Where Will We Be In A Year?
I have published a bunch of reports for the keywords that bringss the most organic traffic to LeoFinance, with the latest one published earlier today and I figured I would talk about some of the results we've seen so far, and what we could potentially look forward to in another year.
2021-06-30, was the date when I published the first report. LeoFinance had a total of 378 different keywords pulling in traffic to the website from Google at the time.
At today's date, 2021-12-07, you can see in the latest report that we have more than 2800 keywords driving traffic to LeoFinance from Google. That's a pretty sweet climb in terms of rankings. Roughly 2500 keywords have been ranked and are pushing traffic to the website in approximately 6 months.
While you could easily just imagine another 2500 keywords in 6 months and another set of 2500 keywords 6 months after that, I wouldn't count on it. Things aren't as easy as it may sound, but we have outstanding content creators that have been doing an insanely good job for months. That's the reason for this huge success we have. It all comes down to optimized content.
Learn How To Optimize Your Posts:
That being said though, there is a limited amount of words in existence and each word has a different KD (Keyword difficulty), so you can't expect to see amazing results each time. It would also be impossible to rank content for each word that exists. We want to focus on some of the keywords, so we can bring traffic towards LeoFinance, Hive and other communities for years to come.
Long-tail keywords makes things easier. They are easier to rank. Easy to rank also means less search volume, hence less traffic, but it's a superb start.

Take my How To Earn Crypto From Blogging In 2021 post for instance. I'm sitting rather comfortably at the top of Google for that specific search phrase. Even if you search for images, you'll find my article at the top. It's a long-tail keyword with low competition which makes it easier to rank. It's "low-hanging fruit" and it does not generate a lot of traffic, but it generates some traffic, which is more than we would've gotten without that content.

We want to rank as many keywords as possible, but we can forget about trying to rank an article about bitcoin for instance, if we are trying to rank the article for the keyword "bitcoin". A good long-tail keyword would do the trick in that case though, if you can figure out a good one.

Compare these two screenshots from Semrush.
We went from ~50 organic searches to a whooping 1000+ in roughly 6 months and the reason for the almost magical jump is optimized content, time and effort. It takes time to rank content. Authors have pushed themselves to optimize their content and they have done that for a purpose. Rankings.
- This is a huge victory, but we're not there yet…!
During this period of 6 months, since my first report, we've had 128,568 page views from Google, 22,646 page views from Twitter, 5,627 page views from Reddit and 3,082 page views from duckduckgo.com.
Social media is great to drive traffic but we've had 1,954 page views from Facebook and only 328 page views from YouTube in that same time frame so it's easy to see that most of the traffic comes from search engines and that organic traffic means more than anything.
Sure, I admit that people probably doesn't promote LeoFinance on Facebook & YouTube as much as on these other places.. But still. It's a significant difference!
Like I have said multiple times in the past:
Twitter is not the solution you’re looking for in terms of mass adoption. You need search engines, because you need the organic traffic. People want to find information for themselves instead of having things forced down their throats.
I think the statistics speaks for itself. Organic traffic is what leads to mass adoption. Twitter and other social media is just extra tools we can benefit from while we are moving forward. Use social media like Twitter to help your content to rank by sharing and liking things. Each like, retweet and share holds some weight and each of them are important.
With the same progress we've seen so far, I bet we will at least have tripled the amount of traffic to LeoFinance by the end of 2022. Imagine when we see Project Blank and all the other cool things that are in the pipeline..
- To The Moon!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'd love to see you write more on this topic.
More related posts interlinking, trying to rank for the broader terms like 'crypto from blogging' and the like.
Less posts talking about SEO and more SEO optimised content!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I totally understand what you mean and I am currently working on a few things. I also agree that more optimized content is better than just talking about it, but I'm basically just warming up and I figured I would let people in on some details about it. As motivation, inspiration or just to show that what we've been preaching for a long time actually works.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just realized that I sit on top of page 2 and position 4 on images for the keyword "crypto from blogging".
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
only 1k organic search per month? figured it would be much higher than that, great stats thanks for sharing
Yeah, only 1K per month at this time, but 6 months ago, it was just ~50 per month.. So the progress is awesome.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If just one or more famous YouTuber would mention LeoFinance, and describe it in a natural way, then probably much more people would discover it. There are games, music, movies, softwares that I discovered this way (some of them not even from famous YouTubers). And probably I would have not even discovered it/them without hearing it/them. People usually talk about the good things, so it would be good if they would talk about LeoFinance. It could sptread from mouth to mouth. That could lead to mass adoption.
This is obviously true, but it would also mean that the actual traffic from YouTube decrease over time, as the people finding LeoFinance would start going there directly.
That being said, it's a valid point, but I'm talking about the actual traffic that comes from YouTube. To increase that traffic basically means that people would have to talk about LeoFinance and make comments with LeoFinance links in it on videos & have LeoFinance links in the description of videos that others can click on.
Much like we draw traffic from Twitter. People are tweeting LeoFinance content on Twitter, so others can easily come here. We need to do the same on other social medias as well, in case we want to increase the traffic from those specific sources.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Both SEO and social have their place.
They don't have to be mutually exclusive :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is really awesome and I will like to see it progress than more than what it is now
We are growing for each day in one way or another. Share LeoFinance-content on social media and optimize content for things to speed up even further. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think it is time for a How To Earn Crypto From Blogging In 2022, just to be ahead of time. When New Year comes, users will already be able to digest existing content. ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@hitmeasap, you should consider editing your 2021 post to now say 2022 - Hopefully alongside some helpful edits that update the reader.
It's always easier to rank older, updated content than it is to start fresh.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will. Just haven't put myself into it yet. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
2020-11-09 was the date when I published that article, so you have a good point and it was that same thing I had in mind when I first published it. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I so wait for the information like this. And for personally Hive, I believe sky is the limit! :)
Thanks for the Post. I will like to learn how to post because it have been long, I'm looking for how to do that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a question and I don't know if you have any idea about the answer.
I usually repost my content on other platforms like read.cash or Publish0x. And I tried sometimes to search my work on google and the only times I've been able to find it, it was the Publish0x posts :

