they drive, how gorgeous their partner is... doesn't define the creation I consume and nothing but a distraction to me.

Alright, alright... I guess some will argue those things define their mental health and thus output. Blahblahblahyaddayadda


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So true...most INTRO posts are bollocks anyway

I am finding these Demystifying HIVE posts very elucidating. One thing I wonder, and maybe this is a really stupid question with an obvious answer, but, why os there no HIVE wiki? In a decentralized community, I would have thought the collective knowledge of how the community works would lend itself perfectly to the wiki format.

Wait. Is there a HIVE wiki? I have not actually looked for one. I assumed it would be the first thing people say: Here's the link to the wiki, newb!

Is the answer that such a wiki would have to be created off HIVE? This seems like a HIVE shortcoming that could easily be addressed with a bit of programming, said, knowing nothing about blockchain programming. Lol.

Wait. Is there a HIVE wiki? I have not actually looked for one. I assumed it would be the first thing people say: Here's the link to the wiki, newb!

I don't believe there is, if you search 'hive' on Wikipedia.. it's not even mentioned. Such is the importance bestowed on this black-chain and its rather poor name.

I did several of these posts and then kind of got bored writing them. I hope they help you out.

I have seen a post that you might have commented on a day or two ago about expectations gone awry - and I think that part of the problem for some is the lack of engagement with the community. At the end of the day, the consistency of reward is often tethered to the consistency of engagement - post and runners tend not to survive long. When it comes to reward itself, stake obviously matters too, which means it doesn't really matter how much attention one gets in a niche, if there is no stake watching, it isn't going to get rewarded. I think overall, the distribution is rewarding a far wider array of content than it did earlier.

When I first joined up, even after 2 months I was getting a lot of comments compared to other more established users. We had the Linear curve then and I know I keep harping on about this.., it needs to come back. Look at LEO, Look at STEM... they are flying and yet we are still in the rut on HIVE.

What is it going to take for change to occur? Linear means more comment voting, which means more comments. Like it or not, it's an incentive to comment.. though some comments may be more for the mere sake of gaining a few cents.

.. and don't get me started on that stupid voting window 😃

I do think I remember @blocktrades recently saying he wants to implement flat curation. It was in a comment, or even post, after HF24. But it wasn't a very explicit statement.

The reality, one which is not highlighted often enough, is that with the EIP, we have tailored a system to please stakeholders always more:

  • we went from 75/25 to 50/50
  • the window's reverse penalty went from author bonus to returned to the pool
  • the window was shortened where it should have been lengthened when switching to 50/50 so smaller stakeholders could frontrun again

Later the reward pool was reduced as well.

All these elements have damaged what was otherwise a well-meant and thoughtful economic update to fight abuse.

All in all, leaving aside the STEEM to HIVE power ups, little has resulted in additional large stake since the EIP. If it led to many more new stakeholders, I haven't gotten the memo. I'm not talking one or two who bought a million, I'm talking a number which actually registers on the radar.

I do think I remember @blocktrades recently saying he wants to implement flat curation.

The window is what irk's me more than the curve. I would love to see them both go but the window first!

Changing the window seems to be most everyone's top priority. That's what we're looking at tackling as part of HF25.

Good to hear, how about the curve?

It's something I only know about in the most abstract sense, I haven't looked into it much yet.

.. and don't get me started on that stupid voting window

I think this should be done now.

As for the curve, I agree it has affected comments. I still vote mine at a "technical loss" because it is encouraging. I also use !ENGAGE 20 in order to get them a few more votes plus some tokens when they are relatively decent comments. The curve was originally brought in to combat spam and comment farming, which it did effectively, but I think that it might be better to have the spam and guide the culture to either ignore it or, use the blacklists to mute it.

The curve was originally brought in to combat spam and comment farming, which it did effectively

I remember it well, and agreed it did the job.. but we also did not have free downvotes at the time. I think with the tools we have available (HIVE-SQL), comment farming abuse can be found and dealt with more easily.

It's the price we pay for having more comments and more interaction. You have to ask yourself, 'is this all working in it's current state'. We all know the answer to that one.

