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RE: Uptober Liquidation Rampage

in LeoFinance5 months ago

Even Harris recently seems to be positive toward crypto. I think the politics of it is really up in the air. But more seem to be accepting of it now.

But traders often don't seem to necessarily care about a lot of news.

Sometimes you hear some latest news blamed for some movement, but then later you find out it was something else entirely.

On the other subject, day trading is difficult and stressful. Good luck in getting in your position and that it moves how you want or expect.


Harris is a blatant liar and has been copying Trump's playbook for a while now.
They'll say anything right before an election to get votes.
Especially for single-issue voters like pump-my-bags crypto degens.

Her administration is for sure engaging in Operation Choke Point 2.0.
This is illegal shadow-banking that specifically targets crypto infrastructure.
There's more than enough evidence to prove this.
It would be absurd to think she would change course after being elected.

All this being said Trump is a fucking clown and Harris is a police-state bootlicker just like Biden.
I don't care who wins, but I will grab some popcorn to spectate the circus.

I won't enjoy it.
But I will concede that you're probably right that Harris won't do much of anything good for crypto. The specifics of what she will do or not do or allow to happen though, I am unsure about.
I am not privy to those dark decisions.
I don't think either will necessarily be good for crypto, as Trump is entirely unpredictable.

crypto is an anti establishment technology it's arguably good for crypto if the establishment opposes it. We dont want them to coopt or embrace it... but blackrock already has so the rest will fall in line

Blackrock is arguably one of the worst. And it wouldn't be a tough argument.
I definitely don't want them running crypto. But I also don't like them making it hard for us to exist. I don't like them acting like it's the same as their speculative assets either. It's very clearly something different.

Luckily Blackrock doesn't know what they are doing yet and they will fumble through the first cycle.
If we are very lucky they fuck around and find out and get absolutely crushed by the bear market.

Oh! That would be good!
But they're already in, so if we're unlucky they become Skynet or OCP.