People are often talking about Hive being undervalued and that we have such a massive potential to see $100 Hive. I would obviously love to see those prices as well, and god knows that a lot of people ignored Bitcoin or that they never had the faith to see BTC reach $10K, $20K etc. Bitcoin is currently sitting at ~$60K so that should have proved a lot of people that cryptocurrency is the real deal.
I don't think that we will ever see Hive at ~$60K per token and I don't really like to "throw around numbers" like that in a guessing game, but I do think that we are undervalued and that Hive (and LEO for that matter) is a bargain for these prices we have today.
That being said, there are certain things we need to do, or things that has to happen before we will see truly green numbers and Hive sitting comfortable at higher prices. Instead of talking about Hive at $100 like many others have done in the past, I will talk about Hive at $10.
This won't be any technical- or blockchain-guru talk, this is simply what I personally believe it would take to push Hive towards new heights, and it actually doesn't involve more than engagement.
I am not talking about the engagement we see on LeoFinance or within a handful of epic-posts on the Hive blockchain. I am talking about real engagement that is worth its weight in gold, and that is far beyond a dozen of comments on a handful of articles.

The path to $100 Hive is one thing and the path to $10 is a different one, a much easier one. What I will talk about is the latter, with focus on something very important: Engagement.
We have a bunch of people out there doing what they can to promote Hive to the masses, I personally rank various articles on LeoFinance on google and others are doing something else. While we are doing many different things, all of us wants the same thing. We want success. We want Hive to succeed.
Honestly speaking, I could talk for hours about certain things I think people are doing wrong, or things that haven't worked at all, but people are still hitting their head in the same wall they've been hitting for years.
While some people never learns, others learn but they are so committed and truly believe in their approach so they never stop. I don't judge them and it's almost impossible to convince them of something else when they've been doing a certain thing for years, so I won't. I rather spend time trying to point out things that works and I explain why it works. That's my attempt of having some sort of impact.
You might have heard "Engagement is key" somewhere before you stumbled upon some of my previous articles. You might have heard that or something similar from other active Lions and/or Hivers...
- But have you actually realized what it means?
A closed library full of books is not usually something that is being "cool" or "fun", but when a library is open and crowded by people it gets interesting for most people. Even for people who never reads books. Okay, that was a lame-ass example with no point whatsoever.
The point was simply that people makes things fun and intriguing. Regardless of the topic or the time, there's always someone in a group of people telling a joke or have something interesting to share with the others. With 0 people there will be 0 jokes.
We have a bunch of talented content creators on Hive and many of them deserves a lot of recognition, rewards and support. There are also content creators out there who doesn't care about a single thing besides money, so they will- and would continue to produce content regardless of the engagement or downvotes. As long as they earned something, they would continue to produce content like machines. They are interested in nothing but money..
However, we also have content creators out there who creates content regardless of the price as long as someone shows their appreciation. We already know that the overall content creation reduces significantly when the price of the tokens decrease, but some authors have been here through thick and thin, and they continue to produce content regularly regardless of the price.
Many of them are being encouraged and motivated by their audience. Through the engagement. The engagement is like fuel for their inner content creation-engine. They need- and want fuel. That's how they survive and how they prove to be long lasting.. That fuel is what takes them those extra miles.
This might sound weird for some, but think of it..
When have you been the most active in terms of content creation?
I bet it was either when the price was really high and you tried to ride on the wave or during a period when you got a bunch of comments on your articles.
That is what drives most people, especially on a social platform. People expect engagement on a social platform. Look at Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram. You can look at YouTube while you're at it.
Most people quit and give up their dreams of becoming the next "YouTube Celebrity" or "Instagram Star" if people ignore them. 10 views doesn't mean much for a YouTuber. They are going for millions of views. They want life-changing results, because that is basically what they are trying to do. They are trying to change their lives by becoming a famous YouTuber and some of them truly understands the hard work that lies behind these celebrities, but they wouldn't have the courage to stick to it without their loyal fans.