Yep, I think it was somewhat of a failsafe measure, as people also tend not to use or respond well to the downvotes. As for Spam, looking at YouTube and Instagram etc, they don't seem to mind it, which means that the users are used to ignoring it - kind of like banner ads on the sides of articles.

On the tokenized interfaces, dealing with it all is easier as they are centralized. The problem is in the decentralized greater environment, people don't like the idea of downvotes and blacklists.

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I think we will see a flood of the "old guard" again when alt season arrives only for them to leave again when we go into the next bear market.
The trouble is with increasing rewards will come increasing bad quality content.

Having an ecosystem that rewards with real money is always going to be a compromise but those that understand the multitude of benefits of being involved consistently, through thick and thin, stand to benefit the most.

And like you I am not sure I would still be here without @steevc's support in the early days.


We're actually seeing very little spam and abuse for now, but as Hive grows it will increase and need action. There are issues with some of the anti-abuse project. Those should not be alienating the good users.


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The trouble is with increasing rewards will come increasing bad quality content.

Bad content is not going to gain much attention, and there's a difference between lack of effort vs abuse. The former will get ignored, the latter flagged.

This is a must-read for every new user. When I started I remember that I got a little disappointed when a post did not have good votes, but I stayed and I followed some of the recommendations that you mention.

I made comments, I engaged, I also made new friends on the platform and on Discord servers, I participated in contests, I even won one by minnowbooster back in the day and I earned like 90 in votes just before STEEM went below a dollar.

Hive is definitely not to make money fast and run, if someone has those intentions the community will notice and it will not have that effect.

Yes, Hive is very complicated but in the end, I think it's worth it. For me, every post I read, and every hour I spent here has paid off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, Hive is very complicated

You got that one right! It's the complexity that enticed me, but I am probably not normal and am a techy. I know other people in my arena who don't want this level and would like simple.

It's never going to be simple but there could be ways of hiding it all from the user, so they never see it or know what's going on (unless they want too).

Congrats for sticking with it!

Yes, for me it was also easy as I am good with technology too. I've seen that adoption comes when there is a lot of need. There are users from countries like Venezuela where you can find people from all backgrounds. I think that in Mexico most people are on their comfort zones and not willing to invest the time and effort to learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think we need rid of Hive as a means of reward and use the tokens of the niche communities to reward community specific content. This way, I wouldn't have to trawl through so much crap looking for stuff I may like to look at. Being able to search simply by author or niche is much more sensible so we need to be able to fully design our own feeds.

As for Hive, it's use should simply be investment and as currency of the chain, to be invested in projects and chain management including paying of witnesses.

The sad thing is, it's still these Hive posts that get the most engagement! That makes it look like a circle jerk to outsiders!

You can always use communities. They are not bad for finding stuff, there may even be a Trains one now.

I think we need rid of Hive as a means of reward and use the tokens of the niche communities to reward community specific content.

In time, but as well as communities the tribes need to get going again. Are we seeing them rise from the ashes? If they all need a token, then this is where they can start working hand in hand like LEO and STEM who are at the fore-front of all this.

these Hive posts that get the most engagement!

That's because everyone here is into HIVE, it's a common theme and despite the small numbers, people here are quite hardcore about it.

...'I noticed this post topping trending yesterday. I wish @wannderingsoul all the best but I have my doubts that post #2 will do anywhere near as well'...

Yep. This is the problem with introduction posts. They are great to get people excited yet they come to expect that this is the norm.

When they next few do not fare near as well, we see them get discouraged and leave.

We are trying to address that on Leofinance by giving those who are earnestly trying to add to the platform some support beyond their first one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are trying to address that on Leofinance by giving those who are earnestly trying to add to the platform some support beyond their first one.

I love what LEO is doing, but can the other tribes follow suit? There are opportunities there and I can see some movement but I feel in most cases they are being swept up by the frenzy of LEO.

What happened to CreativeCoin? It still exists but is there any push to get it moving again? I would like to hear from anyone associated with it (@derangedvisions).

I have seen a few new user mentioning the number of followers they have on facebook and twitter, most of the followers I have are robot followers from the steem days that got carried over. Sites like facebook, and twitter have literally millions of accounts. I don't know how many accounts are on hive, a lot I would guess, like twitter and facebook a lot of them are bots and or inactive accounts.

