...'I noticed this post topping trending yesterday. I wish @wannderingsoul all the best but I have my doubts that post #2 will do anywhere near as well'...
Yep. This is the problem with introduction posts. They are great to get people excited yet they come to expect that this is the norm.
When they next few do not fare near as well, we see them get discouraged and leave.
We are trying to address that on Leofinance by giving those who are earnestly trying to add to the platform some support beyond their first one.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I love what LEO is doing, but can the other tribes follow suit? There are opportunities there and I can see some movement but I feel in most cases they are being swept up by the frenzy of LEO.
What happened to CreativeCoin? It still exists but is there any push to get it moving again? I would like to hear from anyone associated with it (@derangedvisions).