They have different milestones. 1K subcribers. 5K. 10K etc. Identical to what most people on Hive or LeoFinance has in terms of stake, but how many people have we on Hive with 5000 Hive Power?
Most people gave up long before they reached a fraction of their goals. I have seen more than a handful of former co-workers and friends give up and leave this place due to the "lack of rewards".
While most of them were here only for the money, some of them saw rewards differently, just like I do. Rewards are not only $. I see reblogs & upvotes without value as rewards as well, but more importantly, I see meaningful comments as rewards. Engagement is rewarding on LeoFinance and hopefully it will be truly rewarding on Hive shortly as well. We want people to make comments because it stands for a thriving place that is active and healthy. It stands for a place where people are welcome. It stands for a place where everyone and anyone can socialize.
Posts without interaction don’t create engagement. Moreover, likes (upvotes) are a small proof of engagement but it is not constructive or helpful for an article to have only likes. However, comments are important for various reasons. They mean that your audience are taking time to add something of value, create debate or thank you for something that is worth their time. Those things encourage and motivates content creators to put in more effort and strive towards new goals. The content creator grows his audience and the overall outcome is a healthy, active and engaging platform.
It's not only the author that benefits though, those who comments are getting more exposure by making comments as well. This works like a "shortcut" for people to build a larger audience and reap more rewards with time as well. After all, money is the reason for most people to join Hive. They join because they have a superb opportunity to monetize their content and to earn money by sharing content like they've done for decades for free. That is why engagement is vital for our success.
I truly believe that engagement is one of the most crucial things we need to reach new heights, and I am totally sure of the fact that we could reach $10 Hive & LEO if people stepped up their game a notch and tried to contribute a bit in terms of comments. Five comments per day on 5 different articles would be enough to boost the overall engagement by an insane amount. 10 a day from each active user and we're off to a crazy start, and we would reach $2, $3 and $5 Hive within a couple of months, tops.
That's the whole point of my AMAsome of that engagement and push it elsewhere. That is the reason for my on-going Let's Talk & Win! posts as well. I just give away some free LEO to random people who makes comments. I did. I want to boost the overall engagement and I wanted to take advantage of the amazing level of engagement we see on the daily LEO Talk posts by @leomarkettalk. I want to take
AMA.Just look at the wonderful results @taskmaster4450le had with his
- More than 100 comments!
Sure, TM is a beast in terms of engagement and he has been paving the way for us a long time in that regard. He is also an awesome curator, content creator and he has a ton of tokens.
It's hard to compete with someone like that, I know, but the point is not to outdo him or try to break his records. The only point is that he had more than 100 comments on 1 post. That's AMAZING!
A fraction of that, say 10% would be enough for everyone to learn new things, be encouraged and rewarded enough to put in more effort... - And that is attractive for outsiders.
That is what new content creators expects, wants and needs to commit themselves. We're off to a very good start, but the more we do, the greater the results. It's that easy.
With engagement comes encouragement. With encouragement comes new results. With those results comes success stories and word of mouth marketing, because people wants to share their stories.
That's how I believe we will reach the masses that is required to put us on a new level..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Now I'm not gonna lie here, the $ rewards are important to me. But ... it's not all indeed. If it was, I wouldn't have been here when Hive was at 11 cents, or when I started my journey, without earning anything at all. A well thought comment is for sure very much appreciated because it shows that my blog, my words, my photos were appreciated. And that does sure mean a lot when you try to write good quality content. If it was only for the rewards in $ ... I should throw out a photo every hour with just a few words, to tell you about the settings to make that photo. Or not even that. But I just can't!
