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RE: How To Push Hive To $10

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Now I'm not gonna lie here, the $ rewards are important to me. But ... it's not all indeed. If it was, I wouldn't have been here when Hive was at 11 cents, or when I started my journey, without earning anything at all. A well thought comment is for sure very much appreciated because it shows that my blog, my words, my photos were appreciated. And that does sure mean a lot when you try to write good quality content. If it was only for the rewards in $ ... I should throw out a photo every hour with just a few words, to tell you about the settings to make that photo. Or not even that. But I just can't!

I'd rather don't post if I can't write a quality post. And yes, sometimes the lack of engagement is disappointing on a 'social platform' like hive pretends to be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


If it was only for the rewards in $ ... I should throw out a photo every hour with just a few words, to tell you about the settings to make that photo. Or not even that.

This is what a lot of people have done in the past, and I suppose a bunch of people are still doing it to this day. Perhaps not posting photos, but pushing out "low quality content" just to rake in rewards. It's easy to do it when you have been sitting on auto-vote lists for years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's very easy to do, but not the thing that I want to do. It just doesn't feel right to me. Like I said, I'd rather not post than fall back on the 'low quality content' just to post anyway. I just have the feeling that a blog should also say something. And just a picture with a few words has never done it for me ... so that's reason enough not to do it yourself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you. There are- and most likely will be various dApps for sharing photos in the future as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True that, and we also have Lensy on here, but with that I wasn't able to sell so far. Ah photography is and will always be a matter of personal taste, same with blogging. Not every blog is interesting, never will it be. Everyone has to find his / her own way on the blockchain. But I know at least what I don't want to do myself ... And I know what I do want to do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everyone has to find his / her own way on the blockchain.

That's also one of the reasons for you should never compare yourself with others.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta