And not insulting those gained follows with incessant shitposts. Not about how much stake you have, that attract flies like it were shit.
I was in two minds whether to add that image that shows my stake (and the APR). It's not bragging rights (I paid for all that), but I could hardly use someone else's (smaller stake) to get the point across.
No bragging, I don't do that.. well not intentionally.
I only recently realized how much stake you have. And that despite knowing your username since more than three years via via...
I guess I'm a weirdo. I'm a consumer and hope some day to be as good a creator as those I read every day. How much stake they have, what car they drive, how gorgeous their partner is... doesn't define the creation I consume and nothing but a distraction to me.
Alright, alright... I guess some will argue those things define their mental health and thus output. Blahblahblahyaddayadda