I'd rather don't post if I can't write a quality post. And yes, sometimes the lack of engagement is disappointing on a 'social platform' like hive pretends to be.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is what a lot of people have done in the past, and I suppose a bunch of people are still doing it to this day. Perhaps not posting photos, but pushing out "low quality content" just to rake in rewards. It's easy to do it when you have been sitting on auto-vote lists for years.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's very easy to do, but not the thing that I want to do. It just doesn't feel right to me. Like I said, I'd rather not post than fall back on the 'low quality content' just to post anyway. I just have the feeling that a blog should also say something. And just a picture with a few words has never done it for me ... so that's reason enough not to do it yourself.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree with you. There are- and most likely will be various dApps for sharing photos in the future as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True that, and we also have Lensy on here, but with that I wasn't able to sell so far. Ah photography is and will always be a matter of personal taste, same with blogging. Not every blog is interesting, never will it be. Everyone has to find his / her own way on the blockchain. But I know at least what I don't want to do myself ... And I know what I do want to do.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's also one of the reasons for you should never compare yourself with others.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think engagement is one aspect but I personally think onboarding more users and retaining them is more important. So in the end engagement is just a reason for people to stay but applications will be the reason for entering HIVE.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I totally agree with that, but communities like LeoFinance is also a reason for people to join us. They are more likely to join if the community is active.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea an active community works great to retain users within the blockchain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We can't climb the entire ladder in one step.. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
By not selling, and Powering up... >_>
But we should focus mainly on Hive's purpose, the vision and its mission.
Hit HIVE at 100$!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's actually a common answer from a bunch of people. It doesn't really work though, because it would just end up making the current users even wealthier. Personally, I think we need to spread the rewards and distribute tokens far and wide to have a chance of on boarding new users and we need to keep those users here with engagement.
That's how we will get more people on board, how we will distribute more tokens in total and how "the masses" will eventually find out about us, due to word-of-mouth marketing from the current people we have.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not sure how quora has a bunch of engagement though the users do not get any rewards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has million of active users without sharing a single cent of their income. People are not used to be paid for their content and they haven't realized how easily they can monetize their content on Hive yet.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great post. Much like @taskmaster4450 you make excellent points and present good info. Being new to the chain and the system one of the issues I'm finding in getting engaged is simply being able to find the content I want to engage with. I don't know squat about the technical back end of the chain but so far the search function seems to be almost pointless and even the communities (with some exception) don't seem to be as focused as I like.
Despite this I am greatly encouraged by the better quality content I am able to find, such as this post. Viv La Revolution!
Blessed Be.
The search function is useless.. Unfortunately.
I can understand and relate to the feelings about communities and the content within, but that's one of the cool parts about Hive. We'll see more and more communities with time, and that means more and more niche-oriented communities and a lot more content to consume and interact with. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If we could just get a small percentage of centralized social media (facebook, twitter, instagram) users I think $10 hive would be easy. at approx. 3.96 billion people using social media 5% of those users putting 100$ into an account would skyrocket our market cap. We need to simplify the UI, make on boarding seemless and has loads of engagement and diverse content.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's easy in theory but it seems to be extremely difficult practically as we still have a lack of engagement after several years. We're trying to improve though and we have a bunch of people trying to paving the way for others and we're truly trying to set a new standard nowadays.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Let's add to the engagement on this post, a step further for the 100 comments mark.
Yes, we need engagement, that is clear. We need also people that believe, have a higher stake target and aim to hold for the long run. Price is defined by supply and demand and the market has a lot of Hive available. Let's keep a lot of the Hive aspower, as it will help each one of us to see that double digit number.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The amount of comments on this is crazy. We've reached awesome numbers and I'm amazed to see people engaging like this. It's awesome and exactly what I want.
It's power in numbers. Hive power or engagement doesn't matter. It will help us greatly in the long haul.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You hit the nail on the head.
We have to make it like a party. When we see a rocking party, we want to go inside.
With hive, we need to get people seeing it as a place to be. Engagement is how we do it. The keyboard is our friend and putting up a lot of comments is not only productive, but also fun.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We have the place, we just need to get rocking so we can send the invites.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You have a party with interesting people - and the interesting people get attacked for being interesting...