While I may only get 3 or 4 comments on Hive, I am pretty sure that 3 or 4 is a larger percentage of total population than 12 or 16 would be on witter or facebook. I think this is something people miss when they first come to Hive and expectations are high.

The older peeps have many thousands of followers, I mean 6 or 7 times more than me (I have 1500+), and yet I get more comments then them on a regular basis. What does that say? Yes..., tons of inactive accounts here.

When I first joined I remember posting and getting 7-8 followers all at once. They were called a-1-444 or something. All bots and worthless.

If you want to be noticed then you need to go out and socialise! Follow people, comment on their posts, rinse, and repeat.

And there it is...The basic road map to success here, or at the very least gaining some exposure to help drive towards success. (Yes, I know success is many varied things depending on who is considering it.)

I'm not sure why, maybe the feeling of entitlement the world seems to have these days, but people seem unwilling to put some hard-yards in, preferring the I'm here and deserve big rewards method. Reward for effort doesn't seem to have much value for people...Reward for doing bugger all is much more attractive.

reward for no effort ethos. (Not going to happen people.)Outbound engagement, with relevance and validity, is a huge factor in my mind. I do the #weekend-engagement topic on Friday's to give people somewhere to engage with others, a fun environment, and many do, but very rarely do totally new people come along. I even pay hive directly to people there for commenting, just for a comment, and yet...No newbies. Maybe I need to up the ante and offerr 5,000 hive for each comment...That might match the

But I digress...Engagement is important; Why else would long-standing accounts who go reasonably well on the blockchain work so hard to promote it if it wasn't?

I'm a relative nobody here and that's ok, it allows me to do my thing, post what I wish with impunity and to simply have fun...But here's my tips for newbies...

Post with passion, personality and effort; Engage on other people's posts with relevance and interest, and keep doing so after the first comment, don't just drop one and think you're best mates. Be personable, don't fall into the habit of thinking you're the smartest person in the room (you most probably are not) and be respectful. Use communities, not just the ones where you think a whale may lurk waiting patiently for you to arrive, drop a shit post and then vote you at 100%. Show consistency and be patient, your account will grow in time. When you're done doing all of that...Do it all again, and again.

And I'm spent...Lol

That's all I got.

You are not a nobody here, far from it.., most of us know you.

Post with passion, personality and effort; Engage on other people's posts with relevance and interest, and keep doing so after the first comment, don't just drop one and think you're best mates.

Wise words, and ones I have said before (but not recently). It's time to say them again as the user base has changed so much in the last year (and nobody seems to do these types of posts anymore).

Thanks mate, I appreciate that. I guess I mean more that I'm not notable or very powerful. Most know me as that kooky dude from down under! (Not Crocodile Dundee, the other one! Lol)

You know, if each user supported just one other person for a little while, and then that person did the same and so on, we would be doing pretty well. It doesn't have to be financially either, just commenting on someone who never gets comments is support, and makes that person feel welcome.

I don't know, there's many elements to it I suppose. I liked this post of yours, and linked to it in one I did to day to try and spread the word.

Thanks for your kind words.

I can't say I'm the best on commenting TBH, I have my days and then other's I can't be arsed (is that term familiar to you?). Good words though, I should be higher up @abh12345's weekly chart and sometimes don't even appear in it.

Can't be arsed is actually my middle name - Honest. OK, not really, I made that up. Yes the term is familiar, it's almost like an Australian mantra.

Some weeks I'm up the top, others not so much...It depends on what's going on in my life, work with Faith and her mum...Commenting to be up the top of the EL isn't my trip. Some of my best commenting weeks have been when I did less comments but to accounts that really needed them, new people, strugglers. It means so much to get comments...I started with nothing here and remember getting comments from people like @sirknight and @mattclarke etc. It means a great deal to me and kept me pushing on. So, the quantity isn't always so important but the quality and where they are placed is.

Of course, newbies need to take some ownership too...I'm a reward for effort guy, show some and you'll get some. You know?

Good post, great series upcoming. I agree that the topic needs to be broached and you are a good broacher (it's a word, I use it in Scrabble all the time) in my opinion.

