Posting on Hive is not as easy as people think - there were times when I put some effort into writing something and nobody cared, there were also times when I wrote some crap and it got likes.
I personally I am not interested in writing long stories with great insights and superb pics. That's probably why I am where I am, so... ;)
I don't mean this in a personal way, but I'm always intrigued when people use the "well I didn't earn anything for a long time when I started", like what are you comparing yourself and hive to? Do you go to youtube and complain your first few uploads aren't earning any ads while Mr Beast is making millions per day? The worst part is they use it to defend their actions later as in "it should be okay for me to shitpost and not care about engaging because I put a lot of effort earlier and didn't get as much as I would've wanted, as much as I'm "entitled" to".
It's just weird behavior all in all, they don't realize that their "no earning" phase early on lead to them earning later, it's an investment much like anywhere else and Hive is one of the best ones at making sure you get something out of it considering how curation works and everyone benefiting from the same ecosystem so they have a vested interest to make sure you stick around as long as you play by their rules, i.e. putting in effort similar to everyone else.
It isn't easy. But, there can be value in aspects of it. It doesn't have to be long, but content should look to at least entertain the audience.
The comment your responding to gave me inspiration to post something lengthy again, think your comment sections are some of the best around to be honest and really consistent. Just thought I'd mention that. :D
I like that there are people discussing things here and from most posts, various people seem to learn or reflect on something different, that they might not have considered earlier. I think there is value in that.