Positive feedback loops only reward boring circle jerking, and sycophantic behavior - not dynamism and being different.
I bet that the majority of the people wouldn't attack the "interesting" people. I think it's a minority of people that would, but they might have enough power to do some serious damage, and that is very unfortunate.
It's unfortunate, but it's up to the users to set a new standard.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
'Majorities of people' is irrelevant.
When one user can obliterate the upvotes of thousand users, it's stake size that matters.
Throw in some alt accounts and you have a tight grip on the entire ecosystem.
Nothing has changed.
as you quoted my line in your other reply...."TPTB have NO incentive to change"
(stupid people and large stake size is a recipe for disaster in terms of the platform and it's longevity/success)
I hear what you say and I've actually been there too, but I'm trying to remain positive. I love the concept and the opportunity to much to give up on my hopes and dreams of this place becoming a life-changing thing for people.
That being said, I still agree with many of the things you say. That's why a good token distribution is vital for growth, and LeoFinance, in my opinion, has been able to put up good results in terms of distribution.
Hopefully, with time, many of the largest stakeholders will give up and dump their tokens. That's probably what's best for Hive in the long haul.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hopefully, with time, many of the largest stakeholders will give up and dump their tokens. That's probably what's best for Hive in the long haul.
Hopium is not a strategy.
....and sometimes, being negative can be the most positive thing that you can do...
In this positive feedback loop that is hive - negative feedback can be the most positive thing that you can do for the ecosystem - in my opinion.
Very true, but I'm literally my own worst enemy when- or if my motivation and positivity dries off. So to remain positive is without a doubt the best thing for me. No matter how many hits I take, I try to turn the other cheek.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I believe comments are the way. Imagine if YouTube or Bitchute stars used HIVE as an Exclusive club for comments. The economics of that alone should have some developer out there figuring out a way to port APIs or Java Script some popup solution to go out there and economicaly organize their comment stream.
Read how this all have started with Toruk
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you very much Toruk, I am truly grateful for your awesome support. It helps me a lot and it makes it much easier for me to focus on my growth-related things and to come up with more initiatives/projects and ideas to strengthen the community.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Only 100 comments? 196 without a prompt.
Yes, of course, having people around is important. Two posts ago I brought it up. 85 comments there.
I've been talking about this for years. Simply focusing more on the consumers role, since they are the most important. Attracting paying consumers; people who are actually interested in supporting content, and having fun, would be a wise move.
And I cringe every single time someone says, "Rewarding content is simply allocating inflation." So many people ruin the experience with lines like that. You can't sell that line to anyone. If rewarding content is driving a car, so I tell someone I'm driving, but they say, "No. You're not driving. You're allocating fuel to the engine." Well, yeah, but people aren't robots and that's not how we talk, so it doesn't sound very interesting. What's happening behind the scenes or under the hood doesn't describe to full experience.
But I don't see how engagement alone will raise the price without paying consumers entering the mix. I do know that a vibrant atmosphere full of interesting content and people scrambling around everywhere will give a potential paying consumer a reason to buy. No offense but they won't buy a post like this. Not saying it's a bad post. It's simply designed for the internal market.
I could talk about this stuff for days. The business side of things is one of my favorite topics. And it's difficult to build business upon new technology and concepts mostly foreign to your average online consumer.
This specific article would not bring in new people, but I definitely believe that engagement has the power to move us towards new heights, if done properly and if we boost the overall engagement a lot.
I think engagement is one of the absolute most important ingredients, and we've been missing that ingredient for several years. The current users has to pave the way for newcomers. We need to set a new standard in terms of engagement. If and when that happens, new people will also engage, and that is what will attract outsiders to join in and participate as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Genuine engagement is important. I think if my work would have been silent all these years, you wouldn't be talking to me right now. Produced a lot of art and entertainment, and that stuff only exists so people look and react.