I saw a guy bitching like crazy in a very public discord about no returns on his hard work. It was a quiet day so I went and took a look. 6 posts since June 1 and on the three I looked at he did not answer a single comment. How could the world NOT see his amazing talent? Jeeze.

Thanks for doing this, it really does need to be done.

I had to look that one up!


I saw a guy bitching like crazy in a very public discord about no returns on his hard work.

Commenting (especially on your own post), is a must. Unless you get too damn many, like I did on that one a few days ago. It can get a bit much. I have seen newbies not respond in the past and have shook my head thinking, 'you are not going to hack it'.

I hope you taught Mr NoRewards the error of his ways!

I made a pithy comment on his original post. I doubt it did much good.

Yeah. It's a nice problem to have. Not having time to respond to all the comments.

I just got up and realised I have an avalanche of comments to respond too, maybe I should stick to the Everquest Chronicles? 😀

Ahahahaha. And here you thought being one of the popular kids in High School was was all about getting laid and sitting at the best table for lunch. It's tough being popular..

I'll understand why you don't answer this ....

Best way for bloggers/content creators to stick around is trying to get monetised on some other platforms first, then you know it won't get u anywhere. Traditional ones like YT will make you nearly 0 unless you are the early birds or unless your content is either topnotch or simply caters the best to the average persons taste.

If simply viewing Hive as blockchain passive income solution, then it's easily neglectable that for most it's a nearly 0 dollar investment, but still many might compare its APR to some other blockchain project, which put Hive no advantage. You can easily find some better projects, with higher APR and lower risks (no locking/power up time).

Problem is Hive is somewhere in between and difficult to target who as investors that we are attracting.

I do know some authors who have invested $0.00 and do OK here. It can be done, if you can pump out some decent content that is different and interesting to the small audience we have.

I prefer to see HIVE as an investment platform myself.., what are these better projects you speak of?

like Celsius? no need to lock fund, ofc still not your key not your coins, but not worse than for example centralised exchanges at least and you don't have the risk to lock your hive for 3 months.

Like many others here, for me honestly Hive is 0 dollar investment. I did put small amount of investment in it at early days but by now all pulled out. Have I ever thought differently about it? Sure, I was also thinking about buying into a whale or at least an orca here. In the end didn't really for many reasons. Attention economy as a whole is a hoax to me, difficult for it to work out especially when audience is small.

I've been here more than 4 years and still get confused!

First post i saw on steemit was one by jeff berwick that paid 15k...

I've been disapointed ever since!

steemit was one by jeff berwick that paid 15k...

Before my time all that, but I have heard the stories. That kind of stuff must have brought in the masses (for all the wrong reasons).

Great peace of work, save healthy

Heh, well my first article was copied from Publish0x where it made me more than 10$... on Hive it received 3 votes for 0.07$ total - it's a learning process :-D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I think your work is good, which is the reason I followed you. I know I can learn something every time I read your stuff which is one of my personal criteria when posting. I don't know how long you have been around but I would say... stick with it.. and the fame will come.

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.
I've been around since spring, but I mostly just copied&pasted my articles from Publish0x without interacting with Hive at all. Things have certainly changed since them. I'm quite happy with the involvement I get currently. I most of all just enjoy writing in English because it's not my native language, so getting fame for it would only be a bonus ;-)

Welcome to Hive. Don't expect much and know your place.

I always knew this place was the realest place on the internet!

I'm surprised you didn't use nips as an example!

Posted using Dapplr

Welcome to Hive. Don't expect much and know your place.

Aw.. that's a bit harsh! I hope we don't come across like that.

I missed out the 'too' before the expect,

It sounds does sound a little bit harsh without it in fairness.

Personally now I just see the statement it's got a nice ring to it, almost Zen like, I may have to give Nathan a buzz I'm sure he could wonders with this!

In your publication there are good approaches, also some others that sound like jokes, but I think it is not so much the post, the voting power, it is the empathy you achieve with some people, there are users who have 120 followers or more, and yes you You give account only 10 comments and give votes, but I deeply respect your way of thinking and that of others

also some others that sound like jokes

I will take that as a compliment.

