Nah, I think you're wrong but who knows. You might be right. I think it's more about people not watching videos or consuming content entirely, and it's about visibility.
You've been on-chain long enough to know that the majority of the content is overlooked.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Growth of the platform (in steem) and retention rates scream out the reality , but TPTB have no incentive to change anything.
The midwit sycophants then support the status quo, sucking on whale jizz.
Positive feedback loops don't work for longevity OR originality.
Well, I agree with that. It has been (or at least seemed) like that since literally forever. I am positive though and I think we're on a good path right now. We're seeing some changes here and there and we've seen people starting to talk about certain things.
That counts for something in my book, even though I wish that certain things would've happened years ago.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Governments have been putting on a show for centuries for 'the people', without ever changing anything.