I wasn't knocking down your post by the way. Every product serves a purpose and has a specific market. That's another thing some folks forget. All those posts with the generic information that can already be googled before they publish for instance. It's nearly impossible to engage with that stuff. The human element/personality needs to be applied, then people have someone to talk to. So many pieces to the puzzle and if one is missing or if someone misses the mark on the market they're targeting, they'll be met with silence, naturally.
That's actually a really good point and definitely something people should think of, and make sure to remember when they produce content.
Thanks for pointing that out the way you did, I appreciate it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Here. That's taking some trade secrets, talking about them, and applying them all at the same time. Makes such a big difference.
This pretty much sums it up.
Engagement is a vital aspect of any social community (or network, if you will) and quality comments are one of the best ways to create and demonstrate engagement. That's one of the reasons that we are trying every day to have as many meaningful conversations as we can on Leo Talk. The idea is to stimulate this behavior so it spreads beyond a single post or a single group of people and becomes a thing throughout the whole blockchain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes I believe we need to see more thought provoking content and engagement like this, that stimulates discussions and community building, focused around these topics, to help grow and expand what we do or say on @leofinance throughout the complete Hive ecosystem, then we will start to see higher conversions and mass adoption
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It can seem a bit "tricky" to come up with that type of content when people think of "crypto or finance"-related content though, but it doesn't stop a single soul from creating that type of content on Hive.
We definitely need more of that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The best way I find is to try to be create and make a kind of story from your content, a story that readers will enjoy and want to engage with, I sometimes write as if writing a short story, for instance I recently wrote an article about the brave browser and BAT, named "The Rise of the BATman", I find this opens the imagination and creates a topic of discussion and can be fun, but yes you do certainly have to get creative and it is not always easy, for sure
That is actually a really good idea, I like that. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's why I'm trying to take some of that engagement and spread it elsewhere with my on-going "contest" for instance. It's just something I do in an attempt to boost the overall engagement.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea, it's a great idea! I'm really hoping it is gonna be a success
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, we'll see. Hopefully the results will be "decent" at least. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
For my part I have been with Hive and Leofinance for a few days and I am fully committed to the platform. I always try to interact with others on their articles to provide value, I know how this works. I think if we all did our part and did that, it would achieve the goal you raise of a Hive at $3, $4 or $5 in a few months. I would like to see Hive and Leofinance at the top soon.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You and me both. Unfortunately, this isn't how things work around here. There haven't been much focus on engagement in general since the birth of the blockchain, and even though a lot of people actually seems to understand how important engagement is, most of them still aren't doing much to increase it.
I hope we'll be able to set the new standard that is needed- and wanted.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We need everyone to be committed, but it is difficult to achieve that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're exactly right and closed it out beautifully. As people are rewarded for putting effort into a platform, they want to continue to do it more often. Engagement is such a positive sum game, there really is no wrong way to do it other than complete spam
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly. We just need to make people realize that "rewards" are more than $ on Hive. We're going for long haul success, and each comment we get adds to the overall engagement which is a huge help.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Let's keep it up daily!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Imagine taking 10% of the comments we get on the daily leo talk posts and put that elsewhere instead.. That's basically what I'm striving for.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very much like the saying you miss 100% of the shots you fail to take, If you do not take part how can you expect to finish, I really think you are right and that more engagement will certainly help Hive reach the $10 mark, that's where the focus needs to be and once that has been achieved we could then discuss Hive reaching $100 but until then we should all continue to partake and engage as much as possible when free to do so, it will definitely pay of in the future
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would love to see Hive at $100 but I would prefer to see people doing what they can today to bring Hive towards $2, $5 and $10. We can't aim for the moon immediately, we need to focus on reaching milestones first.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly, what we build today will be the foundations of tomorrow, It would certainly be amazing to see Hive reach $100, but as long as we remain realistic and engage for now, that will hopefully be something we will see happen in the not to distant future
I totally agree. We can achieve great things as long as we take baby steps. The important thing is that we're moving forward. It's not the speed that counts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sure engagement is the key but it is just one aspect to it. I think when more and more people start getting something from the platform they will stay for longer which is not the case with most of the newbies.