That is funny that you mention that. I noticed a post the other day from someone who got like $400 on their first post. They did a couple subsequent ones that only got about $1 to $2 per post and then they just totally dropped off. Quite the kick in the gut!

Was this years ago?, I can't see anything getting $400 now.

Yeah, I read the year wrong. Still the same concept. It was 2016 so over on Steem, back in the good old days.

I mentioned to someone recently not to recycle his content and he went into a whole spiel about not getting noticed and support, and how he follows 3k people but only has 1k followers. I asked him how often he engages with those 3k people he follows as I noticed there are no comments on blog. Then he started another rant. 🙄

LOL.., do show.. drama is not as prevalent as in the STEEM days!

Well, don't expect anything. And then everything you get will be a miracle 😎. Haha, it's easy to say that after four years here. Experience. I think Hive needs now (or in nearest future) some new, khm, how to say, paradigm ... traditional blogging is out ... here are communities, one, contests running everywhere and regularly the second, this LeoFinance thing with all these financial instruments third, dapps and games fourth... hey stop... it's a lot going on here, we just need to focus on a few things ...

I feel change in the air, it's been a little static since the Justin Sun saga.

Yeah. We'll see if this crypto rise will help 😎. It should ...

I cant actually remember if i ever had this issue, i initially left after joining mainly because vlogging was never my thing and in generally anti social, now though, im better at socializing and also enjoy making the content i make(which is mostly streaming on vimm)

Ive also always though of hive or any crypto mining as bonus money rather than my new way to live and get rich quick scheme, though im still hopefull for a good pump at somepoint..;)

That's a good way to look at it, and a different perspective from most here!

First posts from new people can attract attention, a big welcome, so to speak. After that, the hard work begins, and reality sets in.

It is a shame that many don't understand this and it can be a bewildering experience.

I agree with you but we have to be honest and say that a lot of onboarders are convincing people by telling them they can earn just by joining and posting. This is partly true, but it's not so simple. For those who come from the usual social media area, where no quality is required, where content ownership is not respected, for these people there's a learning and adjusting period. Many of these people are not interested in learning and changing, so they quit.

No matter how good it looks, this is hot Disneyland, this is hard work.

…'the curation groups are numerous but consist of @ocdb, @curangel, and @curie amongst others. They can bestow big votes for good work if they notice you'…

Since communities came alive, getting curated for good content became easier, in my opinion. You just have to pick the community that fits your topic and you can be noticed much more quickly. However, I have noticed some communities that are barely curating these days, but they don't forget to do a community post that is always getting curated. It's a shame. No offense.

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say that a lot of onboarders are convincing people by telling them they can earn just by joining and posting

It is called enticement, and why should they leave the comfort zone of Facebook? I wish it wasn't so.., I imply it but don't promise anything.

program or podcast of a fervent supporter of bitcoin, the name of the program is KEISER REPORT, the moderators are Max and Stacy, a couple who both lived in for many years on the NY Stock Exchange.
With so many months of confinement and an uncertain future, in the interim of seeing the ceiling every day, a ceiling that I have painted black for work reasons and for my job as a photographer, doubts began in relation to what the money was really about. What was happening with traditional money, what was the world of cryptocurrencies, how important is digital money, what is Fiat money ...? As you can see, I was sailing in unknown waters until that moment, fortunately, I discover KEISER REPORT and his guests that day by day they were clearing my doubts, (and of course other publications and investigations) and coincidentally one of those guests in a program spoke about the bifurcation of Steem and the birth of Hive, he touched on the interesting thing about the birth of Hive and its decentralization, he also talked about how to monetize our content, that was the click that took me directly to Hive thinking that it would be a good way to generate a source of income, especially from the need to help fill the fridge weekly. But it has not been that easy, I confess that I have become a student of the Hive protocols, at first its structure and dynamics have surprised me, I am still familiar with its route map and everything it offers you to be more efficient, I understood that I should investigate and see the experiences of successful Hive bloggers, get involved with the communities that are part of this project, know where I can apply to show my content and have good results ... it has not been easy, but I can to say that this has become a job for me, a job that I did not have due to the collapse of the world economy.
In my case, I feel that my stubbornness to find answers to the world that will come, to the uncertainty that we all carry inside, makes Hive my best refuge, and I have learned that this is not a project to fill your pockets, it is an ecosystem where You can make life and grow little by little to strengthen yourself in the face of that uncertainty that the world presents us.
I hope that if someone gives you this little experience, they will give you the strength not to die trying ... I send you a big hug and a lot of strength. CheersI appreciate this opportunity that our friend @slobberchops gives us to share my little experience of the short time I have been in Hive... I came to Hive watching a

I hope you don't find it too much of 'a job', it's supposed to be a creative outlet.. that's how I look at it.