And that is not the first time. I will also say that I barely have rewards on this. Especially for movies content I never have more than $0.03 and in the best case 1 comment.
Do you have any idea why ?
I may have some clues but I'm not sure of that.
First, I still have some people opening it even if they don't praticipate, probably just to get their big share on the tip :

And on hive, you can watch a single post on many websites, Hive.io, .blog, peakd, leofinance, cinetv.io for this post. So all the views are divided.
It looks like I answered myself to my question but, I'm also realizing that Hive and LeoFinance are really hard for SEO and that's a problem. But I also start to understand that Publish0x is pretty good for that but for bad reasons.
I don't really know if you know this website but I think most of the people who open my posts are just here to tip my content and take the 80% of the tip for themselves, but that still makes views and it's great for the SEO score and make it go higher in the search engines. Advertising for LeoFinance on Publish0x is great to touch people who are not on it. With a name like "How To Earn Crypto From Blogging In 2021" this would probably work a lot and probably better than on LEofinance.
Sorry for the long post ;') !PIZZA
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Like forexbrokr said:
I managed to rank my LeoFinance article before publish0x when you search for images despite publish0x being prioritized by google.
forexbrokr also said:
He is 100% right. It will not benefit LeoFinance at all if you publish direct duplicates on other sites like publish0x, even if you publish the article on LeoFinance before other places.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm keeping that in mind for the future !
If I reuse my posts I will do my best to change it and teasing something said on LeoFinance with a link to it ! !PIZZA
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sounds great! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Basically, Google sees the leofinance.io domain as trash.
So even if you publish something here before you copy/paste it onto publish0x, Google will likely prioritise their version over ours.
If you're going to post content on Publish0x and the like, at least repurpose the content so it isn't a direct duplicate and link back to leofinance.io.
Please, do not straight up copy/paste duplicate content everywhere else online.
Copy/pasting duplicate content on other sites is detrimental to leofinance.io and as a result, our LEO investment.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ok, I'll think of it ! I'm going to repurpose and link back.
I do it only sometimes for now but I'll try and also give a little sentence saying that the post have initially been posted on LeoFinance.
That would be great to find a way to make Leofinance better listed on search online but I'm sure there are more competent people already trying to do that ! !PIZZA
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A lot of people are doing that because they can generate more despite using the same article. It doesn't do us well in the long haul though.
A better idea would be to re-write (or repurpose) the content somewhat and link back to the original article.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Gonna do that now !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The only way to do it is to continue to produce quality, unique content on leofinance.io and allow the domain to age.
You're a good writer, so just keep doing what you're doing here :)
But maybe consider changing the way you duplicate your content to other domains.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks a lot !
I'll consider a way to do it without just copying !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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I think it is a mistake to concentrate too much on the words in posts. It is the linking structure that brings in google traffic.
LeoFinance is not well structured to bring in traffic.
Since you are interested in "organic traffic" do you analyze incoming from any site other than Google?
I imagine that most traffic to Leo comes from other Hive Tribes. Since Hive sites all use rel="nofollow noopener" in the links, the actual amount of traffic from Hive sites is obscured.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The reports I get from Semrush is only stats for Google traffic. Other than that, I use simpleanalytics to track page views.
You are totally right though, most of the traffic to LeoFinance comes from direct traffic (meaning that people are typing in the leofinance url in the browser directly) or from other Hive communities.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Googlebot studies the flow of traffic between sites. The Page Rank algorithm was designed to mimic the traffic flow through the linking structure on the Internet.
With this in mind, I think the best approach to optimizing Google is to focus on ways to get real live traffic flowing through connected sites.
So, I think it is better to concentrate on link development and developing a positive flow between web sites than it is to concentrate on keywords and SEO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great content and tips to publish more SEO optimized content.
We have onboarded quite some new users for the past 6 months. Apart from a few who “made it” if feel it is hard for new users to bond with old time LEO members. It is a daily work haha 😂. As our attention span is unfortunately limited.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
With content optimization, I understand everything. Thank you for the article! Can you tell me how to fix HTTPS links with HTTP image error
You are very welcome. I'm glad to see that you found one of my older articles. How did you find it?
Where do you encounter the image errors?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Look, lately I've been seeing more and more people who are facing this problem. You can solve this problem using the method described in this article https://sitechecker.pro/site-audit-issues/https-page-links-http-image/ . Read everything carefully and put it into practice. I think it will help you fix HTTPS links to HTTP image error.