Personally, I think this is due to several reasons, but the two major reasons would be:
#1 - Newbies expects to earn a lot of money. When they experience "the lack of rewards" they give up.
#2 - Content creators doesn't get feedback and comments on their content, so they don't get encouraged and they don't feel welcome.
That's pretty much why newbies are leaving the platform. They have too high expectations and think they will earn a shit ton of money for doing literally nothing. It doesn't work like that. It takes time, dedication, consistency and more time.
Engagement would not only help newbies to establish themselves more, it would also help them to learn how things works, it would give them a superb change to grow their audience and it would give them a chance of being upvoted as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You very well summed the whole scenario and thus we have communities where the newbies can try their niche.
We were all newbies once and with patience we all reached to that point where we know that it's not always the big vote you want but the encouragement is what you desire.
That's why I am a bit skeptical to the ridiculously high rewards new users earn for their introduction posts. It's awesome to reward them, but it also gives them a skewed reality as that isn't the natural way things are.
I would prefer if people made comments and instead of upvoting them towards 100 LEO/100 HIVE etc, I would rather like to see ~20 or something.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The point was simply that people makes things fun and intriguing. Regardless of the topic or the time, there's always someone in a group of people telling a joke or have something interesting to share with the others. With 0 people there will be 0 jokes.
This place is as boring as fuck, with humor being non existent.
(and if its at 'big stake users' expense - downvoted )
4000 cryto dopamine addicts who circle jerk each other off, to upvote reward orgasms does nothing for the platform.
Sycophants, sycophants,..... everywhere !
I disagree, but it's a personal preference and I can still totally understand what you mean. A lot of people are doing exactly what you are talking about, and they try to please whales to suck them dry. A superb way to earn money, and an easy way as well.
However, with communities, I think a lot of things will- and can change. I mean, just look at LeoFinance. It's not the "normal Hive" anymore. It's niche oriented. With more communities, there'll be more content to consume and obviously more humor as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Humor on leo finance....yeah ...0.47 cents ?? lololol
Ego's are too brittle and money is too important to allow for any laughing...
Nah, I think you're wrong but who knows. You might be right. I think it's more about people not watching videos or consuming content entirely, and it's about visibility.
You've been on-chain long enough to know that the majority of the content is overlooked.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Growth of the platform (in steem) and retention rates scream out the reality , but TPTB have no incentive to change anything.
The midwit sycophants then support the status quo, sucking on whale jizz.
Positive feedback loops don't work for longevity OR originality.
Well, I agree with that. It has been (or at least seemed) like that since literally forever. I am positive though and I think we're on a good path right now. We're seeing some changes here and there and we've seen people starting to talk about certain things.
That counts for something in my book, even though I wish that certain things would've happened years ago.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Governments have been putting on a show for centuries for 'the people', without ever changing anything.
you are the example that thinks you said are not really how you present them :)
You took your time to explain the importance of engagement and how it could affect the price of hive and leo, and it is beautiful. I have joined other platforms before creating an account on hive, I noticed from these platforms that engagement is what they preach the most and they always make it a must-do unlike on hive.