It doesn't really seem like too much work to me, of course it has taken me time to understand all the tools that Hive offers, the sensation of learning great, actually I am happy with the Hive world.
My father used to say: "those of us who are behind the wave, when we come back we will be on the crest" and I am betting on that thought, which deep down is a very similar thought to the HIVE project ... Thank you for replicating my answer to your good article ... nice to meet you @slobberchops ... Greetings

Wise words. I often thought with some that you can lead a newbie to thought but you cannot make them think

Our some such bastardised saying. You get me!

Ahahahahaha. What? That made me giggle out loud.

Wayhay, a giggle these days is a splendid thing!! :0D

You could always try rubbing their face in it.

I find that to be a splendid teaching stool tool!

Worked for me!

Was it your face?

No it was what's its face.

I hope these people don't think I'm picking on them, they are just the ones that came to mind! I need examples..

Last time I started doing this series, that Sun bloke bought Steemit and made a balls of it all. We don't see these so often now, and there are still newbies entering the arena. It's all been said before but needs churning out again.

It does need the saying. There will always be newbs arriving wondering how to pull the most out with the least effort. Or worse yet as you mentioned, the legit ones that get a good reward on that first post and then little for the subsequent ones and can't understand it and just shrivel away.

You have to be made of stern stuff to stick it out sometimes!

the subsequent ones and can't understand it and just shrivel away.

I have seen it time and time again, I struggled to find a good one for an example as I don't tend to follow new users right away unless they are exceptional (or Urban Explorers!)

I have seen it countless times too. Just the nature of the beast. Tis like a grand game and some people are just not very good at games!

Can't beat a bit of morning philosophy :OD

A wise man once said: You can lead a newbie who is new to a place that is not as new as it never was, but you can't never not lead a newbie to a new place that is other than the place they were not new previously when they were new. Said newbie cannot think they thought until they think of thinking and then they will put some thought to thinking and think they thought after they really think about it.

This wise man has the right of it!!


Lol. That made me giggle

You know, it felt a little dobartimish writing that...Ah yes, weren't those the days. Lol.

See you at the top.


What ever happened to that dude? Did the cult finally drink the koolaid?

Lol, old Dobberchops, he was a prize fanny.

We win together


Gawd Boomy, that tagline always made me cringe...As did much (everything) about that person. Dobberchops...Damn you, I wish I came up with that one. I used to call him Doby, you know that creepy dude in Harry Potter?

Hehe, I think I called him that too at one point!!

The man was a pie

Ah, I only just noticed the notification for this post, sorry!

To be fair, I stopped posting mostly because I got lazy and distracted with other things. Also I lose confidence very easily (anxiety, nobodies fault) and an intended short break sometimes turns into a long one. I shall endeavour to return, even if it's only for short posts. I did meet a lot of lovely people (like your good self) and it'd be a shame to not continue to build those relationships.

You did some good stuff, I thought it was anyway!

Great piece of work. Thanks for putting in the effort for noobs !

I was thinking about you when deciding to dredge this series up again. I used to write them during the STEEM days, but nobody else seems to bother anymore. I will try and make things as simple as possible.. that's the aim.

Set the bar low!

I'll try, some of this stuff is over-bearing... especially the tribes.

Thanks for continuing to make Hive awesome.

BEER Hey @slobberchops, here is a little bit of from @atomcollector for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thank you for sharing this knowledge, because some really need to read this. I don't really see that engaging with others as "work", because we learn from each other and not just about how Hive works, but also about where people come from, how they think, what drives them, etc.

Creating expectations is something very tricky... Especially when the expectations are wrong.

I love sunset