You've spoken the truth, if we step-up our engagement, the price for hive will also rise. It's a two-way thing
It sure is a two-way thing but most people have been neglecting the power with engagement a long time. Hopefully, this and all the other things we are doing will convince more people to engage a lot. It's literally one of the easiest thing we can do to change things around here, and the outcome will be great.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree with you
an interesting discussion, in my opinion the price can go up, but it's not easy, because in the crypto world, moreover, there are many other parties who have different desires, between individuals collectively, the coin / token community itself can and also. the coin / token developer more precisely itself. Crypto prices over the last few months or years, prices have risen sharply in my opinion, whether this price will be a foothold or will quickly collapse too, and remember also that crypto prices can be played in my opinion it can happen, behind it there are the parties who have strategy, has immense power which can increase or decrease rapidly. For example what is the topic of conversation between crypto trading and everyone knows, for example the elon mask, and also the pumper with one tweet, many people can step in to raise the price quickly. That's what I think is fine, but there will be parties who lose many times. Yes, I hope the HIVE, LEO / WLEO community will grow normally, not because someone is cheating or someone is playing with prices for their own gain. I'm pretty sure the community is good, and upgrades will make for even better prices. sorry this is just my opinion .
Thank you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There's a bunch of factors for pumps and dumps in crypto in general, but we're talking more specifically about the Hive price. I think we can push it to $10 with engagement alone, as long as people step up their game.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting article. Commitment is a very important word in our life, although we almost always leave it aside. And yes, it brings with it constancy and drive.What you say about giving up if the number of followers is low is a mistake, nothing grows overnight and often, when this happens that "success" is ephemeral if you do not know how to keep it and I think that commitment plays a very important role there, wanting to do things. Obviously there is a monetary motivation, but this must be accompanied by the conviction that what will happen is what you want to happen because it is what you dream of or it is your life plan.
Thank you for this post. It gives me ideas, it encourages me and I think that was your goal for the reader.
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Consistency is key for success, but I think engagement is what will push the price of Hive to $10. It might take a long time, but I think it's doable with nothing but engagement.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Give to $100 😎
Let's push Hive towards new heights and who knows, $100 might be something we see in the future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hive* lol
That is what I am doing day and night
hope everyone do that
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is awesome. Let's continue to boost the overall engagement as much as possible. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think engagement is one aspect but I personally think onboarding more users and retaining them is more important. So in the end engagement is just a reason for people to stay but applications will be the reason for entering HIVE.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Engagement is vital in terms of retaining users. Applications might absolutely be what's needed to on board more users with time, but we need engagement to keep the users we have here already. Time has proved that more than once.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just to supplement the other ideas out here: would there be any way to complement the comments / blogging platform with a blockchain prototyping platform?
E.g., something like repl.it, but with the difference that it lets people make small example programs that interact with the Hive Blockchain?
The reason I'm asking is because I recall that Hive was struggling a little to mobilize developers. Perhaps an approach like that could help it (particularly if those programs could be upvoted)?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Me encantaría participar en esta dinámica !!
tienes una visión muy clara y contenido contundente...
de realizar este planteamiento que acabas de hacer, en forma de una gran ola estarías fomentando una interacción total y un gran cambio en la blockchain !! ¿como puedo introducir y darle participación a una pequeña comunidad la cual dirijo en tus actividades y planteamientos ?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even though I appreciate your efforts, I would highly recommend writing in English.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Forgot the !BEER
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Hey @hitmeasap, here is a little bit of from @alexvan for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.You have said some most valid things there. Comments and engagement is the key. Of course, it takes more time too so there is always the trade off for us regarding how much time we want to put in to writing our post as well as then commenting.
And this post is doing well as you currently have over 90 comments I see.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah this post got a lot of comments, that's awesome to see. I'm very happy with the results. :)
It's important to engage and have a nice mix between making comments and articles. It's what will attract outsiders to this place over time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great post. Much like @taskmaster4450 you make excellent points and present good info. Being new to the chain and the system one of the issues I'm finding in getting engaged is simply being able to find the content I want to engage with. I don't know squat about the technical back end of the chain but so far the search function seems to be almost pointless and even the communities (with some exception) don't seem to be as focused as I like.
Despite this I am greatly encouraged by the better quality content I am able to find, such as this post. Viv La Revolution!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta